2 Agony Pt. 2

I woke up so refreshed kissing her all over. She smells so good I didn't realise how sweet her perfume was. Annalise slowly wakes up from my sweet kisses tracing my kissing me back so passionately. I felt a malevolent presence nearby so I shielded Annalise from who was coming. " Well, well my lady you still love commoners. How revolting, why don't marry a man of stature like me?" he says with a sinister smile looking at us. Annalise's eyes went from brown to an icy blue barring her fangs like she was protecting me from him. I felt the air grow heavier with bloodlust from her.

Within mere seconds he rips me off her and she gets dressed in tight black leather pants, black thigh high stiletto heels, and a long sleeve red crop ready to fight. I quickly got dressed ready to fight by her side. " Joseph, you act like you are so high and mighty. But in reality you are weak. Something that you don't have that Ren does is really simple. That is something you will never find out from me." she hissed at him standing her ground. Joseph runs to me punching me in my stomach so fast that I can't keep up with him. I looked deep inside myself as he punching me getting pissed off finally fighting dirty. I am here because I want to be here. I pick up the letter opener slicing at him until he backed off as I constantly punched and kicked him that was left open for attack.

Annalise ran up behind him using blood magic pulling him away smacking him against the walls. She pulled him again hitting him with forth degree black belt mastery of Bushido and Thai Chi. Anna didn't hold back her ferocity with Joseph. She was terrifying yet stunning. I couldn't take my eyes off her during our fight with Joseph. I only further grew infatuated with her. Finally, Joseph gave up cowardly fleeing out of Annalise house. He had been beaten the absolute shit out of by us.

She ran to me checking to see how bad was I injured. I was bruised and bloody pretty bad myself. She laid my head down on her lap feeding me her blood petting my head trying to keep me relaxed. Her blood taste like a gods wine so luxurious and smooth. I wouldn't mind having her blood over human blood. I slept like a rock in her embrace. I love getting affection from her holding me close to her. This feels really nice.

I slept for a couple hours but she was relaxed by me. " Renosuke you are so handsome in more ways than one. Do you know that?" still petting me with a gentle smile like an angel. " So who is Joseph to you Annalise? An ex or someone who is stalking you?" I said in a worried tone and a furrowed brow. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said " I'm supposed to marry him. He is my betrothed. I am supposed to keep my lineage strong but I want to marry someone who I am in love with. I hate Joseph because he is a liar and a manipulative asshole with a god complex."

So she loves me for me. I pounce on top of her without thinking and pour my heart to her in a hot, passion filled kiss not letting her go. Her tears dried up and she starts to calm down. Was I making the right decision at that moment? I honestly didn't care because she said said that she doesn't love him. I still don't she is mine and mine alone. I have always had a crush on her. Annalise held me close just blushing while looking at me with love in her eyes. " Renosuke, can you hold me for a while longer please I feel really safe right now?" I held her closer as we laid down just admiring each other.

Bliss that is what you would call this moment with her. She is so innocent in a few ways. It suits her from my perspective of this. I playfully bite and tickle her because we are in the moment and I want it to last. She giggled in glee with a cute squeakiness. We goofed around the house running around having the time of our lives. During our play time I got really adorable pictures of her. Would you have guessed that she was picture shy? Anyway, I took her out to eat because we were starving. I ended up taking her to the local ramen shop which she never went in. She had got the same as me so she can try some new things.

We talked and joked around some more before I took her home. If anyone was wondering yes it was a date that I took Annalise on. My story is breaking the forth wall I know to all my readers. Oh get use to it because were is the fun if I am not telling you my story my way. Now back to my story where was I..... Right. I am heading back home because I have work in a few hours. Hey look don't criticize me for having fun and being faithful okay. We have to enjoy life.

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