
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


"And I'm a superhuman…" 

Kai's head got dizzy for a moment after hearing Ellen's sudden announcement, after all, superhumans are… Exactly what their name is, they're humans who have exceeded the normal human body limitations and gained powers regular humans couldn't even comprehend or dream of having…

Such as creating fire and water out of the blue, manipulating blood, shooting lasers out of their eyes, and many other powers… 

Another fact about superhumans is they're his father's favourite toys. 

"Hehe, I see you're knowledgeable enough about superhumans, aren't you? As expected of one of Dr.Kim's children… " 

"But theoretical knowledge is an entirely different concept than the knowledge you get by experience, I wonder how useful your 'theoretical knowledge' will be for you…" 

Kai was getting real confused with Ellen's sudden changes of behaviour, tone and way of speaking, when he thinks he got an initial idea about the type of person she is, she suddenly switches to a whole different person making Kai's headache way worse than it already is… 

Noticing Kai's expression changes, Ellen chose to finally end Kai's suffering by answering his unspoken question… 

"It's one of the side effects of my superpower, you might not know this considering we're kinda different than regular superhumans, we're the fake version after all, and fake stuff always has their minorities…" 

"Side effects, huh…?" 

"Mhm, you don't seem to know much about the differences huh? Oh… I got an idea, why don't I give you a little lesson to teach about the differences between regular superhumans and us, lab-made superhumans…?" 

Kai was a little surprised hearing this new information about the side effects because he couldn't remember his father ever mentioning anything about it in their lessons about superhumans, but then again, it was just like Ellen said, they were learning about regular superhumans, not the ones made in labs… 

After giving it some thought, Kai eventually accepted Ellen's offer as he prepared his mind to let the new infos he was about to learn sink in and be absorbed to its fullest… 

After all, he didn't want to let this chance of learning something new slide from between his fingers.

"Yes, please teach and share your knowledge and wisdom with me Mrs, Ellen…" 

"Hehe… You're very polite, I guess it can't be helped, I'll just have to give your ignorant mind some of this cute lady's wisdom, hahaha…" 

Ellen proudly buffed her nonexistent chest out as she started to roll her imaginary mustache pretending to be an old wise man like those that always appear in movies and tv shows… 


'I'm feeling like I'm going to regret this very soon… '

"Moahahaha… *cough*cough*cough…"


Scratch that, Kai was already regretting asking this girl for anything… 

"Can we please focus on the lesson?" 

"Ah…. Right… Sorry, let's begin…" 

Ellen grabbed a chair which Kai didn't even know where it came from or that it even existed in this room before she cleared her throat with a soft cough… 

"Before we start, if you wanna fully understand the differences between the regular ones and us you'll need to be aware of a few things…" 

"First of all, you should already know the origin of the regular superhumans powers correct?" 

"Of course, it's known that their powers are given by either god or the devil, to be given a superpower by god, a person would have to do many good things and help others until they randomly obtain one, while on the other hand, the devil gives powers to people who do evil instead…" 

Kai took a few moments to catch his breath before continuing with the same even tone… 

"But getting a power from god after doing good doesn't mean the person has to do good for the rest of their lives or they'll lose their abilities, they can use the ability they got through good to do evil, and it can also go the other way around, those who get it through evil are not entitled to do it for the rest of their lives, and they can use it for good deeds as well…" 

"Well, you are very knowledgeable if I have to say so myself, but you're not completely right though, you see… It's not random at all, humans get their ability when their good or evil deeds are coming from the bottom of their heart…" 

"When they are doing something good they need to be doing it without any selfish intentions, and personal satisfaction is kind of a selfish intention in some type of way…"

"As for when they are doing a bad, evil act, it should be coming from a completely selfish intention… Other than that, the person's feeling about if what they're doing is good or bad also plays a big role in how fast they can obtain a superpower, though it just affects the speed of getting one, it doesn't assure them to get one nor does it mean that they won't if they don't believe what they're doing is evil or nice…" 

Taking a few moments in silence to relax her throat and catch her breath while Kai absorbs all the new knowledge he's gotten, Ellen was about to continue before Kai opened his mouth… 

"That's very interesting and nice to know… But what does this have to do with the differences between us and other superhumans?" 

Ellen gave Kai an unsatisfied expression for interrupting her before she answered with a cute 'Hmph' while puffing out her cheeks...

"I was about to get to that point before you interrupted me… anyway, the difference between us and them is that our powers are made by humans, theirs are made by higher beings, whether it's actually a god and the devil, or simply a law of nature, or something else, the point is… Their powers are better and more stable than ours, and their abilities don't have side effects like ours do…" 

"Take me for example, the ability I have had given me a Dissociative Identity Disorder as a side effect for my ability… When if I had awakened my power naturally, this side effect wouldn't have existed in the first place…" 

"Ah… Don't get me wrong though, I'm pretty happy with my side effect, after all, it gave me a dear friend to talk to…" 

Reaching this point, Ellen noticed the strange stare Kai was giving her, confused… She gave him a stare of her own as she wondered… 

"Is there something on my face?!"


"No, nothing wrong with your face… I was just wondering who's that friend you're talking about…" 

Hearing Kai's doubts it finally flicked in Ellen's head as she began to clarify and answer his question… 

"Oh… Haha, you think I'm crazy huh?" 

"I didn't say tha…" 

"Don't worry, it's fine I get it… Truth be told, my multiple personalities are not that many in general, I actually only have two main personalities, one is mean, lame angry, etc… While the other is me, the friendly happy nice person, but though we share the same body, it feels like we are two completely different people… It's more like if two people got trapped in the same body…"


Kai finally got a simple understanding of Ellen's general personality traits, and that that's out of the way, it was finally time for the more important things to be discussed… 

"By the way… Considering I survived the Black Ocean experiment I should've obtained an ability, correct? So how do I use it…" 

"Eh… Right, I almost forgot about that… It's really simple, try to remember before you passed out, was there any name or word that you thought of that seemed a little out of place, something that wasn't suitable for the moment and you don't understand why you thought about it?" 

"This word or words are your key for getting the knowledge about how to use your ability, all you need to do is think about them in your head and it'll unlock the hidden information in your brain…" 

"Sounds simple enough…" 

Kai began to squeeze his brain trying to remember his thoughts before losing consciousness, which turned out to be harder than he thought because his mind wasn't really in the right place while suffering that tremendous pain… 

But eventually, he was able to remember a few words he thought of, though his memories were kind of foggy… Anyway, all he needed to remember was the word, which he already did… And so Kai mumbled in a low tone just like Ellen instructed him to do… 

"Memory manipulation"

As he finished the two words he heard Ellen's gasp before hearing her worried scream… 

"Wait… You should find something to bite before saying it… "


Kai got confused by what she meant by that, but before he could even think about it… 


A pain he has never gone through or experienced before invaded his brain before falling unconscious for the second time on the same day…