
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 33: Puppet…

San and Grada had a large network of rifts opened so they can freely move within the space without being detected. Outside of the rifts, to the naked eye the openings can't be seen, they're ten thousands of millimeters smaller than the head of the smallest nail. So each rift seemed secure and provided a sense of security when within.

Standing inside of the web of spacial tunnels, Grada can see every angle of the battlefield and now have access to multiple ways in which they can attack. They are prepared to kill BlackBlood...

(Grada) San I need you to get as close as possible, but wait until the opportune moment before revealing yourself, make sure you're in proximity to really distract her, then jump back into another rift. Jump out again and hit her with an attack and I'll kill her once she's committed to fighting you.

(San) Grada you're a smug bastard, but you've clearly outmaneuvered BlackBlood with this one...

(Grada) Tuh.. You talk too much. Let's move to the tree top rifts.

Rigor led his group into the Oasis to set up in strategic positions.

(Rigor) Group one, which I'll be leading will have aerial assault, Group two and three will attack her from the right flank, four and five will be on the left flank, six take her head on and you will be asked to maintain your pressure, group seven I want you all to focus on her back with heavy attacks that will keep her stationary. Now hurry and take your places, don't make any moves until you see the aerial team move in...

BlackBlood was delaying on purpose so the Circle could set up its plan. She had no worries about the match, could it be due to her premonition?The situation wasn't yet starting but the tension between all involved was starting to surface, as one Druid dropped his Sword rushing to set up and it rang out throughout the Oasis...

(BlackBlood) Chi. Chi.. Chi... The fools better not fold so easily, they're fumbling around and I haven't even approached them yet. Aet, watch from a vantage point that won't be too close to the battlefield, I think some of these guys may have some decent power.

(Aet) Thats exactly why you should be concerned, or is this a suicide mission?

(BlackBlood) Aet, I only feel the pain of the dead, I didn't come into this world to take only easy roads, if the path is laid out before me, then I am forced to take it; easy, short, hard, or long, it doesn't matter - only timing. This is the path in front of me and I am here now so...

(Aet) As you say.

(ThreeScar) I will waaaaiiiittt forrrr youuu...

(BlackBlood) No you will not. Go explain to your kin what's about to happen.

ThreeScar went to meet up with the Grand Goyles, Aet pulled a small box out of a satchel on his hip, and it transformed into a floating pad big enough to seat multiple people but this time it was just him. He perched himself off in the distance across from the battlefield at a perfect observation point.

BlackBlood opened her Magus to begin her preparations...

-Oni Dawning of Wake- The book of spells levitated in front of her, it flashed red and a small glob came from within its pages. BlackBlood reached out towards the glob, allowing it to wrap around the entirety of her hand, leaving a black short furred strip. The goo followed down to her arm leaving the same but wrapping itself around her arms, followed up by her body and legs.. Her former regalia was now covered and she looked bulky for a second, but suddenly the fur expanded and then contracted into a tight fit set of mage garbs..

A black aura was exuding from the pores of the armor. It had taken on a completely different form. The fur turned to leather and was close knit to the skin. The clothing transformed into a Dark Red-Brown leather and from the looks of it, the texture could only be described as scales from afar but up close it seemed like a real fine leather. Her old garment engulfed itself within the leather-scaled armor hugging the contours of her body.

BlackBlood flexed a little to get a feel and again went to the Magus...

-Witchery's Barter- BlackBlood's Magus expelled a shockwave that unearthed the area where she stood to the size of a small crater. And yet, she stood there channeling the power she called forth. A shadow coiled up her body starting from her feet until it reached the burnt tips of her hair...

Her hair started smoking as if she herself was on fire causing a rush of black smoke to surround BlackBlood. The smoke set in place as if it were a cloud hovering high in the sky, but it was clouding her. From inside crept through the sound of BlackBlood's voice.

-Unscathed Tears- A deep rumble would swell within the cloud. The rumbling kept at it for a couple of seconds then, the sound faded. Things calmed and BlackBlood would then step out of the black cloud, moving forward through the smoke would cause it to pass around her body instead of her passing through it, and the cloud dissipated immediately she was clear..

The ominous pressure leaking into the atmosphere could be felt by the Circle, a strong pungent stench filled the air, followed by hysterical laughter of a high pitched voice. BlackBlood stepped into the view of the Oasis. She had major changes; there was a ghastly head sitting upon her shoulder right next to her own head, its body wrapped around her neck laying over her shoulder but it was a black gaseous being instead of having a solid form...

The head looked out as if scanning the battlefield. BlackBlood's eyes widened and turned solid red. As she gazed off into the distance the head whispered into her ear. She looks into the trees of the Oasis and addresses her enemies.

(BlackBlood) Hwaa... Hwaaaa... Hwaaaaaaa... This will be interesting. Nimra sees all of your families through the makeup of your structures. She says the ones linked to the bloodlines who touched her reside among you. I am a slave to her wishes so I must dispel your life. Maybe it can quench her thirst for revenge and soothe my hunger for blood...

(Rigor) Shut your mouth wench and to hell with that dead hornhead. She has no say over this lifetime, she no longer walks among the living.. PAY HER NO MIND!!!! You want our lives, come and get it Scag!!

Rigor and his group seemed ready, BlackBlood is ready, with a tag-along who is just as vengeful....

To be Continued...

Next chapter 34...

~Blood Oasis~