

join Harry as he adventures through canon so that he can live in peace and debauchery

freakofntur · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs


A/N-sorry if you guys thought last chapter was cringe, I(therefore probably Harry as well) wanted to do the greatest showman. but both Madam Jill and Bell were jazz singers. this was the one I most recognised among other ones I researched. everybody important got a line or 2. I'm happy with the amount slughorn got to do (maybe we'll give him director or producer or maybe spotboy credit). he is literally living among supermodels, and while he is married to one, he seems pretty insecure. but he was known to want spotlight and attention so I still atleast brought him in as "hype" man. maybe I'll give him some background credit in canon.


Dumbledore said "ah. Music, a Magic beyond all we teach here!". he looks to the pitch so as to address the students "allow me to welcome the 'EQUINOX FELLOWSHIP OF EXCELLENCE' and it's head master, our very own alumnus Sirius Black and representing them in the tri-wizard tournament 4th champion Harry Potter."

Sirius replies" Great to be back headmaster. When we saw the fair we knew we had to bring the entertainment. Madam Jill and Miss bell and have volunteered to lead our fellows with the music for the fair. while our champion and representative Sophia will mingle amongst the students"

Sirius,as if attached to owls around him, fly up to astronomy tower to mingle with teachers while Harry and Sophia (now in human form) make their way to the crowd of fair. with arms locked and a welcoming smile they make their way to closest game set by what looked to be a third year red head. "Hello there, what do have we here" Harry said, pointing at the table of brownies she had set up. Ginny replied"hi there, you are Harry Potter! I've read all your books, even the ones that were later deemed fiction. but I like the new ones even better, is this Sophia, the one from the books, OH MY GOD, I'm such a fan..""um... Ginny" she is interrupted by Ron standing beside her, he looks to Harry and speak"hi there, Ron here, our challange is that if you can finish one whole loaf of Brownie before me, you win, 1

50 knuts to play 100 back if you win."

Harry looks at the the foot long loaf of brown sweetness, similar in size to his own cultivation enhanced dick with an intimidated look. "your on, here, by the way, Ginny Yes? I think you're super cute as well"says 17 year old Sophia, offering required money for the game. she picks up a loaf and stands ready with a smirk that I match. if she can deep throat me like she does, then I'm pretty sure she will win.

we had already attracted a lot of people to the stall and people were shocked that a classy looking lady will challange Ron , the hog of hogwarts to a eating contest. a few people had already tried for fun to compete with him, some just to see him finish the foot long in 3 bites mashing it into his face. they felt pity for Sophia, not for her assured(in their mind) loss but for the fact that she would witness his disgusting eating style.

Ginny comes out of her fan-girl mode and nods at both contestants to see if they are ready, at their agreement, she flips a hour glass with three compartments on each side, once she flips the full side up, each compartment start losing sand such that one compartment gets empty reach second. once the same at last compartment is empty, Ron starts mashing the loaf to his face while Sophia gulps down the whole loaf in one go without any resistance or need to chew. her throat bulges as the Brownie slides down her throat, but she swallows it down with practiced ease, while Ron was only on his second bite.

finishing it with a third bite he looks at Sophia with wonderment. he is shook awake by Ginny, realising he was staring, he blushes with embarrassment while Ginny smirks at him , she looks to Sophia and says" congratulations on winning here's your reward, I've never seen someone eat a loaf that fast".

Sophia replies with a smile"thanks, the fact that it was super tasty made the task much harder, I really wanted to savor it". Ginny blushes and says"thank you, it is our mum's recipe, we are selling the Brownie's as well if you are really interested, the game is more a promotion, and it is a fair so it only felt right."."really, how much for 20 of those loafs"Sophia replies. Ginny suprised by the amount, meekly says"um.. one loaf is 35 knuts, so that would be 700 knuts or 1 galleon and 7 sickles."

Sophia gives her the money and puts 20 loafs in her bag(space extended of course) "thank you, I hope we can see each other again, we are in Hogwarts for rest of the academic year, so don't shy away from saying hi if you see us around, what other tables would you suggest we visit next in the fair".

Ginny looks sad that we are leaving, but happy that we want to be friends"um.. I'm pretty biased ,but my friend Luna has a stall, where she paints what you would look like as a magical creature. A older student is helping her, so her paintings have motion and sound. a lot of the local students aren't that excited about it due to her"weirdness"(in air quotes), but foreign students have really taken a liking to it. it's not really logic based but more like a divination reading "." really now!, I guess we have to check out what magical creature we are, see you later Ginny, Ron, it was nice to meet ya" Harry said excited. as Sophia is being dragged, she deadpans and says to Ginny" sorry about him, he's just very fascinated by divination "as she leaves with Harry

on the way to stall that Ginny pointed Harry asks Sophia "what do you need all those loafs for", she smiles and replies, "well, I was going to petrify then to make dildos out of them, I think the girls would really enjoy a great tasting one" ,as she takes out a loaf and licks it seductively .Harry responds with a seductive smirk of his own "well let me know if you guys need any icing on it".

a lot of people greet them as they are walking and they greet them back, not really minding the interruption. when they reach the stall, they see a beautyful French student getting her potrait taken and Luna , putting on the finishing touches on the art work. another, older girl on the stall greets us "hello, I'm Hermione, how can I help you Mr Potter, miss Sophia."Harry is taken aback by the combination of familiarity and formality that she spoke with.

"another reader of our adventure perhaps Hermione", He tells to a blushing Hermione"please just call me Harry","and me Sophia" says Sophia.

"so Hermione, what can you tell us about your establishment, how it came to be" Harry says, pointing to the stall.

Hermione responds with a smile "oh Luna here asked my help in a divination project. I must admit my wariness with the subject, but the project was harmless and Luna really carries the divination part, which again, I must admit scepticism in the field, but first time she drew me as a cat,I knew I had to make her alive, at least in the portrait itself. so I learned about how to make portraits magical, but the spell really needed the artist to cast it, or the photographer, to bring out all details, motions, and sound. I could really only make my cat do all that because I felt so close to it, but when I tried to animate another friend's portrait, I couldn't. so I taught the spell to Luna, so now , she can animate the paintings she makes. she's only a second year, so already casting the spell is not only impressive but also very taxing to her. she really wanted too do this for others as well and I agree, the portrait is a marvelous companion, every one we did them for agreed, a few even requested that we pull the canvas out of frame and laminate with preservative potion, so it doesn't deteriorate when they carry it with them, folded up like a hanker chief."

"and a person can have more than one made"Harry asks curiously."as many as you want, there is no magical connection, just an impression that is animated" she answers. "Hermione, I need help" Luna calls. Hermione smiles sheepishly and makes her way to Luna. as Luna is putting the few finishing strokes, Hermione wave her wand in same motion as the strokes and they both start muttering the chant for animation spell. although it is crude compared to his own, their method of collaborative casting impresses Harry. when they are finished, the portrait makes a pleasant screeching sound. Luna turns the portrait and it is a beautiful white bird, that looks like a derivative of pheonix. as the customer sees the portrait, she cry's happy tears.

Harry notices that she is very beautiful, and now that she is less wound up, she is emitting an aura that she keeps a tight hold of otherwise."Merci" she speaks softly to Luna as she takes the picture from her and is seemed to be having a metal conversion with the bird in portrait, admiring her, pampering her.

Hermione is a little shocked at her reaction and asks" Miss Delacour are you alright", the customer replies"thank you, this means the world to me, it's no secret, even among here that I have veela heritage" she says in low voice such that only Luna and Hermione can here."but true veela can turn into a beautiful bird, they are infamous for tapping into a hybrid of such form and their human form when angry, but as only a quarter veela, that hybrid form is all that I can ever access. this is what I always imagined I would look like if I could turn like them.", although Harry knew eavesdropping is bad, he still couldn't help but use his advance senses to snoopin." I was never good at drawing so could never pull my dreams into reality, but thanks to you, i have a way to show others what I see in myself and what i feel like, thank you" she says and leaves after overpaying them. Harry approaches Luna and says "dayum madam Luna!, you really must have 'the sight' "


A/N- now that we have characters that already exist and are not made to by me, I feel more comfortable writing some dialogue,

please comment and review.

we are finally on explore list, so please pump some stones 💎💎💎

reviews, comments and stones

I have 2 other books one both si

-one piece

-warhammer fantasy (total war)

freakofnturcreators' thoughts