

The small apartment belonged to their leader's family. The leader of their group was called RM. Taehyung believed he was way more charismatic than Bang Si Hyuk and that was mainly why he was following his orders.

Their group was made up of seven people including him. There were four type As: RM, J-Hope Jimin and Jungkook. Taehyung only knew their code names, but he had a feeling two of them were operating under their real names. The other two were Type Os called Jin and Suga. Neither were their real names and they didn't attend every gathering due to their high risk of getting caught outside of curfew. However they were here tonight.

"V's here," Jin announced unnecessarily.

"We can see that," Suga commented sourly. "Get the meeting started."

RM cleared his throat. When he wasn't plotting something, he was a sweet faced eighteen year old with major dimples. Right now he was plotting a rebellion and looked stern.

"Thank you all for coming here tonight," he began. "Can you all explain the results of last month's mission in turn?"

"The support for any resistance action from Type O district is moderately high, but there's a lot of concern over the consequences for a failure. If an attack gets traced back to anyone, it's lethal," Jin explained.

"I can agree with that," RM said and wrote down brief notes in his notebook in vague shorthand. "Suga?"

"The best ideas people have for a successful resistance is to assassinate Bang Si Hyuk or to storm the government headquarters in AB district," Suga said briefly with the air of someone holding something back.

"What were the worst ideas?" RM asked.

"Politely protest on the border line to B district," Suga scoffed and lapsed into silence.

"J-Hope?" RM asked.

J-Hope was a skinny teenager who was always happy and optimistic despite his class. Taehyung appreciated his tougher side when they went on missions. Sometimes he kept order better than RM.

"Type As are somewhat receptive to the idea of a rebellion. There are some naysayers that say the risk isn't worth it. I couldn't ask too direct questions so I don't have many findings," J-Hope said.

"That's understandable," RM commented and moved onto the next person. "Jungkook?"

Jungkook was the youngest member of the group and looked it. He had eyes like a rabbit and looked too innocent to be planning a rebellion. He was also Taehyung's best friend.

"I've been talking to the older people around here about what they remember about Bang Si Hyuk and before he was in power. There were lots of superstitions about blood types and compatibility when they were younger so when the blood type system came in it didn't seem like too much of a stretch," Jungkook paused. "As for Bang Si Hyuk, he was just a pretty boy politician from a rich family that no one thought would go far until that speech he did when he was in the running for leader."

The speech was a compulsive video to watch and Taehyung had to watch it every year in media studies for analysis. It was undeniably powerful and persuasive and it was no wonder why everyone had voted for him in the election.

"Interesting," RM said and noted down everything Jungkook had said.

Taehyung wasn't sure quite what RM was so interested in. He had observed his leader working on something top secret.

"Jimin next."

Jimin was one of the prettiest boys Taehyung had ever seen. He was always happy to support all of them with his smiles.

"There are some electronically gifted Type As that are willing to work with us for anything we need. There's a couple that want payment and most are willing to do it for the cause."

Jimin reeled off some names and RM copied them down.

Then it was his turn.

"Taehyung, list your findings."

He sat up straight and organised his thoughts so he would speak as efficiently as possible. No one of them had written anything down in fear of it being found by the wrong person.

"The failed assassination attempt on Bang Si Hyuk last month resulted in him going to SKY Castle University Hospital and he stayed there for a week. The culprit has not been caught, but the news reported that he had been found and sentenced."

There were a few attempts to kill Bang Si Hyuk every year and none of them had succeeded. The attempts were usually from the Type Bs that worked as servants to the rich and were therefore around in the Type AB area. Taehyung had found out his information through school as some pupils had parents that worked at the hospital and the government offices. The great thing about the other pupils bragging so much was that they had no grasp on confidentiality and would tell him anything as if to prove their parents really did have high paid jobs in positions of trust.

"That's useful to hear," RM said and jotted something down. "I suppose you all want to know the next plan."

"Please," Suga said. "I've been wondering about it for a while."

"Well, firstly I would like you all to return to your homes tomorrow morning as the weekly census will take place then."

Every week the government would check everyone's location was in the correct district using their ID cards and a roll call at the border to each district except AB. Type ABs were trusted to stay where they were supposed to.

The other five stayed at RM's apartment in the week. Taehyung had no idea where the others lived and it was probably deliberate. He could tell he wasn't quite trusted yet.

"I don't plan to assassinate Bang Si Hyuk," RM continued. "I don't agree with that action."

The main resistance party sole aim was to kill Bang Si Hyuk so it was interesting to know where RM stood on the issue.

"If we kill him, he becomes a hero and people will want to follow his ideas even more. The segregationists will have a martyr for their cause."

That was a good point. RM was definitely the brains of the group.

"I think the truth will be the biggest weapon against him."

Taehyung was less clear on what this meant. The only person who looked like he understood was Suga.

"You've been wondering why the whole blood type system exists in the first place?" Suga asked. "I do sometimes as well."

There was a bitter note to his voice and Taehyung knew how hard it had to be to live as a Type O.

"I think we need to question why all of this has come into play. There has to be a reason for the separation and why Type AB is the most superior."

Taehyung didn't miss the looks sent his way. He didn't feel like the superior one.

"There's less of us compared to you," was the answer he volunteered.

"That's true," RM conceded. "I think there's a specific motive in the way the country is set up and that's the key to bringing the system down."

"How do you plan to do this?" Jin enquired. "If it was easy to find I'm sure it would have been found before."

RM looked unbothered by the skepticism.

"We have a Type AB in our side who will have access to more resources than us."

They all turned to stare at him again and he began to sweat. What did RM want him to do?

"I want records of deaths for Type ABs since Bang Si Hyuk came into power."

Taehyung felt like he was missing something and he had a lot of questions as to why that information was needed. He settled for asking a more practical question.

"How do I get hold of these records?"

Just because he was the superior blood type, it didn't mean he couldn't get into trouble. The punishment wouldn't be as severe as it would be for a Type O, but he still didn't want to get caught.

"Does your stepfather work at a hospital?" RM asked. "Doesn't your stepmother volunteer at the city library? You can use that."

RM was correct on both counts. Taehyung had given him a lot of personal information so he would be allowed to join the group. His stepfather was indeed a doctor at the main hospital in the AB district and his stepmother was in the volunteer register for the city library and probably turned up about 5% of the time.

"Even so, I can't just ask them for records," he pointed out.

RM took out something from his pocket and slid it across the table. Taehyung picked it up to find it was a tiny storage drive.

"This was provided by the computer nerd working for the main resistance," he paused "V, this is your test. I've had a lot of trouble convincing a lot of people that you aren't a spy and if you do this for us, you will be treated with less suspicion."

Taehyung clasped storage drive tightly and made up his mind. He would do anything to change the world no matter how high the risk was.

"I'll do it."

Chapitre suivant