
Bleached Bones

Dead in a shoot out none remember his name after what felt like centuries of sleep he heard a voice in his head telling him strange things of skills and evolution?

AGENT_47 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs


Me and bellator were going to the saloon to evolve into our new forms and i had a special evolution to do so that was exciting we walked to the saloon and the leader of the humans came up to me and asked to watch me evolve witch was strange but i said yes out of politeness i just hope he dosen't have some wierd fetish for this that would be one hell of a sight to awaken to

We got into the saloon and we sat down i got into the menu and started with the manuel evolution menu

[Congratulations you have evolved your choices are]

[Skeleton slave master]

[Skeleton gunslinger]

[Skeleton beast master]

[Skeleton warmonger]

I had to look at the details of the options or i could pick something bad

[Skeleton slave master a brutal evolution this cruel master is gifted a cursed magic shackle box and a whip of terror this evolution is not recommended for those with a compasinate heart as to make full use of your new abilities you will have to leave your morals behind with your old species]

Wow this one was not the best but it had some aplications the shakles could make anyone they were on obey your every comand and the whip just made people scatter like flies but still it said i would have to leave my morals behind so this one is off the table

[Skeleton gunslinger this cunning evolution is giffted a silver revolver as well as a bandolier for the storage of bullets this evolution will inprove your long range abilities as well as allow you to become a terrifing sight on the battle field]

Ok this one was better but still the things it gave me weren't the best i already had one gun and if i wanted a bandolier i would have made one by now

[Skeleton beastmaster this wise evolution allows you to learn the skill tame beast devil cattle conversion and gifts you the magic branding iron so that your cattle can never be stolen again]

This one was a very good choice and the item wasn't bad this time around but i was still going to look at the other one

[Skeleton warmonger this tough evolution is a war loving and evil beast it is gifted the black iron greataxe and the pipe of flames WARNING THIS EVOLUTION WILL TRAP YOU IN A PERMANENT STATE OF BERSERK RAGE]

NOPE NOPE NOPE NOT PICKING THIS ONE NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS that one is off the table its items were good but loseing myself to rage was not worth it i picked the beast master in the end i fell asleep and then i was in black void

This was the special evolution menu it only had one choice so it wasn't that hard to choose the option as shown was

[Skeleton shamen this wise evolution is taught the skills comand nature and summon hiver it is gifted the shamans staff and the shamans robes]

I picked this one and it felt so different to all the others it felt like molten steel was coursing through my veins and my body cracked and snapped as it was reformed i woke up some four hours later and the human leader was asleep as my evolution had taken longer than normal i looked at the robes i was wearing instead of my normal clothes and they were all put to gether well they were made out of deer skin and they were fitted to my body well the stuff i had been gifted was in a hide bag on my side as there was to much to jus spawn in my hands the staff was beside me rested against the wall

I walked outside to test my new skill summon hiver as it didn't let me check what it did so i would have to find out the old fashion way i use the skill and i hear the voice again and see a menu infront of my eyes

[What type of hiver do you wish to summon]

[Hiver worker drone a worker type works hard and fast but is really weak]

[Hiver solider drone a fighter type strong but dumb and has very low dexterity]

[Hiver prince a leader type very persuasive but cannot fight very well]

All the hivers had a mana cost to summon them but the menu said they would stay forever so i chose the cheapest one the worker drone a deep purple hole opened in the space infront of me and i saw an insect looking thing with a rectangular head two big black eyes and it strangly didn't have feet it looked at me ran over to me and said


"Uh...hi beep"

"What huh how did you know my name"

"You just walked up to me and said beep so i thought that was your name"

"Well it is you are my new queen please help beep become the strongest swordsman"

"Ok beep now let me show you around the town"

I took beep around the town even to the human side where i introduced him to the kids they thought he was cute and he thought the same they were playing together while i snuck away to go find tor to see what he evolved into it took a while but i found him in his tower

And what i saw in that tower shook me down to the bone