
Birth of a beauty

"..I was born like this!!..Is this my fault for being ugly?!...Or Is this in my hands to be beautiful or not?!.." Looking at herself in mirror, Li Seulbi sensed a massive feeling of sadness engulfing her heart again. She touched the mirror as she was touching herself and asked "Why are you so ugly?!". She washed her face many times and again looked herself in mirror. She found no difference in her face from before. She shouted" Why?!... Why?! .. Why people hate me because of my appearance?!...Will...Will they love me if i look pretty?!..Will.. they be my friends and not bully me?!...But it is not.. possible". She felt hurt and dissappoinited too. After 5 years - Li Seulbi touched the mirror as tears flowed down from eyes" Is this really me? She is so beautiful to be true. " "This is the result of your hardwork. Now that you are so beautiful and after today you will gain more attention. Are you happy? " " Happy? I would've been very happy that i will jump around like a fool if i was the Li Seulbi 5 years ago, but now the situation is changed, Li Seulbi is changed. It's not only the birth of beauty but Birth of new Li Seulbi." ( This novel is no longer in webnovel. It's continued in another novel platform called ' Hinovel'.)

VXnessa · Général
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92 Chs

We should respect everybody.

After the teachers left the class, Everyone also began to head towards home while discussing about the upcoming festival.

As Shi Yun wasn't present, Some girls approached Lu San and asked what was he doing after school. Lu San smiled and answered that he didn't have any plans and was directly heading for home.

The girls could only sigh in disappointment and leave the classroom. Meanwhile, Xi Mei also approached Li Seulbi " Xiao Seulbi, I am suddenly craving for something sweet. Let's go have some icecream."

Li Seulbi was a little hesitant but seeing Xi Mei puppy eyes, she couldn't say no. She nodded her head, which made Xi Mei jump in excitement.

" Don't worry, The icecream's on me." Xi Mei said as she dragged Li Seulbi out.

Just when they were leaving, Lu San called them out " Hey!" They both turned back to see Lu San looking at them. Lu San asked with a smile " Actually I was also going to have some icecream. So, Can i join you two? If you both don't mind"

Xi Mei and Li Seulbi both looked at eachother then at Lu San. Xi Mei was the one to respond as usual. " Of course, Bro San You can. Let's go together. "

Lu San looked at Xi Mei then Li Seulbi and flashed a bright smile " Alright, then. I know a good place. Let's go there."


Lin Xueqing was walking towards her car. Then she saw many people with black suit looking like bodyguards near her car. As soon as the people saw Lin Xueqing. They bowed slightly as they greeted her " Eldest Young Miss"

Lin Xueqing looked at them and asked in cold tone " Why are you all here?" They were her father's men. Lin Xueqing knew they were here to take her to the Lin Mansion. But she wanted to listen it from their mouths.

The men gulped as sweat began to cover their forehead. They really feared this Eldest miss of theirs. She was always very cold to everyone even to her own father.

Her mood was unpredictable. They have never seen her smile or happy as well she never stayed in the mansion for a long time, was very likely in her secret chamber which always made Lin Chengwei angry.

The main thing was her personal men/bodyguards. They were way much professional and powerful than them. She herself was skilled in martial arts. So, they never dared to even look directly into her eyes.

The leader cleared his throat nervously " Eldest Miss, Master wants you to come back to the mansion." Just when Lin Xueqing opened her mouth to say something, the leader's phone rang.

It was from Lin Chengwei. He hurriedly picked it up " Yes, Master!" Lin chengwei's voice rang from the other side " Give phone to her." The leader looked at Lin Xueqing " Master wants to have a chat with you, here"

He said as he passed the phone to her. Lin Xueqing looked at here and there and saw a lots of students already surrounding them to see the commotion. She sighed, took the phone and went inside the car.

She didn't speak anything. " Xiao Qing, Are you listening?" Lin Chengwei asked. Still there was no any response from her side. He was used to this silent treatment so he got to the point.

" Xiao Qing, Come back home okay. It's been many days already. I have already aged , don't stress me more. Come home at least thinking you have your dad waiting here for you." Lin Chengwei voice contained sadness.

There was a long silence before Lin Xueqing made a "Ummn" Sound then hung up. She then threw the leader' s phone out of the window before dashing off.

The leader took his cracked phone with heartache flashing in his eyes. He commanded others and left the school.

The students broke into discussion.

" Woah, Being rich is really unique. Having a expensive car, many bodyguards following your every command, throwing tantrums. I really want to experience these things."

" I heard she is the granddaughter of the legend businessman, Lin Soguang, who was considered as the richest person in china many years ago. I really envy her."

" Yeah, Born with a golden spoon in her mouth , is so arrogant and cold towards her bodyguards. No any manners."

" * Scoff* Right, what if she is rich, that doesn't mean she has good personality. Whatever let's go."

Lu San , Xi Mei and Li seulbi were also standing a little far away from the crowd.

" I can never understand rich people. Did you see how she threw the phone outside and the man's sad face when he picked up his phone? If i was her, I would never do that " Xi Mei said as they began to walk.

" Maybe you are wrong " Lu San said. Xi Mei was confused. Suddenly she clicked her tongue as remembered Lu San was also rich kid. She hurriedly apologized " Sorry, I didn't actually say the words to you..I mean-"

"Haha, Don't worry. I am not bothered." Lu San chuckled as he shook his head. Xi Mei heaved a sigh of relief " Then what did you mean by i maybe wrong."

Before Lu San could say, Li Seulbi started to speak looking a bit dazed " Maybe he meant that we can't judge a person just by what we saw. We can't know how it feels until unless we are on their shoes. "

She continued " Maybe she was not in the mood to talk to anyone , maybe she has cold personality since small or maybe the men are the bad one , so based on what we saw we can't decide whether anyone has bad personality or lack of manners just because she is rich. They are also humans. We should respect everybody."

" Woah I didn't think so deep. Now i will never simply judge anyone. I didn't know You were so good at analysing things, Big Sis. " Xi Mei said as she looked at Li Seulbi with admiration looks.

Just when Xi Mei began to speak then only Li Seulbi recovered from her daze and realized she told those words. She flashed an awkward smile.

Lu San looked at Li Seulbi and felt his heart ache. He knew those words came out not only from her mouth but from her heart. She was always positive and kind hearted girl.

But the society made her feel miserable and depressed internally just by judging her from her looks. They didn't even care about her feelings and always taunted her for being fat amd ugly.

This was a sad reality in which they were living. The rich or famed people will be praised on the outside but they always talked bad behind their backs and the poor or weak people were always picked on.

Li Seulbi was right " We are all humans. We should respect everybody despite of their gender, outer appearance, economic status, occupation, or their identity. "