
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

A Lie

In the end, Kai merely gave them a lie he came up with of how Myra was just testing them and teaching them a lesson and how it went wrong because she used too much power causing them to get injured and even broke some bones in Ken's hand 'on accident' resulting to her making them all fall unconscious to avoid more chaos… 

Though most of what Kai said was a complete lie… He still had to add some truth to his words here and there like Myra being a superhuman… 

As much as he wanted to keep that a secret, he had to reveal this fact or else his story might not be as believable, especially considering the fact that Myra is a female herself… And no matter how many martial arts she has a hold of, she won't be able to beat Conor and Ken who were twice if not thrice the size of her… 

The only reasonable explanation for such a thing is, of course, superhumans who are beyond the human body's limitations… 

Once the others heard this news they looked at Myra in a totally different way, all the suspicious, strange looks they were giving her switched into looks of admiration and excitement… Especially from Ken and Conor who were absolute normal humans with no special ability whatsoever… 

For people like them, superhumans were nothing but a mere urban legend, a myth, something strange that they can aspire to become yet have to make a lot of sacrifices to fulfill that aspiration… 

Ellen, on the other hand, didn't instantly forget the part where Myra was the one responsible for the others' injuries including herself yet she was still kinda grateful that she wasn't the one responsible for hurting her friends… 

Because when Sophie came out forcefully, Ellen assumed the worst, expecting her to kill or hurt everyone around her badly… 

Yet thankfully her doubts were wrong and she was mistaken… 

Now that her worries are gone and her mind was clear, she couldn't help but feel this was a lucky encounter, because somehow with the help of fate, they were able to get their hands on one more superhuman making them one step closer to their goal and away from the punishment ready for them if Kai fails… 

Though Ellen had nothing to do with the order Kim had given to Kai, she would still get a small punishment for his failure for some reason, perhaps it was just for Kim's entertainment or something… 

Ellen shivered in dread when recalling the cruelty of Kim and his cold-hearted expression. She would prefer if she didn't have to be a frustration vent for him at any time soon if possible… 

Unaware of Ellen's thoughts, Kai finished his story… No, his lie… Before he told everyone to unpack their things and make themselves comfortable as this chance slid away from them before… And so that was all they did… Relax and rest… 

When the night finally came, replacing the shiny colorful sun and the blue sky with the gorgeous lovely moon and its relaxing light alongside the dark void of the sky that was crammed with small holes of lone, faraway stars wandering around the galaxy in the emptiness of the universe… 

Outside of their small, simple tent, Kai was laying down on the dirty grass admiring the beauty of the magnificent moon and the night… 

While being alone like usual with his thoughts unknown, Kai heard the rattles of the grass around him echoing in the space beside him alongside the footsteps of someone getting nearby…

He didn't bother to check who it was as he already knew that and the fact that the nearest other group is pretty far away from theirs made his assumption's chances of being true even higher… 

When the person eventually reached his side, they gave Kai a small awkward greeting with their feminine elegant voice… 

"Hey… What Are you doing out here this late??? I could give you my jacket if you're feeling cold…" 

Myra tried to offer her help attempting to make up for what she had done this morning. 

She felt guilty and ashamed after going that harsh on some young kids and how she let her emotions and feelings get the best of her… 

She also had a lot of questions for Kai yet she had no idea of how to start a conversation with him as they both didn't seem to have the best first impression of each other… 

"Sit down…" 

Kai still did not spare her a single glance as he asked her to sit on the ground beside him in a tone that doesn't accept no for an answer… 

Myra obeyed silently without saying a word or arguing one bit like a person would expect from someone who had been beaten to talk to the guy who beat them… 

They both sat in silence enjoying the quiet cold atmosphere and the magnificence of the beautiful sky… 

"You don't know anything…" 


Eventually, Kai simply said these few words before he got up heading inside the tent leaving Myra's head muddled, unable to understand the words he just said… Out of pity perhaps, or something else, Kai left a few more words that were a bit less confusing, clarifying his past sentence as a threat… 

"I told you before Miss Myra, I'm the leader of the Black Crows group… Disrespecting, disobeying, or trying to harm the leader in any type of way, will lead into a hard punishment for you…" 

"Now, my first mission for you is to forget about what happened today and remember the story I told the others… Understood??" 

"Uh… Ah"

Kai didn't wait for Myra's stunned response as he moved inside to get himself some good sleep… 

This was a very tiring day, after all….