

Dark clouds covered the entire sky and pressed down towards the ground. Pronounced thunder resonated in the air as lightning flashed.

It felt like the lightning was ready to dash through the clouds and break the sky into pieces, winds of guillotine force accompanied it and those on the mortal soil below could only quiver at the might of the skies, or as some would say the heavens.

Treacherous thunder and destructive lightning were usually an omen of death and with it the wrath of the heavens shall lay waste to the lands of the selfish and wicked. No one would brave this kind of storm unless they were crazy or simply unafraid of heavens wrath.

A small black cub, or wolf lay huddled close to its mother beneath the violent and turbulent weather, it's mother told stories of the gods and their will but it never really listened to these myths. The cub had never seen these gods so could not suddenly believe in an existence stronger than his mother. The wolf itself was a Thunder Wolf a powerful creature that humans on the outside of the forest would fear. The wolf's mother could be considered the Thunder Wolf Queen and had protected the depths of the forest for decades, it's strength far surpassed all other beasts and monsters in this forest.

The wolf had three siblings alongside it cuddling close to their mother, they all had black fur with a shining purple shade. The wolf had a close relationship with its family, always caring for them when they needed it and loving them unconditionally. Then wolf would always go out hunting with its father and two brothers, although the Thunder Wolf father wasn't as powerful as the Queen he felt it necessary for him to feed the family. The thunder wolf father had recently gone out for food alone not wanting to endanger the children in the weather. Although the thunder and lightning could actually be beneficial to the wolves, the rain and wind were not so much.

'Brother will you take me back to the Lotus pond tomorrow it was so beautiful there' A sudden telepathic voice spoke to the wolf waking him up from his daze.

'Of course sister, the beauty of the pond shows how nature is the purest thing in this world' The wolf responded to his sister, he had found this beautiful location a week ago and showed it to his precious sister making it a great place for them to play and marvel at the grace of the plants.

'Not the most beautiful thing?' His sister questioned him, the pond was definitely untouched and pure but it held an astounding amount of elegance as well.

'I'm afraid the most beautiful thing in the world already exists, and I happen to be talking to it right now.' The wolf laughed in his mind, his treasured relationship with his siblings, especially his sister always brought him joy no matter if they were fighting or playing they always reconciled and felt closer because of it.

The storm had begun to die down and although the gloomy clouds remained, the violence that the world was displaying before had slowly subsided. However the Queen did not relax at this fact instead she felt more worried, the saying 'The calm before the storm' came to here mind however if the calm was already the storm then what would come afterwards.

'Children stand behind me, don't move and do not make a single sound' The Queen Thunder Wolf stood up shielding the bewildered children as rustling from the nearby trees was heard. The children loyally followed her order and watched as a small group of humans emerged from the gathering of trees and shrubs.

A pale blonde women entered their view, with crystalline blue eyes and a well rounded figure in the eyes of humans she was beautiful, her cold face only added to her charm but when the Queen saw her she felt intense blood thirst and she wasn't even sure why.

Soon seven other people walked out into the clearing all in white and gold heavy plated armour, they all had powerful auras that the wolf children shuddered at. The Queen was preparing for battle as she never trusted humans but what entered her visage made her heart shatter, like that cold women had personally impaled her.

It wasn't that the women attacked no she had only just noticed this family of wolves, what the Queen saw was a Black Wolf's hide draped across the women's horse. The white hairs looking like crosses on the eyes of the hide and the wolf's bones used as armour for the horse was all to familiar the Queen.

The group suddenly came to a halt at the sign of the Cold faced Women stopping and dismounting her horse. The small wolf cub suddenly felt his mother radiate extreme pressure that he had never seen before peering past her she saw the group but what stood out the most was the wolf hide and bones on the horse, of course it was his father, or what was left of him.

"How cute, a family of Thunder Wolves gifted to me by the gods. Ha ha ha ha and here I was satisfied with one but a whole family of wolves, thank you Lord for your blessing.

'Humans you have committed a grave sin for what you have done, I shall never rest on peace if I do not avenge my love on this day.' Suddenly a murderous blood red aura exploded from the Queen, the Armour clad warriors fell to their knees but shortly after a cold frozen aura surrounded them and then met the bloody aura head on.

"Skin the pups, and leave this big one for us to torment later, remember to get their beast cores." The blonde women suddenly pulled a dark blade from her waist, the blade had a rounded pommel and handle with a Dragon hilt. In the centre of the hilt was a ball sized purple sphere. The blade itself was long but was split half way up making it have two skewers.

The Armoured warriors suddenly charged forward, three of them going directly at the Queen. She easily scorched one with electrical sparks from her back, she then bit the second ones throat ripping it out and spraying blood across the ground. Before the third could even scream a claw cleaved his body in two making his organs fall out and splatter across the ground. The Queen then roared with anger and resentment, her love was butchered for his parts, even his beast core was used in that disgusting woman's sword.

The Blonde lady had a sadistic smirk on her face, laughing and covering her face in her soldiers blood. She loved watching people die, the blood gave her so much pleasure that she would kill anything that possess her off. She then engaged the Queen sending ferocious sword strikes against the cleaving claws of the Queen.

Whilst this happened the children were shaking in fear, except one wolf who was simply frozen, he was the only one amongst his siblings to realize the wolf on the horse and the core in that women's sword. Blood was flailing everywhere and he could only stand in shock. The remaining soldiers had just engaged each sibling, who put up a nearer fight, the wolf looked over and saw his mother being cut every now and then sometimes exposing bone, his brothers were being kicked around as if the soldiers were simply playing. Especially one who was lightly stabbing his sister with a rapier, not enough to damage her but enough to cause some acute pain.

The wolf suddenly was overcome with rage, his body was boiling to the point that he actually felt torture from within. He then pushed forward with as much strength as he could muster and bit at the soldier jabbing his sister. Piercing the soldiers arm the wolf lulled with tremendous force almost ripping the arm off. The soldier fell back in pain allowing the wolf to get to his sister but before he could feel any joy a whistling sound came from behind before he could react a pound thud was heard. The wolf slowly turned his head knowing what had happened, he didn't feel pain none at all so that gruesome sound of metal meeting flesh was not from him.

Laying before the wolf was his sister, she had always boasted quick reactions and she truly showed them off today. An arrow was perfectly 'caught'. The wolf looked down at his sister his eyes blank and soul shattered, an arrow had shot straight through her neck and made her slump to the ground.

The wolf however was not ready to give up, fuelled off anger and sadness he urged himself to move, looking around for his brothers hoping they would help him carry their sister away to safety.

Blades of crimson on reflected in the young wolf's eyes, his brothers were held in iron grips and were already missing fur and flesh on half their faces, slowly but surely they were being flayed alive by two soldiers. Screams of pain and suffering, howls of death to be precise were echoing in the wolf's ears.

His mother was badly wounded and was now sending shock waves that held off the soldiers from getting near the young wolf, she wanted to tear the flesh off these creatures, these humans that were torturing her children but could barely protect one whilst fighting this ruthless cold blooded women in front if her.

The wolf didn't have thoughts anymore, the trauma alone had probably broken his mind several times over so with all his will power he brought his sister away from the carnage. He felt cowardly for abandoning his family, powerless to stop their deaths no third tortures. He wasn't even capable of ending their misery and could only hope that they lived peacefully in the next life and that he could save his sister.

The wolf dragged his sister further and further, the sounds of fighting quietened but the howls of anguish and pain still echoed through the forest until they didn't. With the abrupt stop of the sounds of death the wolf knew his family lived no more. Dragging his sister he found himself next to a small pond, lotus' were nearby and with the evening moonlight it looked gracious, elegant and even beautiful.

'Look sis I brought you to the pond' cried the wolf to his limp sister beside him.

'I won't lie it is really beautiful but I still believe no one can match you. Ha ha you don't have to be humble you know it's true.' The wolf now had blood streaming from its eyelids, the once beautiful black fur had begun to slowly discolour, it was not a complete transformation but it's hair had become icy blue almost white with black on the ends.

'Hey Sis you can wake up now, I promised I would show you the lake so just open your eyes and look.' The wolf pushed his head against his sisters lightly shoving her to wake up. He then pushed one of her paws in the air and cuddled close to her.

'You just need warmth sis, don't worry mother and our brothers will finish playing soon, they will come and sleep with us here.'

'You know I wasn't lying when I said you were beautiful, I would never do that so stop giving me the cold shoulder. Maybe your sulking because I said the pond was beautiful but you haven't even seen it yet.' The wolf nudged his sister with no reaction only the light rustling of her fur from the wind.

'Hey sis what's this purple thing on your chest, ah it must be a gift for me right? I promise I will treasure it forever. How about I go hunt for some food for us huh?'

'Did you say you would like that? Well then I will definitely oblige, oh what's this it's seems I can't move with you. Sis I did say not to eat so much.' The wolf expected a punch as his sister hated being called fat or big but nothing came on deathly stillness.

'Sis you were supposed to hit me, remember you don't like being called fat out brothers always used to tease you. Sis why are you looking at me like that?' The wolf lifted her paw to punch him making her head lean towards him. Her eyes were empty and all traces of life left long ago.

'Sis I've noticed for awhile now but I don't feel spiritual connection with you anymore, nor with our brothers or mother, that's funny because the only way for that to happen is if you.... died.' The young wolf's pupils that were once a pristine sliver started diluting red. Then the now clotted blood in his eyes began flowing again, his tail no longer wagging from the 'pleasant chat' he was having with his sister.

The purple sphere suddenly changed into a diamond like object and pierced into the wolf's forehead, sticking out just slightly it gave a majestic feeling to the young wolf. This was his sisters core and it had strangely merged with him.

'I swear to all the gods if they really exist that I will slaughter all humans that I see, their blood will be my food, their bodies will give me power and their souls shall be decimated and upon that mountain of corpses I create I will make a bridge to the heavens and have you return my family back to me.' The wolf vowed that he would kill a million to satisfy the death of one, until his death he will not let a single human rest in peace. The reaper of death of their own creation, the Thunder Wolf that will destroy the heavens and humanity alike.

And so hundreds of years past, the wolf grew larger and stronger running of the simple thought of 'Kill, Feast, Cultivate'. The feast would be from his kill and the cultivation would be from his kills soul. The thunder wolf became stronger and stronger the more he killed, the more he drank the blood of the strong. Revenge was never a possibility as the Women vanished from the nearby lands, he never found his family's corpses and had only buried his sister near the Lotus pond.

After hundred of years the Thunder Wolf evolved and became what experts called the Immortal Slaughtering Wolf, he achieved humanoid transformation and could easily slip into cities before butchering them from the inside out. Once he achieved humanoid form he started to become more intelligent, something more than just a killing hound.

Yet with time his actions had not gone unnoticed, the name of the Immortal Slaughtering Wolf reached the ears of the powerful Imperial Dynasty and on one fateful day in the depths of the Great Forest of Samkhya the Wolf had met his match.

"I stand where my mother stood hundreds of years ago and faced the cruelty of humanity. Your greed, wrath and evil is why I have become this Immortal Slaughterer that you despise so much." A young looking man with chiselled facial features and heterochromia eyes one silver the other red stood before three old men and an elderly women. His hair was long and wild like and explosion of hair follicles. The long wild hair that reached his thighs was a quarter white with the rest being black, he only wore pure white harem pants with a black rope to hold them up. This exposed his muscular and toned body that he had trained for hundreds of years, however his body was now lined in cuts with several bloody ravines across his back and chest.

"Before you end this measly life of hatred and despair know that my beast core has integrated with my soul, you will only gain a few pats on the back for my extermination." The immortal spoke with cold words that brought an aura of blood unintentionally and with his words the face of each geezer became unsightly, they had just fought the Immortal Slaughterer for several hours resulting in the death of three of the Imperial Dynasty's protectors.

"Just like mother I took three with me, sister I will join you soon please wait a little longer." The immortal realised that his Thunder Wolf foundation wasn't enough for him to accomplish his goal of ascending to the gods and slaughtering them in heaven so he wasn't to bothered in joining his family a different way.

With a sadistic smile on his face the Immortal retracted his claws and aura, seeing this each protector lunged at him with swords pointing at his heart. He didn't put up a fight but that didn't mean he wasn't going to die alone, and with the piercing of his heart he had but a few seconds to act. His claws that killed thousands suddenly burst from his hands, his aura shrouding them making them even more deadly. His inborn speed only attributed to the attack and with a swipe of his hands his slit the throats of two more protectors alas that was his limit and he shut his eyes with a smile of blood.

[Bloodthirsty Beast System initializing]

[User has successfully linked with System]

[Rebirth occurring in 3...2...1]

'What the fuck is a system?' A dwindling thought was soon after evaporated in the void of space.

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