
Chapter 1

A young man came out of the school gates

This person wore the academy uniform, the man had brown hair and a height of about 1.80cm

That man did not have any special trait that attracted attention, at first glance he is an ordinary man

The person stopped on the outskirts of the academy, he sighed as he looked at a letter in his hand as if he was denying his future

That man was me

I sighed because I had the feeling that my chances of surviving this time were slim

Well, I think I should explain where I am and what going through with me

My name is Nicolás Castro, well, that was my name before I died and was reborn in the world of bleach

A couple of years have passed since I was reborn in this body, my surprise was enormous when I realized that after returning from my work and deciding to go to bed to sleep I woke up in a strange place and in another body

The only consolation was that I was still a man

Although on second thought being a woman could have the advantages of him, Ehemm

Well, going back to what I was saying, it was a strange thing to think and adjust to the change in my body

at some point I became very emotional, imagine being in a world of manga and being able to meet many interesting people

But then came the problem or rather understand the reality of where I would have to live my new life.

It was at that moment that I felt the true terror

Bleach is an extremely violent world, where the deaths of trained shinigami can happen every day, so you can imagine what fate can bring to the rest of the souls of the Seireitei

Fortunately, in the body that I was reborn, he was already in the Shinigami academy doing his training to be a Shinigami, I obtained memories of this body, that saved me a lot of problems

Unfortunately for me, I have no background of a famous or noble clan, I am a simple commoner, is a shame

It is not something that was determining 100% but hey, I would have been grateful, did you hear Mr. Destiny or whoever brought me?

But the real problem would come next

After being reborn, I investigate what period of bleach I am in to be able to locate myself in space-time and know what awaited me

I can only say that I'm pretty fucked up

The only lucky thing I can say is that I belong to the first class of the Shinigami academy since the creation of the 13 divisions

I'm not a big fan of bleach, in fact, I haven't seen it all but I think this is probably the second most dangerous era of Seireitei,

The most dangerous was before the creation of the divisions

It was a time where many groups of bloodthirsty bastards existed, without a structure that efficiently defined the rules

Rules other than: I am the most powerful if you do not obey me I will kill you

This without counting the noble clans who can do whatever they want with impunity.

Then you ask me, was it not for that reason that the divisions were created?

To give order and regulate everything?

In theory, it is so, but I will answer you, who are the captains of those thirteen divisions?

They are the most powerful and bloodthirsty bastards in their area, no one who was a survivor of this time of anarchy is a good person, I can assure you.

When I realized what time I was in I could only sigh and lament deeply, probably any fool standing in a corner can split me into 2 with ease

It is unfortunate

Basically, that is the summary of everything, I had to make a decision at that moment, I could not afford to be lazy, literally my life depended on how hard I trained

So some years went by and now I am standing outside the academy with a recommendation letter made by my instructor for any division

I was not a genius but I am not average either, a little above average I would say, this taking into account that I did not show all my skills 100%

I really don't think it matters much which division I go to, except for 1, 2, and 11

The 1st division is ruled out because being under the command of Yamamoto sucks, he is a rigorous person with the rules and surely he wants elite shinigami for his division

The stronger a shinigami is shown, the more difficult the missions, I have zero interest in this

The second division is silly, they probably won't even accept me, starting with that, everyone who enters that division belongs to certain specific clans and performs many missions, ruled out

The 11th division, I don't think I have to give many explanations, I will literally flee from any mission where said division is assigned

The rest of the divisions give me a little the same, there are approximately 900-1000 years until the events of the series with Ichigo begin and I think that more than half of the characters have not even been born, I do not think I can change something in history that affects the future in a significant way

My idea during the academy was to train to enter a division and then depending on the situation to challenge Officer # 20 and stay in that position for hundreds of years

I can always change divisions if I get promoted by force, but after careful thought, I think the 4th division is the most sensible option for me right now.

In general, I will be away from danger in most cases and I can continue training without problems and with peace of mind, I can change division if I feel like it later

I'm not in a hurry, I think that to endure and survive is the most important

It would be stupid to think that I have a protagonist halo and that I can fight against anyone that everything will always turn out well in one way or another while I become more powerful

they will probably kill me in the first confrontation that I don't have under control

That would be irresponsible on my part and more knowing that my life is at stake.

If it was someone else's life, I wouldn't give a damn

some may call me a coward

I prefer to be considered a protector of my life

That said, I decided to deviate a bit from my path to the 4th division to purchase some items that will be important in my training for the next few hundred years.

then I will go to the place where the 4 division is located

the first chapter of the series, just a prologue, I do not plan to update much in the rest of the month, I am working on this novel and other writings

I recommend that you have it in your library and wait for when it is updated if you are of course interested

exluthorcreators' thoughts