
Chapter 15: Temporary Farewell and Capital!

After meeting with the Magic Emperor, time was running very fast, and it didn't feel that Reus was now ten years old. in the past five years, Reus trained so hard that he became even stronger than Seles in her {Hell Form}, Asta and Yuno did not lose either, even though only their bodies had gained strength, but now their intelligence had also increased.

Asta one of them, he who did not understand anything, now became a little smarter than he was before, even his grades began to compete with Yuno. Oh, the church also has new arrivals, they are Nash, Recca, Aruru and Hollo. they all really liked Reus and Yuno, whereas Asta was always persecuted by Nash because he didn't have {Mana}, but Asta was sure that he would become a Magic Emperor, and defeat Yuno.

Lescia also grew stronger and more fertile (A / N: Ehehe ~), thanks to the pill given by Reus she became a very strict person when dealing with time, Reus was a little disturbed by the changing nature of Lescia, was this because he invited her to be His right hand, he don't know.

And Sister Lily, Reus when returning from his meeting with the Magic Emperor, he gave her last two pills to Lily, but he did not regret it, because the price of the pill was very cheap when he saw it on the system, he was grateful because the system gave a cheap price, oh Talking about the physical changes from Sister Lily, hmm Reus thought it was truly extraordinary and made him even more motivated to immediately become strong and fulfill his goals. Lily's race also changed to High Human, and it seems Lily has a little Succubus Bloodline in her body, but only a few percent.

(A / N: Don't ask me!)

Seles, hmm how is that, she has a yandere nature, but not infrequently she becomes tsundere when Reus teases her, to be honest she has gotten better and her vengeful nature starts to diminish.

Orsi or Oldman, getting older, getting richer, getting excited to work (A / N: Lol).

Ah by the way, Reus already bought land around the church to build his future home, he also already has a design to make his house.

Reus is also getting stronger, The skills listed in the system are already in the {Rank: S} of all, Reus is very happy and he is very ready to go to the capital to meet his adopted father who has the title of Magic Emperor. he can now make his own version of Susano'o without having to combine his body with his Susano'o Golem, when he managed to do that, he was very happy and could not stop smiling for a week which made the church members look at Reus with a strange look.

Her relationship with Lily has also begun to climb to the point of maturity, but only kissing and hugging. Lescia also began to approach Reus often, because seeing Lily making out with Reus, she initially did not know why she had become like this, but after Lily told her, she was even more daring to tease Reus. until Reus gave up and agreed if Lily allowed it. Lily also knew it would turn out this way, she didn't mind, because she already thought that Lescia was her own sister (A / N: So...Incest?)

(A / N: Don't ask me)

Then Reus finally felt calm, he did not know what to do if Sister Lily refused he had a Harem, even though he had a dream to have a very large Harem and he was sure with his race, he would not run out of stamina in bed.

Currently Reus and Lescia are in front of the church. Asta, Yuno, Lily, Orsi, Nash, Recca, Aruru and Hollo are also in front of the church. they were all shocked when they heard that Reus would travel around the world, they all especially Yuno and Asta really wanted to follow Reus, but Reus refused because it would be dangerous for both of them, he promised to meet them again when the "Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony", Asta and Yuno promised to protect the church when Reus and Lescia were not here.

Reus also said goodbye to his younger siblings, he carried Aruru and Hollo while asking they to go for a walk, he also did not forget Nash and Recca, he used his sand to make clouds to where they sat, while Reus sat with Lily while holding her hand and making out with her. Lescia also sat on Reus's left while hugging Reus's hand.

Whereas Orsi, Nash, Recca, Asta and Yuno sat on a fairly large cloud made of Reus sand magic. they all began to fly around the Hage village, Aruru and Hollo really liked flying together with Reus, they both always laughed and asked Reus about things they both didn't know about. time went by so fast and they all returned to the church, then Reus said.

"Lily, Asta, Yuno, Oldman, Nash, Recca, Little Aruru and Little Hollo, thank you very much, this is a temporary farewell for all of us, I promise to return when I am fifteen, so please look after my house (church) and everyone please take care of your health.

Asta and Yuno, you two are my brothers, even though we are not blood brothers, our bond is able to defeat real siblings. get stronger, because when you meet me again, you will be surprised how strong I am ... zehahaha.

Oldman Orsi, I've left five big sacks of gold sand in a warehouse, that's enough for ten years. Nash and Recca, please look after Little Aruru and Little Hollo for this big brother, please teach them both to live like this big brother .. zehahaha.

Lily .. I actually want to bring you, but Little Aruru and Little Hollo need you, I promise to come back and invite you to become a Magic Knight when I already have Grimoire, for now ... I will miss you." After that Reus hugged Lily's body in front of them all.

"Of course I will miss you all too .. zehahaha" (A / N: is Reus now a Blackbeard?) While looking at the other church members.

They all also began to hug Reus and Lescia, they also told Reus and Lescia to take care of their health and themselves. after that they all cried with each other while hugging their bodies, and a few minutes later they separated.

Reus for the last time he looked towards the church while waving his hand, Lescia also did the same thing that was done by Reus. after that the two decided it was time to go to the capital.


The journey to the capital is not too long, just flying for one day. Reus travels through several villages and small towns, Reus just passes it and goes straight to the capital, he has promised his adoptive father to immediately go to the capital, he wants to introduce himself to children from a noble family, Reus hopes that not a noble family who are arrogant.

When he reached the front gate of the capital, Reus got down from his sand and walked in. he was currently wearing the clothes that Julius had given him, Lescia was the same. he walked in casually and he was amazed by the beauty of the capital, who would have thought that the capital was vast and had many beautiful buildings, his eyes sparkling like Julius when he was interested in something.

Eventually Lescia was forced to hit his head and make Reus realize while laughing and slightly sticking out his tongue. after that he continued, but he stopped when he heard a voice asking for help. he immediately ran towards the direction where the voice came from and Lescia also followed him.

When he got there, Reus was surprised by the many vines that attacked the people around him.

Reus quickly acted and went in the direction of the plant's control, with his {Ki Sense: S Rank} he quickly found it.

He ran, jumped, dodged, attacked, defended, injured, took cover, until finally he arrived in a room. after that he slowly opened the closed door, he detected a {Mana} which was slightly lower than the Magic Emperor and he carefully walked inside. Lescia is tasked with rescuing the people attacked by the plant. Reus who had entered the room, he saw..


The end of the first volume, yeah, a lot of things that had to be fixed when I saw the first volume of my fanfic, to be honest, this wasn't satisfying for me, with many things that I haven't fixed and added yet, honestly this made me feel embarrassed as a writer .. haha, but I tried to make this second volume a little better, and interesting.

Thank you very much for taking this author's journey, the author is not Neveresting Beggar, he needs to rest too zehahahaha

so .. author decided to vacation one day, and another day to write the opening chapter of the second volume, sorry if the chapter is responsible .. zehahahaha.


"The end is the beginning of a new journey to come" Linostice.

"Humans ... weak creatures that have unlimited potential, however, they also have their limits ... and that is their age" Linostice.

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