
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


Soon as Ellen was back in control of her body, she instantly searched around herself in a rush for any mess, dead bodies or broken ones… 

Because she knew that when Sophie comes out forcefully it means she's angry… Like hella angry. 

And when she's in that state she usually doesn't hold back anything without any regard if she was attacking a normal human or not, causing her to kill and break many people in the past, especially when first born… 

After scooping the room with her eyes for a while, they eventually got down to the only living being -who was awake-in the room which was Kai who was staring back at her checking her condition from far away… 

Ellen questioned him with her eyes of what happened hoping to get some answers… 


"I'll explain when the others are awake as well…" 

Kai sighed for probably the hundredth time today as he delayed answering Ellen's doubts for later… He knew he was only delaying what was inevitable yet he didn't want to tell the same explanation for each of them one by one… 

Ellen did not push him as she sat beside him in an awkward silence waiting for the others to regain their consciousness… 


After a while and when Ellen was starting to get a little anxious about the silence, Conor finally got out of his bed slowly looking at the two with a confused, questioning face… 

But Kai didn't answer his doubts either as he told him to wait as well for the others' awakening… 

Conor wanted to push more when seeing his best friend Ken's condition yet he didn't after noticing Kai's firm look… 

He simply sat beside his best friend trying his best not to look worried about him which he failed to do as his whole face was screaming out his worries and fear on his best friend… 

After Conor, it was Myra's turn to wake up as she seemed to have just had a nightmare… But when realizing that and searching her surroundings she fell back on the bed when seeing Kai's alarming eyes piercing through her body… 

She did not say anything nor did anything and merely laid there… Alone with her own thoughts in her own world… 

Eventually, Ellen couldn't bear the time it was taking Ken to wake up so she came up with a lie that she has some basic knowledge in the medical field and dismissed the others out of the room… 

Conor and Myra were confused on why she had just now presented this information and why she did nothing before but didn't say anything when watching Kai moving out of the room without asking any questions as they got up, leaving the room quietly for Ellen to do her thing… 

After making sure everyone was outside, Ellen began to do some weird signs with her hands like she was doing some type of weird ritual before suddenly… 

Out of nowhere, some type of golden light with a relaxing aura started casting out of her hands into Ken's body and shortly after… The small injuries and bruises around his body started healing at an inhumane speed leaving his body nearly as good as new… 

That was Ellen's ability which allowed her to heal others as well as herself if she had enough energy to do so… 

After a short amount of time… The golden aura around her hands began to disappear leaving some tiny injuries and bruises as well as Ken's broken bones slightly unhealed just to avoid suspicions as she also put some medical plasters here and there making it look like she had done some medical work for the same reason… 

When she was finally done she called the others back inside hoping Conor and Myra wouldn't get doubtful or suspicious about anything… 

Yet despite all her hopes and prayers, Conor and Myra looked at her strangely after seeing Ken's current condition as he looked Ten times better than before… They couldn't believe it was merely some basic medical knowledge that healed him to that degree… 

Yet they let it slip as they had no energy to ask about it right now, they simply couldn't bother questioning her about anything as long as it made Ken's health better… 

After less than an hour, Ken finally showed some signs of waking up as his brows started to flinch while his fingers started to move slightly… 

Conor excitedly got closer to his friend before he finally saw his eyes open slowly… 

"Aaah… WHAT THE FUCK!!! Why in the world are you this close to my face?!? Don't you know about personal space you little piece of sh*t…?"

Ken shouted in fear as he held his shoulders like a little scared girl while looking at Conor suspiciously… 

"We… We didn't do the thing, did we?!? You know I like women…" 

"Oi… What kind of perverted sh*t are you thinking about you stupid idiot…??!?" 

Ellen punched Ken's head, scolding him with a cute angry expression on her face as a small tear came out of her eye… 

"We were really worried about you, you know? So don't you ever dare to do whatever you did to get that injury ever again…" 

"Ah… Speaking of which… Why am I injured?!? 

Hearing Ken's simple question everyone inside the room turned their heads toward Kai's direction wondering what in the world happened to them to leave them in such a condition… They all had their own assumptions yet none of them had a clear idea of what really happened… 

Except for Myra who still had her memory and was watching everything from the side with curiosity filling up her face… She had some assumptions about what Kai has done yet she was not sure and had to wait until they were alone to ask him about it… 

Though she was kind of bitter because of the results of their fight, she couldn't be that angry about it… After all, she was the one who started it in the first place… 

"Alright… Gather up if you wanna know what happened… "

Unable to take all their curious questioning looks, Kai finally gave up as he called them to gather around him like some old grandpa who wanted to tell a story to his grandkids… 

When all finally got around him, Kai began telling the story he had prepared in the past few hours… 

Whether they would believe it or not, this is what he was about to find out…