
Black dragon of hate _ High School DXD Fanfic

I don't have rights to Highschool DXD. Or for a photo. Read and you will find out.

Kriuswer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Ranking Game part 1

When I walked in, all those present turned their eyes to me. All the club members were in the room. And Grayfia now dressed like the queen of hell should. And I liked it. Blue dress with golden elements. Apart from that, there were two representatives of the student council - Sonia Sitri (Chairwoman) and Tsubaki Shinra.

(Greyfia) - Good to see you, Krius. I mean. Hello Bless Heir to the Family, Krius Alucard Blade. - After saying my name and title, she bowed as manners command. Not like before when she played the cleaner. But just like a representative of a noble family greets another representative of the nobility. With grace and sacrament.

(Crius) - Hello Gureifia Rukifugusu-Luciferiusz. Nice to see you. - I bowed as culture dictates.

We met officially before the "Ranking Game". The etiquette is obligatory. The representatives of the highest nobility will be watching us from the stands. My mother, too. She probably already knows everything. About me and Rias, probably. Until I'm afraid to meet her. [Author: Yes MC seems to be afraid of your mother. I want to add realism to it. And wanting to show it the best that this is one of the largest families of high devils. This requires it]

(Sona) - Now that we're together. I will now present to you the Ranked Game program.

Sonia did not want to extend. The rally immediately presented where the bases are. The Rias team base is located at the club headquarters. More specifically at Rias's office. Riser is hiding in the headmaster's office. And this will be my goal. Falt that the map of the game is the school area only makes my case easier.

In the next moment we were moved to the game area. As soon as Rias distributed the communicators and repeated the plan again. Everyone took their seats and waited for Rias to signal.

I was now at the window that came out of Rias's office. As soon as I heard Rias's voice from the communicator. Who informed me that I could move. I jumped out the window. I was now at the outside of the clubhouse.

Without wasting time, I went a certain way to break through to the school. Because in the heart of the school is the headmaster's office. when I was almost in the middle of the school. I ran along the wall surrounding the school. When I creep from the side. Issei and yutto probably want to take over, which will probably distract them. Unfortunately, our ideal plan was disappointed. When I heard the sound of fighting. I knew something was wrong.

However, Riser did not want to play this strategically. What's more certain, he is considered very powerful. And this is because he did not wait in the office to give orders. He only attacked himself. Riser with your sister behind you. Rias and Asia stood opposite them.

(Ravel) (Riser's sister) - Your poor team doesn't have sans with us. We are the Phoenix.

When Ravel finishes speaking, Riser sends the flames of the phoenix to Rias. The attack was powerful. Fenks flames have a temperature several times higher than normal. When Riser's flames are about to hit Rias.

I appeared before Rias. Clad in black scale armor.

The moment I appeared in front of Rias, Sanctus's voice was heard.

(Sanctus) - Black hate dragon order breaker.

Riser's attack was blocked as if it were a light breeze. The surprised Riser's face was priceless. There was surprise on his face. Because the phoenix flame attack is very powerful. Even Lucifer would have a problem accepting this attack without scratching. Maybe he wouldn't get serious wounds. But he would feel it for sure. And I took it as if it was nothing. That's why Riser's face was surprised.

(Krius) - Rias, take care of Riser's sister and then murmur the rest. I will play with this chicken.

(Rias) - Crius? Well .

Riser didn't even have time to say anything when I grabbed his clothes and dumped him in the direction of the tennis court. Riser soared and hit the turf straight. Creating a small crater.

I landed a few meters from Riser, giving him time to get up and prepare for the attack.

Now we stood facing each other. On the tennis court.

(Riser) -How dare you play in! They will be mine.

(Crius) - Keep silent. Don't make me break a word.

(Riser) - I think you missed something. You don't have phoenix sans. This is your achiles heel.

Did he forget how I blocked his attack a few moments earlier with ease.

(Riser) - You know that as part of that you have joined the Rias ranked game. The winner has the right to order what he wants. You know what I want.

(Krius) - What's wrong with you. But probably speak.

(Riser) - I wish you had to ...

Riser even couldn't finish. When I ran to him in a heartbeat. Still in my black armor, I gripped his head with his hand. I squeezed tightly until you can hear a small crack.

(Krius) - You better keep silent and fight. Because one more word and it will kill you. - When I said that, Riser started screaming and then he broke away from me.

He kept his headache and screamed in pain. I forgot that my armor contains particles of light. And it works like acid now. And considering the strength with which I pressed it is not strange that he screams.

Riser started using fire to heal himself. I let him do it. As soon as Riser has recovered, make the biggest mistake in your life.

(Riser) - I don't want this bitch anymore. I will kill you here and now.

(Krius) - Bitches? -

I wrote the chapter quickly because I leave for three days. And there will be no new jokes during these three days. Sorry. I wanted to add one today. But he writes it quite late. When I write, I will add some additional chapters.

Thanks for reading.

I await comments.

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