

Sol slowly opened his eyes. The familiar comfortable mattress and blanket enveloped his body. He reached for his covers, wanting to cover his face and sleep some more when his mind jolted awake. He suddenly sat up from his bed and looked around his surroundings. He then checked his condition, finding everything normal.

"Certainly, everything was a dream."

He thought to himself that everything that happened in his dream world was all his hidden desires. It was a place to escape from reality and experience something more exhilarating compared to his mundane life. He knew he had the tendency to escape reality when he was facing difficulties in his life. Considering that he was in the crossroads of his life and still unaware of what his future prospects would be, he thought nothing of his dream but a way to vent his stress.

He lifted the covers from his body and stood up. He felt his body lighter. He went straight to the bathroom, once he was done and about to leave the bathroom, he did a double take. He looked back at the bathroom mirror. He felt something was different when he saw his own reflection in the mirror. He put his face closer to the mirror.

He touched his face.

It felt softer to his touch.

He was surprised to see how healthy the glow his skin had.

He knew he had some wrinkles showing due to his maturing age, but now he looked more like when he was in college.

The haggard look and bags under his eyes were gone. What was in front of the mirror was a refreshed looking young man. He smiled and the reflection smiled back.

It was his reflection.

It was him.

"How is this possible?"

He asked himself this question, full of doubt. He wondered if his dreams helped him fight over his stress from work. Truthfully, he was starting to have doubts himself. About the place that kept appearing in his dreams. It was the first time that he had a dream that continued on for days. He had dreams that sometimes continued, but nothing was as vivid to what he was having right now. It was the first time he experienced something so life-like that his body could fell, smell and touch everything. Usually, in his dreams, there are parts that would be missing, there was a part where he could tell it was a dream. His dream or experiences in the dream might have been unrealistic, but there was something real to it as well. As he dwells into it more, the more he got confused trying to rationalize his dreams.

But one more question came to his mind. He was sure he suffered from the last battle with the centipede-boss like a monster. His body would definitely be bruised or worst, he should be dead. And yet, he was standing in front of his mirror, looking at his own reflection, healthier than before.

"There must be a rational explanation on what is going on with my body."

He stretched his body. He felt some changes, but it was hard to tell without moving his body. For the last couple of days, he felt that there were small changes going through his body, but it was so minuscule that he ignored it. He felt well, his body lighter, but those were simple things that he accounted for them as nothing but the effects of resting well. However, this time the change was such a big leap that it was obvious to the naked eye.

He stood in front of his mirror thinking until he woke from his stupor due to his phone alarm. He rushed with his preparation and headed for work.

Once Sol stepped into the office, he found something was amiss. The employees that were usually inside their cubicles and talking in hush tones were now excitedly chatting with each other. The other employees could be seen looking at the office of their manager. Sol looked the same way and found silhouettes of people from the window. It was hard to see from where he stood as there were people standing in the way.

Sol decided to return to his own space and prepare for the day. On the other hand, his co-worker Blas approached him, coming from who knows where. He had an excited expression, one can see the delight from his smile and his sparkling eyes. Sol could not help but ask him.

"What are you so happy about this early in the morning?"

Blas expression brightened hearing Sol's question, he looked at his co-worker and smirked. Sol knew it was some information that he probably has gotten from somewhere or someone.

"I told you our Manager was doing something fishy right."

Blas gave Sol a knowing look. He then pointed his chin towards their Manager's office before continuing.

"Now our Manager is being transferred in a different department. Well, I couldn't get the entire information whether he was demoted or promoted. But from the looks of it…"

Blas paused for a bit to add some effect.

"He was demoted."

Blas looked at his co-worker who was showing signs of interests. He nodded his head and continued with his speech.

"But that's not the best part. Hehe."

Blas started giggling. Sol wanted to smack Blas on the head but he knew, deep down inside, that he did not have the guts to do it. He continued listening patiently to his annoying friend. It took a bit of Sol's patience before Blas continued.

"The best part is our new Manager is smoking hot. Not just hot, man. You should have seen her when she walked by and went to the office. She looks young to boot. And she smells nice. Hehe. Unlike our old Manager who smells like cigarette and sweat. Hehe."

Blas kept giggling like a little girl. He was getting excited about his own thoughts.

'Our Manager would have flipped out if he hears you talking about him like that.'

Sol wondered why they were restructuring the department. Although their Manager was demanding and sometimes out of line, he was able to finish his work properly. As far as he knows, his performance was to the minimum, acceptable. Since he started working in the company, he was already their Manager.

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