
Blessed Villains

In his first life, he was a servant of the most powerful beings in the universe. As one of the Primordial Servants, he had the power of a god. Yet he was at the mercy of five individuals said to predate the universe. In a failed attempt at escaping his shackles, he was caught and killed by the beings he had once served. However, he used his ultimate move to that he had been saving for this day! Isekai! He now found himself on a planet where 10% of the population had superpowers. On the surface, it looked to him like another cliché superhero planet. But in reality, it was a monster wrapped up in a pink dress. A world that could shock a man who had seen galaxies destroyed. And now he had to learn how to live in such a world. To do the things he couldn't before. To grow up and meet people, to laugh and cry, to love and hate, to live and die. If there was anyone with the strength to kill him that is. ... Disclaimer This is the story of a god-level being experiencing life as a human on a planet of heroes and villains with many layers of shadows. He won't go out of his way to save people and doesn't care about collateral damage either. After all, what is human life to a god? *Cover art is not mine.

m1le · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 16 - Moving House

'Well, this is certainly nicer than living in a basement,' thought Seven, observing his surroundings.

He was currently in the front room of a massive manor, it was hidden away in the countryside, with vine covering its old brick walls. However, judging by the massive concrete that surrounded the manor's grounds, and the armed guards at the gate, he had no more freedom here.

Or at least he wasn't supposed to. Seven was confident he could escape if it come down to it, especially with Six waiting in the shadows. He was only here to find out how these people were connected to the God of Death.

This wasn't Seven's first choice, he had tried using psychomancy, but everyone here was linked to the mind controller, John, who had introduced himself to Seven when they arrived at the manor.

Whenever Seven tried to read their minds, it was like a solid wall was blocking him out.

He had also considered simply torturing information out of Matron, but it was far too likely that John could simply wipe Matron's memories and then his cover would be blown.

Instead, Seven had decided to double down on the child act, and wait for John to tip his cards.


2 years later.

Seven was currently juggling seven rubber balls, using his magic to create a light show of fire, creating a new life firm he called a frat (it was a mix between a frog and a cat) all whilst watching some bald guy tell his wife he's the one who knocks on the TV.

"Fuck me sideways, I am so incredibly, skull-fuckingly, bored!"

He had been waiting for something to happen for two years, and guess what? Nothing had happened! Nothing!

'And to top it all off, this mortal body has so much energy, I feel like I've just done seven lines of the godly stuff!'

He sighed whilst making the fire in front of him explode with the power of a nuclear bomb. Simultaneously, he created a spherical barrier of our mana around the explosion. The barrier didn't even shake.

"Hmm, should I continue rewatching Breaking Good? Or maybe I could rewatch The Lads?"

Deciding on a plan of action, Seven blew up the TV by detonating a small amount of mana. Before it even finished exploding, he used a bit of chronomancy to reverse time in a small bubble where the TV was.

He then teleported into the garden, now dressed in sports clothes, a pair of shiny new football boots on his feet.

The goals were twenty metres in front of him, and the ball at his feet. Stepping back, Seven picked a corner and struck the ball with all his physical might.

Well, he may have used just a tiny bit of mana to boost his strength.

Maybe a bit too much actually, as the ball flew over the crossbar into the sunset, never to be seen again.

"Well, my football career shall begin and end here."

"Seven!" Matron's voice called out to him.

Seven turned to see Matron approaching the field.

"John, wants to see you, he says it's important," she said.

'Holy shit balls!' thought Seven, 'is something finally happening!'

Sorry for the short chapter, I struggled to come up with decent ideas today so I ended up just using this chapter to try and get back into the Seven mindset.

I have a sort of road map of where I want the story to go but so far I've been fleshing out as I go along and that didn't work too well today. I need to start stockpiling chapters.

Daily uploads are hard :(

But thanks for reading anyways!

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