

In a world of wealth and privilege, a self-centered billionaire's life is upended when he learns that a woman from his past is pregnant with his child and seeking justice. As they navigate their intertwined destinies, they confront their own demons and the harsh realities of their world. Caught between arrogance and the stirring of unfamiliar emotions, the billionaire grapples with the consequences of his actions while the woman seeks redemption and closure. Together, they embark on a journey of reconciliation and growth, facing challenges and finding unexpected allies along the way. Through love, loss, and redemption, their journey unfolds, offering glimpses of hope and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. But whether they can overcome their differences and find happiness together remains uncertain, as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

jhoe_hikay · Urbain
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16 Chs

HOSPITAL x FOE(part 2)

"if you think both of you know me well then you must be joking"Maximo stated while still giving Alec the worst memories he could ever have.

Alec was already bleeding in his mouth, on this face and whole over his body,with that kind of injury inflicted on him he couldn't even talk well,the wounds were harsh but were not very serious.

"what is going here?!!"the doctor shouted as he entered the ward and saw Alec being bitten up by Maximo.

Maximo looked at the doctor then looked back at Alec and then looked Laura who had a scares expression which preceded to him looking at the hand he was using to punch Alec and thought to himself"did I just do this?!"

Out of fear he stood up.

"where is the restroom here"Maximo had

"what do you mean by where is the restroom?no matter your status you can't just badge into an hospital and beat up someone?"doctor replied

"please call put your account number let me pay for the operation and this man's treatment"Vincent responded in return.

"That's is not the problem here,money is not the....what are you doing on the floor Miss Laura"the doctor helped Laura up.

"Thank you,just leave the murderer, everything is fine,can you please help Alec up and give him is treatment first"Laura said.

"Ohkay,you are sure everything is okay"s

doctor replied

"yes it is"

Maximo left and went straight to his car in which he waited for Vincent to come.

Maximo was very disappointed in himself,him reducing himself to their level and beating someone so brutally.

("YOU KILLED YOU SISTER"Alec shouted.)Maximo remembered those very words,Maximo"no he deserved it.

Driver"deserved what sir"

Maximo"just shut the fuck up,peasant"

MAXIMO THOUGHT TO HIMSELF"how could he say I killed Clara,it was an accident,I am not a murderer"

He started thinking out loud"I am not a murderer"


Maximo"why do you choose to jeopardize yourself,like are you for reals now,if you don't get out of the fucking car,you will regret it".

the driver did as he said with immediate effect.

Maximo"How could he say that about my precious Clara,he must be insane,how did a big time billionaire get myself into this?".

Maximo was very mad at the situation he put himself in and became impatient waiting for Vincent.


The doctor went ahead to call some nurses which took Alec to a different bay where he instructed them to treat him and patch his wounds since they weren't that serious or fatal.

His treatment started immediately and he brought in Laura to the delivery room to take away the child.

"doctor is he okay?"Laura asked

"yes he will he fine, no major injury"doctor said.

"okay what of his you know where"Laura asked.

"where ma'am?"Doctor asked in return.

"he was hit in his balls"Laura whispered

"Jeez,are you sure I should in love the police or any other administrative?"the doctor replied in concern.

"Yeah,besides it was Alec that started the whole thing but not withstanding his diss were too little compared to what was done to him but its fine ,they are guys are you forgetting that?"Laura replied

"well of you say so get ready,the surgeon will come and operate on you"doctor said.

"wait I thought you were the one doing it"Laura asked.

doctor"no I was only to get you ready I don't specialize in operations"

Laura"oh okay"

doctor"okay the surgeon is on his way here,just stay tight"

Laura"okay will do"

After some minutes passed the doctor came back

Doctor"ma'am I have a bad news and a good news"

Laura"is my baby alive?!!"

Doctor"sorry ma'am,no"

Laura"okay start with the good news"

Doctor"okay the surgeon can't make it on time because he is being held up by traffic but I told Mr Vincent outside this room now and said he knows a surgeon".

Laura"how is that supposed to be a good news doctor,as sad as I am I can still keep a dead baby in me ,so what is the bad news"

doctor"well the bad news.."


"why did you take so much time,you know I have to shower"Maximo said as he saw Vincent approaching the car.

"I'm very sorry sir but.."Vincent was interrupted.

"Well sir will do,call in the driver so we can move"Maximo said.

"Sir I did come here but not to go"

"what do you mean, Vincent "

"well the thing is that,Laura's surgeon will not be able to make it"

"I thought the doctor there was the surgeon"

"no he isn't,he just wanted to prepare her"

"well still I don't see how am involved here"Maximo said

Vincent looked silently at Maximo with an eyebrow raised.

"and what is that stare supposed to mean?"Maximo asked.

"you know Maximo"

"Wait,hope you are not thinking of me doing the surgery right?"Maximo queried.

"well is not like you can't,you have the skills,knowledged and that is exactly what you studied so why not?"Vincent questioned.

"I can't she can come when the doctor is available"Maximo affirmed.

Vincent looked silently at Maximo with an eyebrow raised.

"and what is that stare supposed to mean again?"Maximo inquired.

"you know Maximo,this is your child we are talking about"

"seriously I didn't know!!"Maximo said putting a pretence surprised look on his face.

"Maximo ,you know this is a serious note here,your child Maximo"

"wait is it the child she killed you are talking about?"

"Maximooo!!,we are all angry at her for what she did but you are a surgeon and that is the you we need now not the argumentative one"Vincent said.

"looks like someone has forgotten who the boss is"Maximo declared.

"Pardon me for my stupidity sir"Vincent apologized

"you know you are lucky I am not a Mafia boss unless you know we wouldn't have had this conversation or you would have been dead for many reasons I can think off"

"Thank you sir with your patience with me"Vincent appreciated.

"you are a stupid boy Vincent,you know that right?you know I don't work for low sac hospitals like this but if you insist I will"

"thank you sir,I knew you would do you right thing"

They bought got out of the car and headed back into the hospital.

They were going and they passed a ward where Maximo saw a little girl on a sick bed,he could see she was very sick.

He entered the ward,it was filled with unattended sick patients.

Vincent"it's this way sir"

He saw a nurse passing bye and then called to ask.

Maximo"hey,why aren't this people being attended to?"

nurse"well sir,though this place isn't very big,this is a private hospital and these are the people that can't continue with their treatment because of the lack of money"

Maximo"okay so money is the problem here?"


Maximo"then that isn't a problem anymore,start treating everyone here especially this young girl here"he points at the girl he sighted earlier.

Nurse"sir will you pay the bills?"

Maximo"Vincent did she just ask me that?"

doctor "oh you are here,I have been waiting for you"

Maximo"can you imagine this nurse,I told her to start treating these people and she refused,asking me if I will pay like I can't pay?".

Doctor "don't you know who you are talking to Cynthia,if he says he will pay,he will pay and now go and alert other doctors and nurses so they can start the treatments right away but before that,go and get him a surgeon coat and some nurses to come and assist him in the delivery room".

Cynthia"okay sir"she left in an hurry.

Doctor"sorry for that sir"

Maximo"well it isn't her fault,unlike the celebrities I don't show off wealth"

"exactly,you are a billionaire and not a celebrity,there is a big difference"Vincent replied.

"okay I will go and alert Laura of you now"the doctor said as he hurried to the delivery room.


Laura"how is that supposed to be a good news doctor,as sad as I am I can still keep a dead baby in me ,so what is the bad news"

doctor"well the bad news is,it is not a bad news at all per say it is just that.."

"let's get this over with so I can be out of here"Maximo stated as he entered the room fully dressed for the operation.

Laura"what the fuc..."