
Blood Maiden

Christopher Ice was a boy whose life was completely destroyed by his government - from his home to his reason of living. But his bad luck didn't stop there as he was kidnapped and experimented on by the same government to be transformed into a human weapon. However 2 years after his capture his thirst for vengeance overcomes him and he breaks out of his experimental facility. After he begins his killing spree he meets a girl who seemed to suffer the Same fate as he. His story of death, vengeance, betrayal and love begins as a bounty hunter out for the severed heads of those who wronged him. *NOTE : The above story is completely fictional (which I honestly don't have to point out). The names are all placed in an order where the last name comes first and the first name comes last like in Japan even though the names may not be Japanese. Also I've dropped tiny references to other mangas, animes and movies as well as some songs. See if you can figure 'em out. Word count is about 1000 per chapter and it will stay that way till 22.3.2020 after which it should increase. This goes for chapters per week as well. I've got great plans for this story so stock around with me ; ) Also also picture does not belong to me.. Whoever drew the picture does so the credit to the picture goes to him/her..*

Yuki_Ektrix · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

The Hunter Covered in Blood

The alleyway was a dark and empty one. The only people who entered it were two men and a heavily wounded boy, being pulled by his arm. Both the men were drenched with blood - blots and splotches here and there on their formal looking clothes. the clothing resembled tuxedos but were elongated like the clothes of wizards and missing the ties. The boy on the other hand was dressed in clothes rugged from overuse and torn apart from his recent tussle with the men who were currently pulling his scrawny looking arm.

After walking through the alley for a minute or so the men tossed him aside as they had arrived at a wooden door. The boy himself was too tired and beaten to be able to do anything. The toss had caused a short amount of pain for which he grunted a little. One of the men knocked on the door and muttered the words - " Aristo pertones ". The door opened slowly, creaking as it moved along. " Hail Aristo" were the meaning of the words that caused the door to open.

The boy managed to catch a glimpse of whatever was on the other side of the door only to instantly wish he hadn't . "We brought another one. He's promising." One of the men said. He threw the boy into room and locked the door from the outside.

A man sat on the only chair in the room and around him lay a mountain of corpses and a few living children on the verge of death.

"Welcome boy!" He said as he approached him. He wiped his hands with a cloth that soaked up the blood on his hands. "What may your name be?" He questioned inching closer to the boy.

The boy was too weak to move. no one would.be able to make out his face from the bruises and the cuts. He no longer possessed the same face he once had.

"No name is it? Well no matter, I hereby dub thee Christopher Ice."


_7 years later_

The sounds of music and cheers filled the streets of the city of Phaedra. The sky was clear but the battlefield was filled with fallen weapons and an enormous number of bodies. But in the sea of corpses there lay one flag, one belonging to the kingdom of Coelum. Phaedra was the capital city of this succesful kingdom which had now transformed into an empire.

Phaedra was a circular city with a population of around 15 million people. This unreal population called for a carnival at the city whose other name was the city of kings, named after the percentage of nobles who lived in the city.

Men and Women of all ages danced and rejoiced at the thought of this victory. streets were never empty and neither were the heart of it's people.

The reason for the grand celebration occurring all over the kingdom was none other than the annexing of the neighbouring country of Infirmi. Although not huge it held valuable assets that would provide great benefits for the citizens of Coelom.

However during this extraordinary event, in the backdrop of this festival, a massacre was at hand.

In the house of Warmenier, a noble family notorious for it's wealth and power, one boy tread an ugly path. the boy wore a white shirt with a collar that reached his face. He wore a pant that loosened towards the end and was completely black in color. streaks of purple and navy covered parts of the shirt that covered his arms had streaks of black complement the white, but it mattered not. his clothing had been overcome by the color of red from the blood of the individuals he had killed. The smell of death didn't bother him one bit. He simply continued his walk through the halls of residence.

six men came charging towards him from the first floor of the mansion which itself was three stories big. Three of the men were armed with swords while the rest were either archers or mages. The boy tore of a part of his own skin by biting off a bit of his finger causing blood to gush out rapidly after which he swung his arm and sprayed this blood on the people before him.

"Aperire Infurnum" he muttered to himself and the blood hardened , transforming into spikes of iron and digging into the faces of the guards.

All the corpses around him had no body, only parts lying here and there. even a massacre would be an understatement at this sight. This was but a bloodbath for a demon.

The boy slowly made his way up to the chambers in which the noble - Warmenier Equus hid along with a slender looking women in ragged clothing. By this time the part of his finger which he had bitten off had healed completely.

"Who are you?!" He exclaimed at the sight of the blood drenched boy, who even his own well trained and buffed up guards that served under him could not defeat. "Are you someone from Infirmi?! I'll leave the girl so let me live..!"

The boy clicked his tongue. "I won't spare even a drop of blood for you, you sick bastard." The he said. He drew one of his dagger from his brown leather boot and stabbed Equus. The dagger went deep into his stomach while Equus screamed in pain. The boy wiled his finger which was covered in blood and slid his finger across his forehead, wiping off a drop of sweat, and removed the dagger.

"Burn from the inside..." he said, sticking his finger into the freshly created wound in Equus' stomach. "Aperire Infurnum"

The body of Equus lit up in flames as it burst destroying his organs completely and leaving no trace of him. What was left were pieces of Equus' flesh and his burnt head.

"Remember the name of Christopher ice in Infurnum..."

This book is one that contains scenes of blood and gore. I mean the protagonist is pretty much crazy.

So be warned.

On a side note the following symbols represent what I try to say with each.

*...* usually for thoughts.

_..._ information like the date or place and so on will be placed within these.

"..." obviously for speech

'...' names and such that I feel need to be highlighted or stuff like that.

Hope you enjoy the book : )...

Yuki_Ektrixcreators' thoughts