

A man finds himself in another world after a new "medical" operation gone wrong, or perhaps right? he wouldn't know, he was the subject of it after all. with a new body and a new ability how will he live this new life in this new world? I would love to tell you that but I just started writing this so I will just leave the basics here I suppose No NTR prob will have netori, thats all i will tell currently since i too have no idea will happen ps it might have some hard stuff, I don't know how I should be describing it so I would just tell you this story isn't wholesome, and it probably will not have much if any wholesome moments, maybe it will? no idea, ah and there will be smut

Daoist6mM4Ra · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Pretty Wife & Handsome Apprentice Doctor

(Elise's POV)

One day while my husband was starting to work on the field with his new equipment lost conciseness and fainted, I was very worried about him and went get him checked out, and after having him checked out by uncle Raulf, the doctor of our village who have looked after us ever since we were children, we found out that Sam has gotten a rare disease called Foreli's daylight disease we had gotten him treated using almost all the money we had left

Unfortunately Sam has only gotten worse, although the medicine helped a bit but it couldn't completely cure him of it but by luck, Fable, an apprentice of Raulf agreed to give Sam the medicine for free out of pity for a while, but it seems like it's finally about to end today...

"But you still are going to have to find someway to pay, don't you anything else you could pay with? I might be able to continue to help you if you do." 

"Oh?! will you really?!" I asked him back in shock, even though we had been inconveniencing him so much he still wants to help? really... such a sweet child, but that just makes me more guilty for taking advantage of him like this...

"Haha, yeah, obviously I will, you two have been very nice to me as I grew up so I have to help you back or else what kind of human would I be?" Fable said as he looked at me, his eyes upturned radiating familial affection even to a stranger like me, his smile exuded an innocent look, and his face...



"Mrs Elise?" 

"AH! sorry! I got distracted..." 

Even though I'm married, I still couldn't help but be dazed by his beautiful smile... how many girls will fall for him once he becomes a full fledged adult? it's reliving that he is such a nice person

"It's okay, just think about what you can pay me with for now, I can take care of Mr Sam for now." Fable's voice broke me of my thoughts

"Thank you, Fable" I said with an awkward smile and started thinking

{What could I use pay him with? should I pay him for the medicine with the farming equipment Sam brought? no, he would have no use for it and all the money Sam spent on them will go to waste, sigh... what should I do...}

 "Sigh, hey isn't getting kind of hot her or is it just me?" I said while letting out a hot breath

For some reason for a few minutes by now I had slowly felt my body heating up, it got so bad now that I can't concentrate and think... wait, is it possible that I also got sick? oh no...

"Hm? hot? hmmm, yeah you're right it has gotten quite hot." Fable said

Oh, phew, I'm glad it must mean it isn't just me and I didn't catch any disease, if both me and my husband became sick I don't know what I would have done...

"Mhm?" I tilted my in curiosity as I watched Fable stand up, he put off his doctor's coat and is now only wearing his T-shirt on him as he sat back down, revealing his smooth yet weirdly strongly defined arms, I couldn't help but gulp quietly, although Sam muscles are bigger than Fable's, why can't I help but agree with the thought that Fable's arms look more manly than his for some reason and tried to suppress the odd feeling of wanting to touch them

"You don't look like you can come up with anything right now, Mrs Elise, I have an idea, maybe we can talk about something and an idea of what you could pay me with might come up?" Fable said as he nodded to himself

"O-oh, yeah, good idea..." Phew, maybe talking with him might distract me from my weird thoughts

"So, how is your relationship with Sam? I heard from the old people here that you have grown up very closely together before you married?" Fable asked me with an look filled with only innocence and curiosity

"Ah, er, yeah, that's right..." I answered Fable's question awkwardly, thinking about Sam I can't help but feel really frustrated with him right now, if not for his reckless spending I wouldn't be in a situation like this right now, tch 

"I see, that's great, then... how close are you? I sometimes see mom and dad kissing and hugging, do you do this too...?" Fable asked me with slightly red cheeks, looking at his embarrassed face a weird feeling of satisfaction and warmth passed through me

"Well, we have gone beyond kissing sometimes... guk" As I said that I had a sudden feeling of disgust, why? even though we have grown with each other and finally married after a long time after confirming our love for each other after so long, why does thinking about being like 'that' with Sam make me feel so... disgusting?

"Beyond kissing? is there something like that?" Fable asked me as he leaned closer, with his face filled with a mix of curiositly and embarrassment

Seeing his cute expression and the question he just asked, I somehow ended up thinking of something very weird I wouldn't ever think of otherwise

{Beyond kissing, would obviously be sex... Fable, sex... sex with Fable...}

I don't know how I got into this weird train of thoughts, but as the idea passed through my head I felt my body tingling and growing even hotter

{Wh-What's this? why am I feeling like this?! is it because I thought about having sex with Fable... angh~❤️...}

Again, it happened again as I though about it and I let out a hot breath

{What should I do? my body is growing so hot it's starting to itch, maybe having sex with Fable would stop it? Hooh~...❤️ than... could I perhaps use this as payment..? wait... payment... for Sam! right I can't do it I am married after all! }

In my growing daze I completely forgot about my husband who is in the same room as us, getting caught up with all my weird thoughts I haven't even considered him

"Mrs Elise? are you alright? did you also get sick?" seeing me heating up Fable quickly stood up and checked on me by putting his hand on my sweating forehead

"Ah- Fable wait don- hngh~❤️" 

"Hm? what was that sound?"

{Oh no...! ugh... so embarrassing! I let out a weird sound when Fable touched me...! but... why, why does his touch on my head feel so nice...?}

Why is it that when he touches me my body feels a wave of warmth? and why does it when he looks at me so worryingly make my heart race? Ugh... what's happening to me?

"Sigh, I'm fine Fable... It's just that I think I might be feeling a little weird..."

"Hmmm... alright, I'm not sure if you're sick, but if you just feel a little bad I think I could help with that, I practiced a way to help someone relive their stress to help my mom with her own so I can use it on you, is that alright?"

Once more, seeing how much he is trying to help me and his face so close makes my heart warm and race, although I fear what way he will help me relive stress might cause me even more of the same kind of stress...

"...Yes, please take care of me, Fable." But I think I might be fine with taking such a 'risk'

After he got my permission he moved behind me and my body tensed in a strange sense of anticipation and suddenly-

"Hngh~❤️ Hoh~❤️"

I let out another weird sound as I felt his manly yet smooth perfect hands rub my shoulders and a hot breath left my mouth

"Hoh❤️ Hah❤️ Hah❤️"

As Fable continued to massage my shoulders waves of heat seemed to attack my body each time he does and my whole body burns as I feel my face grow hot and more hot breaths leave my mouth each time he touches me


"Hah~❤️ Hah~❤️ Hah~❤️"

This... service continued for a few minutes now, my body, previously tense now felt completely relaxed, only the chair I sit on holding me up and Fable's hands saving me from failing to the sides, my mouth remining constantly open as I exhale heavily each time he rubs my shoulders

{Why does it feel so good? hngh~❤️... Even though I'm married... hngh~❤️... and even though my husband is right here..! hngh~❤️... why can't I fight this feeling... hngh~❤️}

As I basked in that amazing feeling of euphoria, something pulled me out from the daze, It was the voice of Fable, in a whisper he spoke straight into my ear

'Mrs Elise, have you gotten better now?'


Rather than my ear, it felt like instead he was speaking straight into my brain, sending an electric shock throughout me and body which had not moved for a few minutes since it had relaxed, spasmed in pleasure as I climaxed, delighting in that feeling of his breath hitting my ear

My body still tingling, my mouth full of drool while some dropping out of it, and my pussy... completely soaked in it's own juice waiting for something to swallow eagerly...

{it feels so good...❤️ my head feels so empty...❤️ N...❤️ Hah~❤️}

"So have you thought about anything you could use to pay me now, Mrs Elise?" Fable said in his usual beautiful right into my ear and my body trembled again in response to the stimulation from it

{Pay...❤️ yes I should pay him for making me feel so good...❤️ }

Even though I feel like I might have forgotten something I used whatever brainpower was barely left to talk

"Hngh~...❤️ I think I might have something that I could use to pay you❤️ Fable~❤️" I said while rubbing my soaked pussy, turning my head to look at Fable who is standing behind me with his smooth hands still massaging my shoulders

"Oh? that's great, well than I can wait here for the payment for now, you can go get it, I will take care of Sam for the meantime" Fable replied with a relived smile

And his beautiful expression gave me an oddly fulfilling feeling, that I should be worshiping everything about him, even just his... beautiful smile

"No~❤️ that won't be necessary~❤️I have your payment right here~❤️" 

"Really? that's even better. well than, what is it?" Fable asked like an innocent child, unfitting even for his age, and I couldn't help but feel like I am dirtying something pure and sacred, but I moved forward even more eagerly for no particular reason

Standing up from my seat I moved my chair in front of me, facing opposite of my direction, I pulled my pants down and moved both of my hands on the handles of the chair, my exposed ass facing Fable made me shudder in excitement, and then finally, I turned my head and spoke to his beautiful face with a twisted smile filled with lust

"...Here it is~❤️ your payment~❤️" I said with a red face while breathing heavily

"...Are you sure about this, Mrs Elise? Mr Sam is right here." Fable said in a serious tone and I suddenly realized how wrong it is, he is right I shouldn't be- 


Suddenly my body tensed and then it slowly relaxed, and wave of an indescribable feeling passed through me...

right now... nothing feels like it matters too much, well except for...

"Yes~❤️ please let me pay you with my wet pussy~❤️" I said while letting out a heavy heated breath in anticipation to what's to come, feeling my pussy start to drip some of it's juice on the floor by now

"Alright, if you are sure than please get ready to pay me with your body"

"Yes~❤️ hehehe~❤️" Hearing him accepting my wet cunt as payment filled me with satisfaction, to think I could pay him back for making me feel so good with my body, it makes my mouth curl up until I can't raise it anymore❤️

"Please use my pussy as much as you want until you are satisfied~❤️" I said with an eager and twisted smile