
Blasphemous Prince from Collateral Family

Auteur: Daoistb7hT0P
Actuel · 686 Affichage
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What is Blasphemous Prince from Collateral Family

Lisez le roman Blasphemous Prince from Collateral Family écrit par l'auteur Daoistb7hT0P publié sur WebNovel. My Uncles & cousins were blinded by their faith so much so that they started to ruin the cherished empire of my beloved Grandpa, Sandal Shehtush the previous Swordgod and the first heaven-slayer. In a...


My Uncles & cousins were blinded by their faith so much so that they started to ruin the cherished empire of my beloved Grandpa, Sandal Shehtush the previous Swordgod and the first heaven-slayer. In about 12 years from now afraid of My Gramps, the brainwashed main line will assassinate him in the name of god, and then the first crusade will be called for the extermination of Collateral families by the temple of Matrix which worships Susej, the Father of Gods otherwise known to humanity as the Omnipotent God of Balance. Saved by my Gramps, Elder Sister, Brother, and Father. I, The successor of the Swordgod and the Second coming of the Heaven-slayer, Purna Shehtush was regressed in exchange for my Swordgod exoskeleton and my wife, Geum Avens. This time I will not let this land fall into the hands of Blind faith and Idol worshiping of that bastard of Life sucking God. This time I will hammer the lofty brains and strike the kind of balance they will ask me to be the Emperor.

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WolfsBane · Fantaisie
171 Chs


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