
Binary Skull on earth

Phil Hank, 21 years old, Lives in the 24th-century outskirts of New Chicago, Having a satisfied job while staying away from his Military family, Finds an Unusual Robot. A Robot that is 2 centuries old, First-generation labor class, Having learned Robotic Science and Artificial Intelligence Phil barely got it started. But unlike other labor class that is designed to do one specific task, this one can learn things by experiencing or doing things. An old Robot learning his way in the 24th century with Phil. Events happen and they get involved in things and have an amazing life-threatening adventure. An Action-pact, Adventure with a bit of Romance. Hope you enjoy!!!!

cm_s · Romance
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Earth 23rd century year 2229 October Project Arc's important part just before it became myth.

"Just a bit and it'll be done."

Lights began to dim. One of the people said while shivering "professor I think this is dangerous, we should slow down this might blow up."

"Shut up, It's now or never this reactor is going to change the world, NO the whole universe, hehehehe" Professor said

With long gray beard and hair sticking out on sides of his head and bald in middle, aged in mid 50s, AI (Artificial Intelligence) glasses over one eye with white coat over GAV suit (GAV suit creates gravitational field around body to protect from any experimental explosion with additional features) design by professor who look like any crazy scientist would look.

"Sir reactor is acting up I don't--"

" What happened, why is there a blackout suddenly, get the generators started and reboot now, or my 40 years would be wasted" professor was enraged.

One of the operator shouted "System rebooting, rebooting failed, trying again, failed again."

"Check the hardware of the reactor. I think it's affecting the whole system." One of the student said,

"The reactor is fine, the system is being affected by some other thing." Professor said while sweating mildly.

But General Ravik reacted quickly "Salvi check for any intrusion start the emergency alarms and follow protocol 149, gather all unarmed personnel in here, now."

"Roger that." Commander Salvi said with a salute.

General who is young and handsome, aged around late 20s with a military grade GAV suit and badges over it, Disciplined, clean haircut, hand gun strapped on suit just lower waist. Gave additional commands to his personnel and said to Professor "props we need to delete the data."

"I know it might be false alarm, I'll wait for confirmation of the intrusion."

"OK you do that."

Suddenly there was a light explosion from upper levels "that's your confirmation."

"OK ok, listen everyone delete everything without backing it up just delete I don't want my research flying around in space."

"Why is lady fardona not here yet" General shouted,

"Sir, they have encountered intruders, the princess's personal guard are defending, they might take their time" one of the private said.

"This is bad" General murmured and said to Salvi" any info on intruders?"

" Not yet but their numbers are big, and we are surrounded," Salvi said.

General said to the professor while putting his Exoskeleton suit on "OK props, we have to activate protocol 260."

"Sigh... Ok I'm authorizing it, it must have been an EMP attack."

"Ok Salvi, activate protocol 260 tell the soldiers on upper levels to defend for 20 min then follow the procedure to escape, and tell the Princess's Royal guards to get to the emergency room, we also have to get there fast and send some personnel to get them."

" Roger."

Professor shouted "OK we are going to blow up everything so, follow the guards and don't die, that's all ."

One of the professor's students said "OMG, we're all going to die" with a slap on his back. The professor said "yeah, and I told you not to, so now keep up, or you'll die by my hand."

Everyone started going to the lower level with gunshots and explosions. It was hard to hear without an earpiece after getting to the next level. One of the private said to the General "Sir, enemies are also on the lower levels."

" How did they get there?" Salvi Said in startlement.

"We don't have time for investigation, we'll have to break through, and where is the princess?" General asked

"They are on the next level." Salvi said

"OK we'll meet up with them everyone get ready for battle."

With getting closer to the emergency room resistance increased, and they met up with the princess, who looked like Athena (lady of war and wisdom) with exoskeleton on, trained in military art, she is no different from soldier for a princess, with guards who looked like Secret Service agents protecting the princess with their hand lasers and mid-range rifles, took a breath when they saw reinforcement.

"Princess, we will be leaving everything we have accomplished here today," the professor said with a gloomy tone.

"Ha! What? sorry I can't hear you, we might die today. " the princess said in a playful tone. She commanded her guards to secure a parameter to strategize their escape with the general and professor, with the system down there was no communication with the outside world except a direct line connected her and the general. Artificial Intelligence, drones, and the security system was shut down. Princess took the professor and general to the side while Salvi set up the defense line with numbered soldiers.

"I think there is a mole here, without internal help they wouldn't have succeeded in attacking." Princess said with caution.

"I know, but first we have to get to the emergency room first we don't have spare ammunition, only limited batteries for rifles." General said.

"If we can get to level 9 we can secure that place. I did set up some security system not linked to the main system in case this situation occurs, and we have to move a large number of people and get there fast." professor said.

"Lady command royal guards to keep people safe my soldiers will open a path for us, there is also a bloody battle going on, on upper levels we have to leave before they come, our suits will protect us for now, we will use our EFS(energy field shield)."

"OK let's push and don't stop" with loud explosions and shots everywhere the group start moving while bracing themselves, with enemy bots and soldiers attacking them with heavy fire, shields starting losing energy while they reach the end of level 8.

By scanning the professor's biometrics they Entered level 9 and closed the door. Everyone became relaxed, but after realizing some of them didn't make it, everyone froze for a moment.

"We don't have time, this door might not hold up for long let's go- cough, cough" blood spouted from the professor's mouth some students helped him to sit while the Princess and General ran over.

"He's shot in the lower abdomen, His suit can keep pressure to keep blood from flowing out, but he needs medical attention" the princess said with a frown and started checking for other injuries and checking the health status on his suit.

"We cannot, medical team must have escaped already. We also have too." General said while scanning his biometrics on the screen of the side wall and wall opposite to it started opening up and there were 2 trains like capsule with silver coating, shining like piece of metal tube big enough for 40 people each.

" Welcome to Maglaton, this baby can circle earth in 3 hours and uses earth's gravitational field as a track now let's get out of here." one of the senior student of the professor said.

"Set the timer." General said to Salvi.

Door of Meglaton opened in upward direction following it's curve, seats were big with enough space to roam around, quiet luxuries train for an escape pod.

General took a brief moment to start setting up system.

After a brief moment everyone got on the train with the professor barely conscious. Divided the group in 2 with Princess, Professor and General in one capsule with others and Salvi in other. Big explosions started sounding in upper levels which were set by Salvi, everything started shaking, it took 10 sec to charge it up to full power and launching sequence started 5,4,3,2 and 1 launch.

The people on the capsule didn't feel anything, but it was at incredible speed. Inside the capsule the professor was taking his last breath, mustering his strength and gesturing the princess to get close and told something to her, after a few breaths he lost his life. Tears rolled out from her eyes, with expressionless face telling herself "Guess, I did got close to this fool over a time".