

The air smells fresh

{ Fresh? In my apartment?? }

Feeling drained and sore the pain of my ruptured fist also hitted like a truck that sends people to other world

" Ack!! "

Opening my eyes I slowly got up and was baffled with widened eyes

" Uuuh...."

The room that I am sleeping in was big and luxurious, the interiors were all over the top and there was even an AC and TV all in the same room hell I even saw a PC on my left and the bed I am on , it was really large ,4 people could fit on it with ease and I was dressed in someone's striped pajamas

" Aaah Let's recall last night hmmm "

" Oh yeah I was helping that girl and passed out on a building...did she rescue me? "

Step step step step

Hearing the sounds of the approaching footsteps I fell back on my bed and blanket pretending to be knocked out for safety and to find out who was tending to me

As the door opens , the smell of a familiar perfume envelopes the room

{ It's the girl }

She came in the room and sat next to my bed and looked at my fake unconscious state ,she then moved in and shook my body

" Hey have you woken up yet ? "


" Yes I have "

" AAA!!! "

Surprised by my sudden reply the girl who was dressed in her casual clothes with long blue pants and a white shirt with her hair tied up fell back but before she fell on the ground the boy in an instant got up and caught her just before her head touched the ground

Both of the two looked at eachother eye to eye under that instance

Girl :" ah{ Close close too close } "

Boy :" Sorry about that "{ She's embarrassed...well this is a bit embarrassing}

Girl :" N..no problem "

They were both slightly blushing trying to hide their own embarrassment

Boy :" Hmmh (pulled her back up) "

Girl :" (stepped back a bit , swiped her hair back) How are you feeling? "

The boy looked at himself for a moment and felt his body feeling sorr and bit tired but nevertheless was strong enough to take care of himself so he replied with a small smile

Boy :" I'm fine now ,just feeling a bit sore miss.. "

Girl :" Ah! We haven't even introduced ourselves haven't we ! Ehem .. my name is Isabelle Sapphire, 17 years old"

The boy's eyes widened for a moment in shocked hearing the familiar family name, Sapphire, it was a famous family filled with powerful people, conglomerates, officers, idols , actors, CEOs of tech companies and even famous doctors

But right now he putted those thoughts aside and cough to clear his tighted chest

" Ehumm ... James, James Voller 16 year old "


After that the girl , Isabelle filled me in with what happened afterwards, apparently she borrowed the phone of the owner of the building we stayed at and called her family to pick her up ,and as I was knocked out she insisted to bring me along at her family's infirmary under her family doctor's care instead of sending me to a civilian hospital

I've been knocked out for over 7 hours and right now it's 11:23 am almost noon

Isabelle :" That's about it "{ I wonder how he'll respond, most people after hearing my family name would simply try to get out of her asap or either try to curry my fa-}


Isabelle :" Huh? "

The boy, James contrary to Isabelle's expectations simply facepalmed himself and sighs in displeasure filling the atmosphere with a gloomy aura

Isabelle :" Is something wrong "

James :" Oh nothing it's just that ... I am so fired "

Isabelle :" Eh? "

With that I had to explain my current status of living to her, and that led to why I lived that way and so on I had to answer more questions that I intended to about how I was..

A mistake of two youths

Raised by a drunk,abusive mom who died when he was 15(last year)

Living in a rundown apartment on rent in the lower section areas

Father's location and identity : ???

Barely found a job thanks to his friend as security guard at the Jade mall in mid town which pays 10,000 units monthly which was barely enough to feed him

" My boss is strict at attendence so I'm definitely gonna get fired "{ I can already see that Karen screaming at my face haaah }

Isabelle:" (her eyes went Hollow hearing my story) I...I "

{ It seems it was a bit much for her }

" Don't mind it Miss "

James got up and stretched a bit and then looked at Isabelle with a small smile that pulled the girl out of her gloomy state

" I'll leave now I suppose "

Isabelle :" Ah! Wait my parents said they wanted to thank you for helping me "

James :" Don't worry about it ,ah my clothes.."

Isabelle :" They're dry cleaned and over there (points to the bench across the room)"

James walked towards the clothes and picked them ,he was followed to the corner by Isabelle

" Wait please James! , can't I atleast thank you in a way personally "

James abruptly looked at the girl and asked bewildered

" Personally? How ?? "

" Yeas persona-( had a realisation ){ Me and my wordings!!!} Anyhow I want to repay you in a way, you likely lost your job because of me "

".....{ Well that is true but it's not like I can't find another job }(confident in himself)"

Isabelle looked at James with a determined gaze and made up her mind and then asked

" H..how would you like a job ? "

" A job? "

" Mmm "

Isabelle nodded looking very serious which only made her look a bit goofy , nevertheless it was a job offer and coming from the daughter of the prestigious Sapphire family it can't be bad

" Okay? What kind of job? "

" Assistant butler,pay is 40,000 units monthly and you get holidays on Sunday , promotion is also possi- "

" I'll take it "

" -ible, eeh? "

" I'll take it, (I bowed my head) if I qualify then I'll take the job "

" R..really?!!(her face brightened up) "

" Yes "

{ The pay is good and the job is decent, why should I refuse when I'm unemployed right now }

" Please hire me Mrs Sapphire "

My words unbeknownst to me made the young miss quite happy, I too am happy thinking of the pay as at this moment I didn't know what I was getting myself into at the moment


This was in many ways a bad choice on my part

End of chapter