
Blue blood noble

Charles accidentally crossed into the extraordinary mysterious world and became the youngest son of the West family, one of the six blue blood aristocrats. Under the unfavorable start that everyone wanted him to die, Charles had to raise the flag of resistance, and began to trade with the ancient god, step by step to the peak of the world. "When blue blood shines on the battlefield, you are the real aristocrats!" "Those aristocratic darkness covered up by dirty means will be uncovered by the aristocrats themselves!" "Only with truth and practice can we prove that red blood is as noble as blue blood!" "Lord Charles, is it not enough to put such a few words in your biography?" After thinking for a moment, Charles silently added a sentence at the end. "For the glory of blue blood aristocracy!"

liang_zhang · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Violet College

The palace carriage pulled by six four winged white horses ran over the street little by little. On the top of the carriage stood a golden eagle flying high with wings. The gilded pattern was symmetrically printed on the carriage. The curtain of magnificent pearls hanging from the top blocked the interior of the carriage. The whole carriage looked mysterious and noble.

Charles stretched out a hand to open the curtain of the car and poked his head around, but was pressed back by a jade hand after a while.

Charles glared at Luojia with some dissatisfaction and muttered:

"Luojia, I'll just take a look. This is the first time in my life that I left the imperial capital."

Luo Jia loosened her hand, rubbed Charles' head and replied:

"Master Charles, don't you think our trip is too high-profile? It's dangerous to put your head out."

Charles chuckled and pulled up the curtain.

"Don't worry, luojia."

"I will never die on the way."

Charles' crooked head rested on the shoulder of Luojia. The Duke rarely allowed Charles to make a high profile once, and naturally did not let Charles' safety go wrong.

The coachman sitting in front of the carriage was the golden eagle knight of the seventh series. This could not protect his safety. Even if there were another hundred Luojia, it would be useless.

As his only servant, Luojia will follow him to violet college to take care of Charles' food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The legitimate son of the blue blood noble family like Charles doesn't need to live in the dormitory like other freshmen. The West family and violet college have a long-term cooperative relationship. Every West family member will have his own small building when he comes to violet college.

So they can take their servants.

However, their servants cannot leave their residence. Once found, the servants will be killed by the law enforcers of the college on the spot. This is to prevent the servants from using their own power to interfere with the normal student life of other students.

At first, Charles was afraid that luojia would not come with him, but who knew that the little maid smiled happily and carried out the luggage that had already been packed.

"Luojia, you have been to the college. What is life like in the college?"

Charles asked with some curiosity.

Luo Jia's eyes were reminiscent, and then she exclaimed:

"HMM.. Generally speaking, it's not bad."

"At that time, I had three teammates..."


"Master Charles, the violet academy is arrive!"

Just as Charles was lying on Luojia's lap listening to the music, the coachman suddenly opened the door of the carriage and said respectfully to Charles.

"So fast?"

Charles sat up reluctantly and followed him out of the car.

Just saw all kinds of gorgeous carriages arranged randomly. Most of the young men and women in bright clothes were smiling and chatting together in twos and threes.

In front of them, there are two strong trees, which are far apart from each other. The branches of the two trees cross together, spelling out the big characters of violet college.

The two sides of the big tree are surrounded by metal fences. You can't see the end at a glance.

Behind the big trees, the bustling Castle buildings are densely covered. Is there fire and explosion coming from afar.

Even Charles was surprised. The violet college was really big.

"Look, it's the Golden Eagle carriage. It's the West family!"

"Oh, don't make a fuss. Half an hour ago, the nine lions of the princess in the North pulled the cart. It was shocking!"

"And miss Wilton, who arrived early yesterday, I have seen more blue blood nobles these days than I have ever seen in my life!"

"It's really a violet college!"

Charles was not surprised by the comments of the nobles. He looked calm and elegant. He took out his white gloves from his pocket and stepped out of the carriage with the help of Luojia.

Luojia has a smile on her face. Her manner is dignified and generous. Even if she wears a maid's dress, her temperament is better than that of some noble ladies.

"My God, what a beautiful maid! Is this the blue blood noble?"

"Mom, I want it too!"

"You? Next life!"

Charles nodded softly to the coachman, who put on his hat and drove away.

Not only this group of people are watching Charles, but Charles is also watching them.

He glanced at them, and found that few of these young masters and young ladies had reached the first sequence after enlightenment.

At this level, it's no wonder that people like Livier can get the second place at the end of the term.

However, he was somewhat puzzled. In the eyes of Charles, the other sister, Feina, was much stronger than Livil in both talent and endurance, so she won the third place among the mob of the same year?

It seems that the elite of this school are not here, or it is really mediocre here.

Charles calmly and elegantly responded to every etiquette. This is the etiquette he learned from childhood. Different noble families have different etiquette requirements. He memorized them and interpreted them perfectly.

Of course, the special etiquette of those noble families that he remembered would not be inferior to the rank of marquis.

The Duke and his mother did not know anything else.

Therefore, some of the etiquette of Charles has become a strange act in the eyes of some small nobles with short-sightedness, and they can not help being more jealous and envious of Charles.

Eh? Charles looked at the young girls kneeling down on one knee near the door with some doubts.

It was not until he came near that he suddenly realized that the young girls were wearing the same Golden Eagle badge as Charles on their chests.

They were separated from west.

"Master Charles!"

In the West family, when the family members saw the Duke's children, they had to kneel down on one knee to greet them, and they did so in a proper way.

However, Charles looked beyond the kneeling crowd and saw a group of people with Golden Eagle badges in the crowd. Their expressions were different, but they did not kneel.

Some people look disdainful, some look nervous, and some look provocative.

Charles made a simple count. There were more people standing than kneeling.

Charles sneered to himself. It seems that his brothers and sisters have their own small influence in the school.

However, this group of separated disciples stand in line so early, are they not afraid of standing wrong?

He silently recorded the scene in his heart. A smile appeared on Charles's white face. His sapphire eyes were shining in the sun. A few black thin bangs mischievously jumped out. He put his left hand on the Golden Eagle badge on his right chest and nodded to them.

Then, as if luojia had a feeling with Charles, she walked through the crowd and helped them up one by one.

"Let's go!"

Charles took Luojia's hand and stepped into the violet Academy.

Shortly after Charles entered the school, a carriage with a crown slowly stopped in front of the gate of violet college.

When all the people stared at the crown with some astonishment, the carriage drove directly into the college in front of the people!