
Black dragon of hate _ High School DXD Fanfic

I don't have rights to Highschool DXD. Or for a photo. Read and you will find out.

Kriuswer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Prolog (Edited)

Author: Kriuswer

Editor: WolfSpatial

After several thousand years, peace came. People have forgotten about demons, angels or fallen angels, and others. People believed that these beings did not exist and that it is all just old stories. Supernatural beings have been hidden and humans have evolved.

And in these times of peace, it's time for the return of the black dragon.

The new and first carrier of the black dragon's sacred equipment is Krius Blade. A young high-class devil. And although only people can have sacred equipment. The Black Dragon chose him because the common man, no matter how strong, could not wield the power of the dragon of hatred.

Krius was born into a little-known family of High Devils in Hell. The Bloody Blade family, although not a leader in beauty, is a family of high strength that even exceeds the power required to destroy the Gremory family.

The family earned such a nickname because members of that family have the innate power to control blood, known as blood magic. They can use it to craft weapons and heal wounds, create attacks, and the like.

Krius is the only son and heir of the Blade family. His father recently passed away from conflicts with high-class devils. And only he and his mother stayed. The Krius family was not poor, although they cannot be compared to the Gremory family in wealth. However, in the top twenty families, they are in eleventh place.

They live in a large levitating castle. Hogwarts castle from afar that hovers above the ground. However, the sky above the castle is red and the castle looks quite dark.

Krius had a quiet but hard life. His mother gave him a proper education and training as hard as possible. Krius was trained in family blood magic from his mother to the level she found fit. Nero also participated in many ranked games and is currently ranked first among young Devils. In theory, he was too young, but his family authority allowed him to join ranked games earlier.

However, after eighteen years of homeschooling. Krius' Mother decided to send him to a high school in Kuoh city. That he would meet more people and not limit himself to his peerage and herself. And occasional meetings during receptions.

Krius' Mother says that this school is being explored by the Gremory and Sitri families, and a good relationship with the Gremory family helps him enroll and that his mother's childhood best friend, Grayphia Lucifer, helps her.

When mother and Grayfia were little, they were very much alive and still have good contact.

So there was no problem with enrolling him in school.


POV Krius Blade

As you already know, my name is Krius Blade. Today, as usual, I woke up in my room. My room can be compared to five-star rooms in the human world, but it doesn't matter. I am a young high-class devil. I have white hair and red eyes like everyone in my family. I am well built through my mom's rigorous training and several members of her peerage. Today, as every day, I started my daily ritual. I took an icy shower, brushed my teeth, and went to the great hall for breakfast.

As I came downstairs, there was a huge table set and full of food. My mother, Venelana Blade, was waiting.

She had white hair like mine, only hers was long and pulled up in a bun, which gave her aristocratic charm, not that I judged her. Eyes, of course, red as rubies. But there was a gleam in her eye that made me shiver.

My mom literally looked like a model. If someone who didn't know her wouldn't give her more than 28 years. However, that's one of the perks of being a devil. I literally didn't see anyone who looked his age. Of course, I would never ask my mom how old she is? I'd rather live.

I quickly took my seat in front of my mother and waited for her to signal me so that I could start eating. After all, my mother is demanding in the context of raising me and teaching me the nobility.

When she signaled me, I started to eat breakfast, and in silence, I relished the taste of the dishes.

However, after the meal, when I had the spirit my mom told me:

(Mom) - Krius, I decided that from now on you will start learning in the human world.

(Krius) - In the human world? But why, I am already well educated. And I have a lot of training plans. Why should I go there?

(Mom) - I have already decided, tomorrow you have your first day at the new school. I also bought you a new apartment in the human world. You'll be close to the school. Now go pack your bags.

She said and pointed to the two maids who were standing behind her.

But before they led me to my room. I asked.

(Krius) -Mom. What about my peerage, they're gonna come with me too?

(Mom) -Well, they're not monsters like you, son. They have not yet completed all the training steps and will be joining you when I decide they are done training and ready to stand by your side in the human world.

(Krius) - Yes, mom.

I bowed slightly and went to my room, along with the two maids.

When I got to my room, I packed my stuff quickly and came back downstairs with my luggage. Then my mother gave me all the necessary documents and said she would give me money every month and check how I was doing. So when we finished talking, I created a teleportation circle and teleported to my new apartment.

Thanks for reading.

I await comments.

This is Prologue for now. A quick summary of the basis of my story I'm creating.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts