
Big boy, Big Adventure

When Akio Nakamura frees a fairy named Wispella, he's transported to a multiverse filled with endless possibilities. Armed with his raw strength and foul-mouthed attitude, Akio seeks to return home, but his larger-than-life personality and impulsiveness combined with Wispella's kind heart and strong desire to help others lead to hilarious consequences and a journey unlike any other.

StoryCraft · Livres et littérature
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: The Wind Blows, The Demon Comes

Chapter 11: The Wind Blows, The Demon Comes


Disclaimer: This work is purely fanfiction and is not affiliated with the original creators or publishers of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. The only characters I own are Akio and Wispella. All other characters and settings belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.


Akio swung his axe with a loud thud, splitting the woodblock in half. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and tossed the pieces into a pile. He was making charcoal with Tanjiro, his friend and business partner, at Mt. Kumotori, Okutama. They had been working for a few hours, but Akio's mind was elsewhere.

He muttered to himself, "What the hell am I supposed to do? How can I stop Muzan from killing off the Kamado family? I can't just send them away, there are demons everywhere. Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

He clenched his teeth and gripped his axe tighter. He knew that Muzan Kibutsuji, the first and most powerful demon, had a grudge against the Kamado family. Akio had vowed to protect them, especially Kie, Tanjiro's mother, whom he had a crush on.

Tanjiro noticed Akio's grim expression and heard his curses. He also smelled that Akio was more jumpy and wary than usual. He wondered what was bothering him. He took a deep breath and called out to him.

"Hey, Akio! Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Akio turned his head and saw Tanjiro's sincere smile. He felt a pang of guilt and forced himself to smile back.

"Sure, what is it?"

Tanjiro walked over to him and clasped his hands together.

"Akio, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and helping us with the charcoal business. You've done so much for us, and I'm very grateful. You know, I see you as an older brother."

Akio laughed and ruffled Tanjiro's hair.

"Hey, don't get all mushy on me. We're business partners and friends, that's all. You don't have to thank me for anything. I'm just doing what I can."

Tanjiro laughed too and hugged Akio.

"Still, thank you. You're the best."

Akio felt a warm feeling in his chest and hugged him back.

"You're welcome. You're not so bad yourself. Now can you please let go, this is weird."

They broke the hug and smiled at each other. They resumed their work, chatting and joking along the way. Akio tried to forget his worries and enjoy the moment. He hoped that nothing would happen to ruin it.

Akio felt a headache coming on. He decided to take a break and rest. He told Tanjiro that he was feeling a bit under the weather and wanted to go back to the Kamado home.

Tanjiro smiled and nodded.

"Okay, Akio. Don't push yourself too hard. You've done enough for today. Go and get some rest. I'll finish up here and join you later."

Akio thanked him and left. He walked back to the Kamado home, where he was staying as a guest. He saw Kie cooking in the kitchen. She looked up and smiled when she saw him.

"Hello, Akio. Are you done with chopping all the wood already?"

Akio blushed as he remembered the night before. Kie had sneaked into his room and cuddled with him. She had whispered sweet words in his ear and kissed him on the cheek before leaving. He had been too stunned to say anything.

He shook his head and apologized.

"No, I'm sorry. Tanjiro is still working by himself. I'm not feeling alright. I think I have a fever or something."

Kie's smile turned into a frown of concern. She walked over to him and touched his forehead.

"Oh, you're burning up! You poor thing, you must be exhausted. Come on, let me take you to your room. You need to lie down and rest. I'll bring you some food and medicine later."

Akio nodded silently and let her lead him to his room. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

"I'll be back soon, okay? Just rest for now."

She left the room and closed the door behind her. Akio sighed and tried to relax. He wondered what was going on between him and Kie. He liked her a lot, but he didn't know if she felt the same way or if she was just being nice.

He heard a giggle from the corner of his room. He turned his head and saw Wispella, the wish fairy, floating in the air with a teasing smile.

"Hello, Akio. How are you feeling? You look a little flustered."

Akio groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Not now, Wispella. Can't you see I'm trying to rest?"

Wispella fluttered closer to him and winked.

"Oh, come on, Akio. Don't be so grumpy. I'm just here to check on you and maybe grant you a wish or two."

She leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"Or maybe you don't need my help anymore. Maybe you already have everything you want right here."

She pointed at his chest, where his heart was beating fast.

Akio felt his face heat up even more and pushed her away.

"Stop it, Wispella! That's none of your business!"

Wispella laughed and flew back to the corner.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave you alone for now."

" What are you doing in my room?"

"I was just bored of watching the Kamado family, so I followed you here. You're much more interesting, you know." She smiled and tilted her head. "Besides, I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Akio raised his eyebrows and asked. "What is it?"

Wispella's smile faded and she became serious.

"Akio, are you really serious about what you're going to do?"

She knows. Akio frowned, he knows damn well that the fairy despite her desire to help was someone who wouldn't lift a finger if it meant defying the 'canon' event.

"What do you mean? What am I going to do?"

Wispella glared at him and said. "Don't play dumb with me, Akio. You know exactly what I mean. You're going to try to change the fate of the Kamado family, aren't you? You're going to try to stop something tragic."

Akio's eyes widened and he looked away. "Who told you that?"

Wispella snorted and said.

"Nobody told me that. I figured it out myself. I can see it in your eyes, Akio. You care about them, especially Kie. You want to save them from their tragic destiny."

She flew closer to him and said in a low voice.

"But do you realize what you're doing, Akio? Do you understand the consequences of defying fate?"

Akio glared back at her and said. "Yes, I do. And I don't care. If I have to choose between defying the world and letting the world do as it damn pleases, I'll choose the former. I won't let anyone hurt them, not even fate itself."

Akio already knew that he screwed up, he had grown attached to the family and thus made it impossible for him to let their future be. He knew he should have left them in a blink but honestly if he met someone like Tanjiro he knew he would go to hell and back for them. Not because of some hero complex but because he was their friend. Akio barely had any friends that he can even call. Most were there for the sake of looking good or showing off. But Tanjiro, he knows damn well the kid was someone you need. A friend who would go to hell just to raise you up.

Wispella sighed but smiled. "Akio, Akio. You're such a stubborn and reckless person. But you have a good heart. That's why I like you."

Akio denied it and said. "Shut up, Wispella. I'm just doing what I want."

Wispella poked his cheeks playfully and said. "Oh, yes, you do. You're a softy, Akio. You can't fool me."

Akio sighed and gave up arguing with her. He asked her.

"Wispella, tell me something. Is it possible to bend fate? Is there a way to change the future?"

Wispella nodded and said.

"Yes, it is possible. But it's not easy. Now sure I can grant your wishes but there's something I haven't told you."

Akio raised an eyebrow and asked. "And that would be?"

"Akio, changing fate is not as simple as granting a wish. It's a complex and delicate process that involves many factors and variables. You can't just wish for something to happen or not happen and expect it to work. You have to understand the cause and effect of every action and decision."

She held up her finger and said.

"First of all, we need to figure out the most major event that triggers the tragedy of the Kamado family. The one that sets everything in motion. The one that we need to prevent or alter."

Akio knew what she was talking about. He sighed and felt a pang of guilt and sorrow in his chest.

He said in a low voice. "I know what it is. And I don't like it."

Wispella saw his dejected look and guessed what he was thinking.

She said softly.

"You mean Nezuko, don't you? You mean her becoming a demon."

Akio nodded and said.

"Yes. That's the event that starts it all. That's the event that makes Tanjiro become a demon slayer and join the fight against Muzan. That's the event that puts them all in danger."

He clenched his fists and said. "But I don't want that to happen. I don't want Nezuko to suffer like that. I don't want Tanjiro to lose his sister. I don't want any of them to die."

Wispella placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and said.

"I know, Akio. I know how you feel. But don't worry, everything will be fine. We'll find a way to change fate without hurting anyone. We'll find a way to save them all."

She smiled and said.

"Trust me, Akio. I'm a wish fairy, after all. I can make miracles happen."

Akio looked at her and saw her sincere eyes. He wanted to believe her words, but he had a bad feeling in his gut. He felt like he was playing with fire, and he might get burned.

He closed his eyes and said.

"Thanks, Wispella. But I need some time to think about this. Can you leave me alone for now? I just want to nap."

Wispella nodded and said.

"Of course, Akio. I'll let you rest for now. But don't forget, Akio, I'm always here for you if you need me."

She kissed his cheek and disappeared in a flash of light.

Akio felt her lips on his skin and sighed again.

Akio and Kie walked out of the room and headed to the living room, where they expected to see Tanjiro and Nezuko. Instead, they saw a horrifying sight that made them freeze in shock.

Nezuko was speared into a wall by a long, black tentacle that came from outside. She was bleeding profusely and her eyes were wide open. She looked lifeless.

Kie screamed in terror and ran towards her daughter. She shouted.

"Nezuko! Nezuko! Oh, God, no! Please, no!" She reached the wall and tried to pull the tentacle out of Nezuko's body. She cried.

"Nezuko, please, wake up! Please, breathe! Please, be alive!"

She heard a voice from behind her say. "What do we have here? A mother and her daughter? How touching."

She turned her head and saw a man standing in the doorway. He had pale skin, black hair, and red eyes. He wore a white suit, black vest and a fedora hat. He had a smirk on his face and a bloodlust in his eyes.

He said. "Hello there. I'm Muzan Kibutsuji. Do you have some spare food?"

He didn't wait for an answer. He raised his hand and shot another tentacle towards Kie. "Never mind. It doesn't matter. You're all going to die anyway."

Akio saw the tentacle coming and reacted in an instant. He moved in front of Kie in a burst of speed and punched the tentacle with his fist. He felt his power activate and nullify the tentacle's ability. The tentacle disintegrated into dust before it could reach Kie.

Akio said. "Not so fast, you bastard."

He looked at Muzan with a glare and said. "You're not going to touch them. Not while I'm here."

He charged at Muzan and punched him in the face with all his strength. He felt his power activate again and nullify Muzan's ability. He also felt his immunity protect him from Muzan's poisonous blood.

The force of the punch disfigured Muzan's face and sent him flying out of the house. He crashed into a tree and fell to the ground. He felt pain erupt from his nerves like never before. He felt like he was being dipped into the sun for ten lifetimes.

He screamed in agony and disbelief. "Aaaahhh! What is this? What did you do to me?"

Akio ignored his screams and turned to Kie. He saw her holding Nezuko in her arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

He said. "Kie, listen to me. You have to lock the house and wait for the sun to rise. Don't come out until then." He grabbed an axe from the pile of wood and handed it to her. "Take this. If anything tries to get in, chop it off." He can Wispella giving him a nod from the window. Good, now he can fight without worrying.

Kie looked at him with tearful eyes and said. "Akio, what are you doing? What's going on? Who is that man? What is he?"

Akio said. "He's a demon. A very powerful one. And he wants to kill you all."

Kie gasped and said."A demon? But why? Why us?"

They couldn't know, as much as Akio want to tell her, this is something that needs to happen. Akio lied. "I don't know. But I'm going to stop him." He kissed her on the cheek and said. "Stay safe, Kie." As he stepped out of the house and faced Muzan. He saw him getting up from the ground, his face slowly regenerating.

"Get up, you piece of shit. You want food? I got two right here."He growled.

Muzan glared at him with hatred and fear. He said. "You… You're not human. What are you?"

Akio said. "I'm your worst nightmare." He then points at Muzan with grin that would make that prince of saiyans proud. "And you're nothing but a third rate Michael Jackson wannabe."