
Big boy, Big Adventure

When Akio Nakamura frees a fairy named Wispella, he's transported to a multiverse filled with endless possibilities. Armed with his raw strength and foul-mouthed attitude, Akio seeks to return home, but his larger-than-life personality and impulsiveness combined with Wispella's kind heart and strong desire to help others lead to hilarious consequences and a journey unlike any other.

StoryCraft · Livres et littérature
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Rumble with Rui

Chapter 5: Rumble with Rui

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on existing works. All original characters and plotlines are my creation, but I do not claim ownership of any pre-existing characters or content. All rights to these pre-existing works belong to their original creators. This is a non-profit work created solely for the enjoyment of fans and no copyright infringement is intended.

Akio's fists slammed into Rui's face, sending him flying backward. The demon crashed into a tree, snapping it in half. Akio followed him, leaping over the broken branches and rocks. He didn't know why he was so strong or how he could ignore Rui's blood demon art, but he didn't care. He just wanted to end this fight and get out of this nightmare.

Rui wiped the blood from his mouth, glaring at Akio with hatred. He couldn't believe that a mere human could hurt him so much. He was one of the Twelve Kizuki, the elite of the demon world. He had mastered his blood demon art, creating threads that could cut through anything. And yet, this brat somehow broke through his defenses and landed several hits on him.

He grinned when his trap caught the human but that satisfaction vanished after his prey broke through it with brute force.

Akio reached Rui, throwing a punch at his head. Rui dodged, swinging his arm and releasing a barrage of threads. Akio ducked and weaved, avoiding the deadly wires. He felt a surge of adrenaline mixed with fear and anger. He was a brawler, not a fighter. He had no experience or skill in combat. He relied on his instincts and his powers to survive. But he knew that Rui was different. He was a cunning and ruthless opponent who used his blood demon art in creative and unpredictable ways.

Akio taunted Rui, hoping to make him lose his cool and make a mistake. "Is that all you got, you freak? You call yourself a demon. Come on, show me what you can do!"

Rui snarled, feeling his pride wounded by Akio's words. He decided to end this fight once and for all. He gathered all his blood into his hands, forming two massive balls of thread. He threw them at Akio, intending to shred him to pieces.

Akio saw the incoming attack and braced himself. He knew he had to dodge or block it somehow, or he would be dead. He glanced at Wispella, his fairy companion who could grant one wish. She was hiding behind a rock, watching the fight with worry and fear.

She was invisible to everyone else but him, so she was safe from harm. But Akio didn't want to use her magic to help him. It was her magic that had brought him to this world in the first place when he made a careless wish while holding a magic crystal that contained her essence. It was an accident that neither of them had expected or wanted. She couldn't hurt anyone; however, the best she can do is hold off reinforcements from coming into the fray.

Thus she erected a barrier that only those in tune with mana can sense. Anyone who enters the barrier will be stuck in a loop for eternity until she undoes the spell.

She winced whenever she saw Akio getting hit and cheered for him. "Ooh... I'm a girl but even I felt that one." She muttered as Akio and Rui struck each other, except Akio struck Rui in the groin.

The fairy winced as the lower upper five unleashed a high-pitched squeal before receiving a headbutt to the nose.

The demon recovered and began using his using his surroundings but Akio was able to keep up and again struck him with a powerful kick.


A few meters away from the fight, two other figures were watching with astonishment and fear. They were a mother-and-daughter pair of spider demons who had been enslaved by Rui for a long time. They had been forced to pretend to be his family, along with other spider demons, under the threat of death. They had suffered his abuse and cruelty, living in constant terror and misery.

The mother and daughter had a complicated relationship. The daughter had betrayed her mother by selling her out to Rui, hoping to gain his favor and escape his wrath. But she soon realized that Rui cared nothing for her and that she had made a terrible mistake. She regretted her actions, but she was too afraid to apologize or rebel.

The mother, despite being hurt and angry by her daughter's betrayal, still loved her and wanted to protect her. She knew that her daughter was young and naive and that she had been manipulated by Rui. She hoped that one day they would be free from his tyranny and live in peace.

They watched as Akio fought against Rui, amazed by his strength and courage. They had never seen a human who could stand up to Rui, let alone hurt him. They wondered who he was and where he came from. They noticed that he didn't use a Nichirin blade or breathing techniques like the demon slayers they had encountered before. He seemed to rely on his fists and his powers alone.

They felt a mix of fear and hope as they saw Rui's blood demon art fail to harm Akio. They knew that Rui's threads were deadly, capable of slicing through flesh and bone with ease. They had seen him kill countless humans and demons with them, including some of their fellow spider demons. They had also seen him use them to torture and control them, making them obey his every whim.

But Akio was different. He seemed to have a barrier around him that blocked Rui's threads from touching him. He also seemed to have the ability to nullify Rui's powers when he touched him, making him weaker and slower. They wondered if he was some kind of special human or if he had some secret weapon.

They also noticed that Rui's healing was slower than usual. Every time Akio hit him, he left a mark on his body that took longer to heal than normal. They knew that demons could regenerate from most injuries as long as their heads were intact. But Akio's attacks seemed to damage Rui on a deeper level, affecting his cells and organs.

They felt a surge of hope as they realized that Akio might be able to defeat Rui and free them from his grip. They dared to imagine a life without fear and pain, where they could be happy and safe.

The daughter turned to her mother with tears in her eyes. She spoke in a low voice, hoping that Rui wouldn't hear them.

"Mother... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I did. I betrayed you. I betrayed us. I was stupid. I was selfish. I thought he would spare me. Please forgive me... Please..."

The mother looked at her daughter, feeling a wave of compassion and sadness. She hugged her gently, stroking her hair.

"Shh... It's okay... It's okay... I forgive you. I forgive you... You were scared... You were desperate. You didn't know any better. It's not your fault... It's his fault... He's the monster... He's the enemy. We'll get through this. We'll survive this... We'll be free soon."

They held each other tightly, hoping that their words would come true. They watched as Akio continued to fight against Rui, praying that he would win. Neither will lie watching their tormentor suffer like this was satisfying especially whenever he squeals like a pig.




"Hello, dear readers. I'm sure you're wondering how Akio can fight against Rui, one of the strongest demons in this world. How can he resist his blood demon art, and how can he hurt him so much?

You see, Akio is not from this world. He is from a different reality, one that is more real than any other. A reality that is the source of all other realities. A reality that is the origin of all stories and fiction.

Because this world is fiction, a story, and a fantasy, Akio is exempted from fictional concepts. And the more fictional a world is, the more powerful he becomes. His strength, speed, durability, agility, senses, and healing are all enhanced by his status as a foreigner from Prime Earth.

But that's not all. This same power makes him immune to fictional abilities. Abilities only exist in stories and fiction. Abilities like Rui's blood demon art.

Blood demon art is a concept that belongs to this world. A concept that allows demons to manipulate their blood into various forms and effects. A concept that is based on the rules and logic of this world

But Akio doesn't follow those rules or logic. He follows the rules and logic of Prime Earth 0-1. And in Prime Earth 0-1, blood demon art doesn't exist. It's impossible. It's unreal. Blood is liquid, blood is wet.

That's why Rui's blood demon art doesn't work on Akio. Because Akio's "Reality" doesn't recognize it as real. It doesn't matter if it can cut steel or mountains. Fiction is fiction.

He has a barrier around him that blocks any fictional ability from affecting him. A barrier that is made of his reality. A reality that is stronger and more real than any other.

Now the important question... How? We already tackled the "why" so how is he nullifying Rui's demonic abilities? Let me ask you have you heardLocard's exchange principle?

The principle is called Locard's exchange principle. It states that whenever two objects come into contact with each other, they exchange some material or trace evidence with each other.

For example, when you touch something with your hand, you leave some skin cells or fingerprints on it. And when you walk on the ground, you leave some footprints or dirt on it.

This principle applies to Akio as well. Whenever he touches something or someone from a fictional world, he leaves some traces of his reality on them.

This exchange affects both parties involved. For Akio, it means that he can temporarily become empowered by the fictional objects or characters he touches.

For example, if he touches a sword that can cut through anything Or if he touches a character that can fly, his strength, speed, hearing, etc; increases for a while.

But for the fictional objects or characters he touches, it means that they lose some of their abilities or properties for a while.

The sword that can cut through anything becomes a normal sword for a while. Or the character that can fly loses their ability to fly.

This effect is more noticeable and lasting on living beings than on inanimate objects.

That's why Rui's healing is slower than usual. Because every time Akio hits him, he leaves some traces of his reality behind. And those traces interfere with Rui's ability to regenerate from his injuries.

They weaken his cells and organs, making them less responsive and efficient. They disrupt his blood flow and circulation, making them less stable and consistent. They reduce his vitality and energy, making them less abundant and available.

In other words, Rui is becoming more human and less demon while Akio is slowly becoming a demon and less human.

And the more Akio hits him, the more traces he leaves on him. And the more traces he leaves on him, the more his healing slows down. And the more his healing slows down, the more vulnerable he becomes.

And that, dear readers, is how Akio can fight against Rui, one of the strongest demons in this world. How he can resist his blood demon art and how he can hurt him so much.

He is a boy who came from another world. A world where magic and demons don't exist. A world where he was just an ordinary human. A world that we call Prime Earth 0-1.

But in this world, he is extraordinary. He is powerful. He is immune.

He is the exception."


The fight between Akio and Rui reached a climax as Akio overpowered Rui's blood demon art once more and switched to offense. They rushed forward and exchanged blows, both suffered injuries but Akio recovered quicker.

He charged at Rui, dodging his threads and closing the distance. He unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, aiming for Rui's head and body.

Rui tried to block and counter, but he was too slow and weak. He felt Akio's blows land on him, making him stagger and groan. He felt his bones crack and his organs rupture. He felt his skin bruise and his flesh tear.

He felt pain. A lot of pain.

He couldn't understand how this was happening. How could a human hurt him so much? How could he resist his bloody demon art? How could he nullify his abilities?

He screamed at Akio, demanding answers.

"Who are you? What are you? How are you doing this? Answer me!"

Akio didn't answer. He didn't care about Rui's questions. He didn't care about Rui's feelings. He didn't care about Rui at all.

He just wanted to end this fight and get out of this nightmare.

He used his street smarts, the ones he had learned from years of bullying and fighting. He used dirty boxing, a style of fighting that involved using any means necessary to win. He used elbows, knees, headbutts, and low blows. He used eye gouges, ear slaps, throat strikes, and groin kicks. He used anything that would hurt Rui and make him suffer.

Of course, Rui adapted and had been keeping his distance and using his threads to keep track of his movements but with his superior speed, it barely helped. The demon made it hard for him to get close. So he started demolishing everything that could help Rui reach the high ground. He ain't Obi-Wan.

He spoke in a sarcastic tone, delivering his final words to Rui.

"I'm just one big, fat, angry motherf*****!"

He delivered a powerful uppercut that lifted Rui off the ground and sent him flying into the air.

Rui felt his jaw shatter and his teeth fly out of his mouth. He felt his neck snap and his spine break. He felt his skull crack and his brain burst but he can't help himself but grin. Finally, the fight was going in his favor.

He felt nothing. But that was not the end of the fight. Rui had one last trick up his sleeve. A trick that he had kept as a last resort. This trick was even useful against demon slayers who came close to chopping off his head.

He had stored some of his blood in his threads, creating a network of blood vessels that connected him to his body. He had done this secretly, without Akio noticing. Not that the fat human can tell; he already figured out that this stranger was a brawler.

He had done this for two reasons. One, to enhance his blood demon art. And two, to create a backup plan in case he was defeated.

And he was defeated. But he was not dead.

As he fell to the ground, he activated his hidden ability. He used his threads to pump some of his blood back into his body, reviving him from the brink of death.

He also used his threads to reattach some of his severed limbs and organs, healing him from some of his injuries.

He was still in pain. A lot of pain.

But he was alive. And he was angry.

He got up from the ground, ignoring the shock and fear on Akio's face. He glared at him with hatred and rage.

He spoke in a furious tone, delivering his final words to Akio.

"Die, you piece of shit!"

He unleashed his ultimate attack, a massive wave of threads that covered the entire area. He intended to slice Akio into pieces and end this fight once and for all.

Akio saw the incoming attack and panicked. He knew he had no chance to dodge or block it. He knew he was doomed. He closed his eyes and waited for the impact.

He felt a surge of energy flow through him, giving him one last burst of strength, rage, and courage. He opened his eyes and saw an opening in Rui's attack—a small gap between the threads. He decided to take his chance and go for it.

"Not if I kill your ugly ass first, f***face!" Akio roared.

He charged at Rui, dodging and weaving through the threads. The two roared with all their rage and determination to end the other. Akio grunts as he powers through the pain of having skin cut by the blades that Rui attached to his webs. He reached Rui, throwing a punch at his chest. He felt his fist connect with Rui's heart, making him gasp and cough.

He felt something happen. Something strange and unexpected. Rui's appearance was changing to something else, but it felt normal. That's when he realized what he had done. He had purified Rui from Muzan's blood.

He had turned Rui back into a human. And he didn't even know how.


Rui felt his blood demon art disappear, along with his threads. He felt his body weaken along with his powers. He felt his mind clear, along with something he hadn't felt in a long time.

He felt human.

He looked at Akio, who was still holding his hand on his chest. He saw compassion, confusion, and shock his hand on his chest. He saw compassion, confusion, and shock. He heard Akio speak to him in a softer and gentler tone.

"Hey... You're human again."

He watched his enemy fall to the ground in exhaustion. He realized that Akio had somehow freed him from Muzan's blood and turned him back into a human.

He remembered his past and his life before he became a demon. He remembered his family—his parents, who loved him and cared for him. He remembered how he had severed his bonds with them and how he had killed them in a fit of rage and despair.

He realized that everything he had done toward his goal was futile and meaningless. He realized that he had wasted his life chasing after something that didn't exist. He realized that he had lost everything that mattered to him.

Tears came as he cursed his inability to apologize to his parents for killing them. He wished he could see them again and tell them how sorry he was. He wished he could undo his mistakes and start over again.

But he knew it was too late. He knew he couldn't change the past. He knew he had to face the consequences of his actions.

He spoke in a weak and hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for hurting everyone. I'm sorry for being a monster."

He felt tears fall from his eyes, and a smile formed on his lips. He felt peace. He closed his eyes and waited for the end. He was human now, which meant this was his most vulnerable form, which anyone could use to kill him.

But it never came.

Instead, he heard Akio speak to him again, in a slightly joking tone.

"Hey... You still have a chance to make up for your mistakes. How about we get off this mountain together? My legs are starting to cramp. I also need to get this blood off... I liked this kimono too."

He opened his eyes and saw Akio's face, which was still full of anger and contempt. But he also saw something else.

He saw hope. He nodded at Akio and agreed to his offer before passing out, but the older teen caught him.


The young man grinned, then called out to Wispella, who quickly flew towards him. She had been busy making sure the barrier held up so that the other spider demons wouldn't find them quickly. She was worried about Akio, but she also trusted him to win.

She was relieved and happy to see him alive and well. She congratulated him and hugged his cheek.

" You did it! You beat him!"

She looked at Rui, who was lying on the ground, unconscious and human. She wondered how Akio had managed to turn him back into a human. She asked him.

"How did you do that? How did you turn him back into a human?"

Akio shrugged and admitted he had no idea. "I don't know. I just punched him in the heart, and something happened. I felt a warmth, and then he changed. Maybe it has something to do with my powers, his blood, or both. I don't know."

He looked at Rui, who was still breathing. He felt pity for him, but also curiosity. He wanted to know how he was able to turn him back. If he can figure that out, that might help in case he encounters another demon that Muzan forcibly changed.

He turns to Wispella with a tired look. "Let's take him with us. It's too dangerous to leave him here." He was an asshole, but he wasn't cruel enough to leave people to die unless they deserved it.

Wispella nodded and agreed. "Okay. Let's do that. Maybe he can be our friend."

She used her magic to create a small bubble around Rui, lifting him off the ground with ease.

She said to Akio "There, now let's get out of here."

Akio nodded and agreed. He looked around, seeing the destruction that their fight had caused. Trees were broken, rocks were shattered, and the ground was scorched. Lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the scene.

He also saw two other figures in the distance, hiding behind a tree. They were two female demons, one older and one younger. They were the mother and daughter spider demons who had been watching the fight from afar.


They had seen Akio defeat Rui and turn him back into a human. They were shocked and confused by this turn of events. They didn't know what to do next.

They wondered if they should run away or stay put. They wondered if they should attack Akio or beg for mercy.

They watched as he walked away from the mountain with Rui. The mother and daughter demons exchanged a hesitant glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. They had witnessed the display of Akio's extraordinary abilities and his unpredictable nature. In that silent moment, an unspoken agreement passed between them.

They would follow the bizarre human who had done the impossible. The human who had beaten Rui turned him back into a human. The human who had shown compassion for Rui and taken him with them.

"Hey, you two... I don't care if you follow us, but don't cause anymore trouble. If you're going to eat a human, then eat bandits and criminals." Akio turned toward them with a warning glare.

With a nod from the mother, they acknowledged Akio's words, accepting his warning. They made their way towards him, cautiously stepping into the uncertain path that lay before them.

They followed him quietly, keeping their distance from him.

They would follow him, hoping to find some help and a new life.


AN: And done... So what do you think?