
Extra Info

This whole entire chapter is about info on how vampires and werewolves work in my world! Sorry if this is boring <3.

Let's start with vampires, the less popular one (?). Firstly, not all vampires need blood (sanguine vampire). Many vampires can survive from feasting on emotion (empathetic vampire), and sexual content (most commonly referred to as succubus if they're woman and incubus if they're male). Quick BTW, vampires can get pregnant in this universe.

Most vampires gain more from a specific method of food gathering than others. Graham Is a sanguine vampire, but prompts to use other methods like empathetic vampires to gain less food, but not hurt anyone.

Sanguine vampires are the most dangerous, constantly feasting on blood. They only need to drink blood once every month but they almost always drink more in order to gain power. This way of blood gathering often kills the victim or leaves them severely injured.

Incubus and Succubus are the second dangerous. Feasting on such content can leave the human (or wolf) exhausted, weightless, sore, strained, and many other symptoms.

Empathetic vampires are the least dangerous. The feeding in the emotion of others does no harm to the victim. These emotions can be of any kind, the more expressive ones being the strongest. Love is the easiest emotion to gather.

How a vampire finds their mate is easy. They often have a connection (feeling of pure lust) towards their mate. They also can suck their blood without killing them and it's sweeter and stronger compared to others.

Now we delve into werewolves. Werewolves are far simpler yet more complex in terms of types. There are three types, Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

Alphas are typically more physically strong and grow muscle easier, however, they are not always stronger than other classes (think of it like this: men are biologically stronger than women, but that does not mean a woman cannot be stronger than a man). There pheromones, depending on the person, can excite, bring fear, and command others who sense it. Mainly females get pregnant. There are tiny chances that a male gets pregnant though.

Betas are the middle of the crop. They are average physically (higher than humans still) and have little pheromones. They are often working class and support the pack the most. However, I will go more in-depth about betas a little later. Only females can get pregnant.

Omegas are actually cared about in this book by werewolves. To a degree. They are not biologically physically stronger than the other two classes. However, they are well respected and cared for. Their fertility brings protection as the birth of werewolves is important. Both male and female can get pregnant.

Now, lemme talk more about gammas so we don't overlook their normally uninteresting role in books. Most betas, if not directly helping the pack leaders, become gammas or deltas. Gammas are fighters for the community. They keep everyone safe. Deltas are specialists. They study things beneficial to the pack. Some betas stay betas and gain money for the pack by working in outside companies or businesses.

Pheromones can be smelt by werewolves and vampires. Vampires are way less susceptible to the effects of pheromones unless it is their maté's pheromone.

Now, humans, werewolves, and vampires co-exist. As long as one side does not begin fighting, it's peaceful. Werewolves and vampires are not suppose to use their power on humans, and can only use it for pack oriented or defending themselves against another werewolf or vampire. Vampires however, often neglect this role.

Specifically sanguine vampires neglect this role. Fair enough, they need blood to survive. So, what normally happens is the sanguine vampires get married and mate quickly (regardless of fated mate they cannot kill them by sucking their blood as long as it is managed correctly).

The other peaceful solution is by working blood oriented jobs that allow them to work with the dead. These vampires often explain that they're vampires so they can get their required blood.

The least peaceful solution is by just killing people. This, unfortunately, is the most common form of blood gathering.

Many powerful families get humans or werewolves from underground auctions, markets, you name it. Some families even run this so that they can gain money and blood.

Now, I will not explain Graham's life as it will be explained through the story, but Luke will be.

Luke comes from a well known family of purebred wolves. His family was killed by vampires when he was 16, forcing him to lead. Partially to blame as why he hates vampires.

His father however pushed the pack into a terrible spot, enemies with the other two giant packs, as well as many vampires.

When two forces of nature meet, and their mates, shits about to go down. I hope you enjoy. This book is a hobby so I'm not sure when I will be editing/adding chapters.

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