

when Alex woke up he was in his room, tucked into his bed like a baby he saw a lot of medicines a glass of water on his bedside table and a chair beside his bed indicating, that someone was here taking care of him, he may not have known who it was but he was thankful. soon the doors to his room opened and his captain Yami sukehiro entered "yo kid you awake now, how you feeling" he inquired "better I guess what happened" Alex inquired "you were sleeping for 2 days" Yami told him "2 DAYS" Alex yelled he knew that after using blood field and mana field he requires a good rest, but he had never used them together before, and to think it will outright send him to sleep for 2 days was unexpected. Alex made a mental note to practice it more and increase his efficiency, for he does not know what he may face in the future "ohh kid" Yami said "yes captain" Alex answered to him "if you are okay now I need a report on what happened" Yami told him "did Klaus san didn't tell you" Alex asked "he did but, he does not what you used, the wizard king wants me to get a detailed report from you, so you okay to do it" Yami asked Alex sighed to himself it can't be helped he thought. "yes captain I ma okay what do you need to know" Alex asked Yami "well first of all what was the great magic you used the boys from golden dawn just said that they could not use magic because of it" said Yami "well it was a mana feild it was because of my magic, as you know my magic is mana control it allows me to control the mana enviroment, so I gather that mana and make an absoulute feild where no one else can use it and I use my own mana to maintain it" alex explained. and what about the other one, the one with blood" yami inquired that is my families bloodline ability, direct descendents of my family can govern blood and make an absolute space of thier own, there is only one way to break out of it absolute strenght" alex told him, yamis eyes widened at the explaination of alex at the end he asked only one thing "who are you kid" i wish i could to tell you captain, but now is not the time" alex said with dejecgtion in his eyes, yami had one thing prefect about him being able to tell wether a person is right or wrong and he was sure that alex was right. "very well kid I will take your word for it' Yami said alex looked up at yami and with bright eyes just said "thankyou captain" "now go outside and tell everyone about your adventures and thank them, they have been taking care of you" yami told him "really who among them" alex asked "noelle and asta, vannesa sometimes charmy made food for you and luck stopped himself from destroying the base so that he does not disturb you" yami told alex about all his new comrades did. "thankyou for telling me captain, i will go meet them now" alex said as he got dressed and went out side. when he reached the courtyard he saw everyone enjoying themselves, everyone Alex said all the black bulls turned their head at his voice I am so very thankful to you for helping me Alex said by giving a proper a Japanese bow, while he was not Japanese considering it was an anime world, he felt this is the best way. "ALEX" everyone yelled upon seeing him and ran up to him and gave him a big hug "you are alright now, does it pain anywhere," Noelle asked him hurriedly "I am okay Noelle you need not worry," Alex told her Alex you did something great didn't you, on your mission" asta exclaimed "of course he did," Magna said, "men don't run away from problems " he added to his comment "yet when you returned yesterday you were battered up and were crying when medicine was being given to you" Vannessa commented while she drank a bottle of booze "what did you say" Magna yelled. "wait, was there a mission yesterday," Alex asked Magna "yes we went to the saussy village we fought some hooded guys," asta told alex WHHAAATTT Alex yelled 'you went there already, I missed it was it that time already' Alex thought to himself "what is it Alex you don't look well, are you feeling unwell," Noelle asked him "ahh no not at all I was just surprised to hear the name of saussy village, I use to hunt there sometimes" alex exlaimed "whooo were they boars" asta aked him with excitment "yes apparantly" alex anwered. "anyway, now that you all are here I will tell you, that because of the very good job our newbies did we got 3 black stars awarded by the wizard king, now have some good rest" yami declared "ohh yes also here is your pay" he added and shoved bags of gold on the table

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