
Off with his Head!

"Off with his head it goes! I can't stand him looking at me like that.

Guard, behead him right now!"

The sword of the Heart Guard glimmers in the like as he swung it at the base of the neck of the bound man.

Crimson blood splattered the floor and the head wasn't cleanly cut of.

The sword descended once more at the almost cut off head and with a splat it falls onto the ground.

"Maids, clean this mess up and bring me the head. I want to see his eyes again and if he dares to still look at me like that."

The head maid takes the head by the base of it's hair and some of it's innards seem to spread outwards.

Placing it on a plate, she represents it to her Queen.

"Maid, I cannot see the eyes.

Take them out and show me."

The maid gauges out the eyes, as the blood flowing from the head streams down the plate onto her white and red uniform.

"Hmpf. That man still dares to have such a gleam even after his death.

Bring out his subordinates and behead them too. I will go look at them later."

Standing up from the mighty throne she descends the stairs still splattered by blood of the ones she just beheaded.

Her dress drags along the marble floor and blood trails after her, as if she paints the floor with her red color.