
Blue Cherry Blossoms

Mo Ying Conscious 1 : I truly wish the ground beneath me would open up and swallow me whole. Mo Ying Conscious 2 : Come On, Sheng Mo Ying, just pick up the phone. What's the worst thing that can happen? Mo Ying Conscious 1 : Everything! Mo Ying Conscious 2 : He literally answered your message as soon as he saw it. That has to mean something. He's Lan Jun Yi, you know his true background now, the third young master of the Lan Family. The new ceo of the Lan Inc. He's a busy man, and he's making time for you. Mo Ying Conscious 1 : he made time to take us to Hawaii for Christmas break, and the next day he told me he has a girlfriend named Chu Xiao Wan. I'm sure he's just on his phone playing games. His company has a video game Department. Mo Ying Conscious 3 : stop talking to yourself and pick up the damn phone! Mo Ying Conscious 1 & 2 : don't tell us what to do! Rated 13+ I’m also post this on Wattpad under bubble_milk-tea.

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Chapter five : Moving part 1

Chapter five : Moving Part 1

       It's five days after mid autumn festival, Sheng Qi Feng is driving Sheng Mo Ying to the airport. "Remember to sleep early, eat properly, and stay safe. Your Health and happiness is always more important than anything else."

    Ever since Sheng Mo Ying was born, Sheng Qi Feng has been her main parental figure. Sometimes Sheng Mo Ying feel like Sheng Qi Feng is her dad, but there's no reason, because Sheng Qi Feng's oldest child is eight years older than Sheng Mo Ying, her nephew.

     "It's not my first time leaving home." Sheng Mo Ying says. "I'll come back and visit often."

    "You better."

"Do you think that he is serious or is he just playing with me?" Sheng Mo Ying ask.

"Even though we both are CEOs of large corporations, Lan Jun Yi is a lot younger than me. All I know about him is that he's a cold and reserved person. His parents have been trying to set him up with girls since he was eighteen, but he turned them down every time. From what I can tell, he could be serious." Sheng Qi Feng says.

"Are you not mad at me for moving near a boy I met overseas?" Sheng Mo Ying asked.

"Your third sister in law did the same thing for me. Besides, you're moving for work, right?" Sheng Qi Feng says. There was a moment of silence before Sheng Qi Feng continues, "if you run into any problem, and don't want to tell your brothers or sisters, you can tell your third sister in law."

"My third sister in law would tell you."

"Only if it is harmful to you."


Sheng Mo Ying is now on the airplane, waiting for it to take off. She takes out her phone and sends Lan Jun Yi a text, "I'm on the flight!" She waited for a moment, and he didn't answer, she pouts, maybe he's busy, she thought as she turned off her phone.

Maybe I'm too clingy.

The flight stewards begun their set performances as the plane begins to move. Her mind wanders to the first time she met Lan Jun Yi.

Sheng Mo Ying was sitting in the Humanities building room 325 of University of City of Angels California. She was sitting next to her roommate, Emily Chu, an Chinese American girl.

"I really want to go to China after I graduate from university," Emily Chu tells Sheng Mo Ying, "my mom and dad are from an island called Shuyang off the mainland of Nanfu city. They came to the states in the early 90's and opened a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. I've been to China when I was a child, but now that all of my relatives moved to America, we don't have a reason to visit. Sadly, my chinese is only at a preschool level, it'll be very hard traveling alone."

"If we are still friends after we graduate, you can come visit me. I'll be your tour guide in China." Sheng Mo Ying says. "Your Chinese isn't bad, you don't have the typical accent that overseas Chinese have. But if you want, I can help you with Chinese."

"In my three o clock direction, your nine I clock. There's a hot Asian guy staring at you," Emily says in a whispering tone. "He looks like an international student as well."

"How do you know if he's staring at me? He could be staring at you, or at the other people around us," Sheng Mo Ying says. "And how can you tell if he's international?"

"Just like how you can tell if someone is Chinese American. The way you talk, dress and act." Emily says. "And I'm sure he's staring at you, because he would have notice my staring by now."

Sheng Mo Ying turns to look at her 9 o clock direction, and her eyes met with his. She recognized him from somewhere, but couldn't pinpoint it. Sheng Mo Ying assumes that it's another second generation rich boy that she has crossed paths with or celebrity that she has seen on TV.

The guy is indeed very handsome. The boy winks at her. Sheng Mo Ying blushes as she looks back at the table. "See I told you he was staring at you. And I told you he is handsome." Emily says. "I bet he's rich too. Hot, tall, and rich. Why can't a hot tall rich guy look my way?" Emily is an attractive girl, she's 5'7, 120lb, has a nice figure, and a good personality. She's a lot more open minded than the people Sheng Mo Ying knows back at home.

Sheng Mo Ying is 5'2, 95lbs, and in China, her figure is already considered curvy, but after meeting Emily, she realized that she's quite average.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find someone." Sheng Mo Ying says. "If boys don't come to you, you should go to them. They say, when a boys chase after girls theres a Great Wall of China between them, but when a girl chase after a boy, there's only a silk fabric."

Emily chuckles, "Next time I have a crush, I'll try that."

Suddenly, someone appears behind Sheng Mo Ying and sits down. "Miss, can I sit here?" His English sounds like a mix between American English and British English with a dash of Chinese accent.

Sheng Mo Ying looks over, and it was the same guy that was staring at her. She looks up and down at him. "You're already seated." She could feel her cheeks heat up.

What is wrong with you? She asked herself. You used to be able to turn your admires down left and right. You can't fall for the first guy you see in America.

"Than I'll take that as a yes."

Shameless. Inconceivable.

"What's your name?" He asks with a smile. His eyes stays glued on Sheng Mo Ying the whole time. Sheng Mo Ying is hesitant on telling him, she doesn't know who he is or what he wants.

During the silence, Emily was frustrated at the silence. "Her name is Sheng Mo Ying, and my name is Emily Chu," Emily replies.

"I didn't ask you." He says rudely, before turning back to Sheng Mo Ying, "so...?"

"Sheng Mo Ying."

"Oh, so you're Chinese." He switching from English to Chinese, "I'm from Hai City, here for a master degree in business. My undergrad was computer science. You?"

"I'm from Nanfu. Art major, freshman."

"Nanfu...been there a few times. The climate is quite different."


3pm, Sheng Mo Ying arrives in Hai City airport. There were a sea of people all charging towards the same direction.

She takes out her phone and send a video message to the family group chat in Group Chat, "I arrived in Hai City."

"Let us know when you get to your apartment." Mom, An Yun says.

"How was the flight?" Dad, Sheng Guo Che.

"Don't forget your luggage." Third brother, Sheng Qi Feng.

    "The flight was great. I'm heading to the baggage claim right now. I'll let you know when I get to the apartment." Sheng Mo Ying says.


     As Sheng Mo Ying waited by the baggage claims for her stuff, she stares at her WeChat, waiting for Lan Jun Yi to reply. The last time he replied was yesterday around 7pm. She's kind of worried about his safety.

     Suddenly, Lan Jun Yi sends a voice message. "I just arrived in the airport. Are you at the baggage area?" He asks.

     "Yes. Wait, are you inside the airport too?" Sheng Mo Ying says.

     "I went on a three days business trip to Australia. Did I not tell you?" Lan Jun Yi asks, then he sends another message, "I just arrived after 8 hours. Oh, I see you."

    Sheng Mo Ying looks around her surrounding, and she immediately spots Lan Jun Yi walking towards her with one of those black work suitcases that her dad and brothers have.

    Lan Jun Yi immediately grabs her and pulls her into his arms. "How was your flight?" She asks, "I was worried about you."

    "Sorry. I thought I'd arrive before you, but the flight was delayed." His tone was very flirtatious.

    "I thought I would have to find my own way to the apartment." Sheng Mo Ying says. "I was about to text Ling Yi Shan for the address."

    The two breaks apart. He took a step back, and looks Sheng Mo Ying up and down, "speak human language please."


     After thirty minutes, Sheng Mo Ying gets onto the passenger seat of Lan Jun Yi's Black Tesla.

     Lan Jun Yi gets on the driver's side after putting the suitcase in the back. "Do you want to go eat first or go home and unpack first?" He asks.

    "I ate on the flight, so I'm not hungry." Sheng Mo Ying says. "Are you hungry?"

   "I also ate on the flight, so we will eat later. Is three hours enough time to unpack?" Lan Jun Yi asks.

    "It depends." Sheng Mo Ying says.

     "Then we will meet by the elevator at 7pm. We can get food, and go on a date afterwards." Lan Jun Yi says.

    "I'm fine with that, but are you not tired from the flight?" Sheng Mo Ying ask.

   "I slept for 6 of the eight hours, plus I have a beautiful lady to stare at. I am very energized." Lan Jun Yi says.