

Waking up seems stressful to me tho! With all the work and ordering to do.... my bestfriend/P.A is all up in my ass saying some stuff i could barely understand. Some stuffs about going to college. Who on earth would wanna go to college after successfully owning a tech company?, like I'm a fucking CEO.

yes I'm a CEO, I own Aardvark App, we control everything telecommunication in the world, everything technology tho. I rule the world.. lol

Growing up in a place like California has given me so much enlightenment about the different prospective of life and people, so I'm able to deliver anything that has to do with technology to anyone anywhere.

"Alivita please get up, we gonna be late for the meeting., this contract is a multimillion dollar contract so we cant mess it up" Olivia yelled!

well she is right!,..trying my best to get up, i saw Olivia already pounding on a peanut butter sandwich and coffee..

I need a break from work Olivia, i need to leave like a normal teenager, I cried out to Olivia.

"But you are not a teenager" Olivia lashed out

She loves the serious and business life style, not that i dont, infact i built it, but sometimes i see my mates and i just wish i was broke!!!

Lol, who am i kidding i love being rich.

I need a break tho.

"When you done thinking, can you get dressed. We have a meeting in an hour". Oliver yelled out, which got me on my toes as i hurry to take a shower.

I will not say I'm beautiful but I am super hot,and i am fucking pretty, i love my dark hair, it falls parfectly on my caramel skin, it makes my brown eyes pop. Omg, my legs are super sexy. Lol, i trip each time i see myself in the mirror. My love life is locked up, i I can't even remember where i left dem keys. My last relationship ended with a phony, apparently he wasnt who he said he was and stole about 200 thousand from me. Who those that..

What the fuck!!, am i gonna wear for this meeting?.,..i

Stepped out of the bathroom, just to see Olivia had already picked out a nice black pant suit and a cute round neck top... not my style, but was already too late so i just had to rock it. Took a bite from my creamy sandwich, wanted more but Olivia's got her issues with punctuality.

From my mansion to my office takes about 45mins, so was able to meet up... Olivia couldn't stop yanning about how late we were and how the contract would flop. Such bad energy. But she is the only one that keeps me going.. my parents are nonchalant, but i cause its cause they feel i dont need them. I love the freedom tho. My dad is from new York, my mum is from Massachusetts. They live in England, they only come around Christmas and New year. We share a family bond.

Since Olivia already went through the contract, i had no reason too. Sealing the contact didnt take more than an hour, i was the happiest but had to keep a straight face. It was hard tho

Fuck, I'm famished, i need to grab a bite.

Drove down to ROMI'S BREW & BBQ, mehn, they are the best restaurant in California. Nothing like there hamburger, or waffles. I'm in love with the foods that they cook. I ordered for chicken hamburger and vanilla yogurt. Best combo. Ate in the car before heading to the office.

Why do you look like you heard people planing your death? I asked Olivia. She was looking like she was about to die. Which is odd cause we just won a million dollars contract. Sounds amazing, ikr

"Alivita"! Oliver called out. Why are we not in college like our mates?

Cause we are billionaires, we dont need college. We have what we wanna study for, so why stress.

Have you gone through this contract? Olivia asked again

No!!!, i thought you did!, i barked out, wondering why Olivia is sounding like its the end of the world

It states that to proceed with this contract, we have to be either a B.sc holder or working towards it. ALVITA, we are drop outs, high school dropouts. This is the end. Olivia cried as she roll on my office floor.

"Olivia, please dont be a drama queen, other contracts will come you know, this isn't the first so its definitely not the last.

"Alvita, why dont we apply for college, you can study computer engineering and i will study linguistics... " said Oliver stupidly

Hahaha, you fucking hilarious, me?! Study!, nah... school isnt for me sis. I need to clear some work, please find something to do. Talk to Mr jasper to see if there is a way around this. Cause no school for me! I told Olivia bluntly.

Why do i have to stress about this, school.. college, nah. My annoying, life threatening experience from High school will remain evergreen in my memory. I hate school. As a black woman, in a white community.. you get fucked with mostly in high school. I was reallyfucked with. Never ever going to school ever. I am fucking 19, i can make my own rules and take care of myself, i have the money to anyways.

Omg, I'm going to be 20 in few months. December 11, gonna be 20, i cant wait.. then i would probably get a dog, i am so rocking 20 mehn.

Time flies when you sit in front of papers and shits. Its hard to work, but i prefer it to school any day.

Olivia dashed into my office to inform me about a certain young man, who insisted on seeing me, without an appointment.

"Hehee, I have to see your boss, its urgent"... coming from a young dashing dead gorgeous man. He matched matched into my office with all audacity, i went speechless.

Hi!, wow... wasnt expecting a hotty as CEO, FUCK you fine asf. He said with a sexy smirk that almost got me drooling

Stammering....errr...why.. hmm..who...hmmmm. who are you? I tried to speak

"Perdon my manners, I am Alexander Kins. I am a programmer. In my second year in university of California studying software engineering.

Wow., i commented

"So how can i help you? I asked!

I have checked alround and you are my last hope,i need to do my internship and i need the best technology company so i can get bonus on my remarks and job applications.

Oh, i see.... Olivia! I shouted

Yes ma'am! She replied

Put Mr Kins through an interview, if he fits, he will be working as an intern with the software department. I commended.

Submit your resume please, i requested.

He looked at me with a smirk and dashed off with Olivia for his interview.

With speed, i opened his resume... impressive, good grades.... never had detention! Wow!!!!!! Thats a plus.. he is 23, nice... he looks good for his age, I love the way him jaw line drops, with his deep beards... He is hot on fire.. wow.

What the fuck I'm i thinking, tho his muscles are perfect with his body and he looks so fucking firm. Mehn, I'm drooling.




Wtf is it braian? I asked angrily

"Sorry maam, miss Olivia seeks your attention " he spoke softly

And did you ask her why? I asked sarcastically not expecting him to answer.

"No ma'am, didnt get the chance to" he replied

Oh really, i said as i walked out my office.

Why the fuck did you send braian to me? that dude is so dumb. I said

"But you haired him"

Olivia replied

He is so good at his job. I need him. I said with regrets in my voicd.

"Anyways, I'm here, wassup? I asked

So i hired him. He is very intelligent, he passed all the test" Olivia said

Including the one with the eyes testing stuff?.. I asked

"Yeah and that too" Olivia replied.

So when is he resuming work? I asked

"On Monday" Olivia replied

I think we should pay him, how about 2 thound dollars monthly, we can cover his accommodation while he is still with us and give him a company car..

Good idea! Olivia agreed

Write his schedule and make sure you check him. If he slacks, cut him off, I commanded Olivia

"Ok ma'am".

" Alvita, I'm wanna head home in some minutes, I'm really tired. Need to take a nap." Said Oliver

Same here girl.... my migraines be kicking in. I guess the driver will take us, will drop you off at home.. i concluded.

Cleared my tables....., fuck,! the parking lot is far, took me ages to get there, met Olivia and the driver all set.

Zoom to drop off oliver in her majestic house. Looks like a palace, well she is a queen.. i love her so much, she is my bestfriend. I will do anything for her. Light skinned, long brown hair with dashing glowing eyes, she is flawless, without doubt she is intelligent, very smart and noticeable. She looks like Queen.

She waved bye and pulled herself in

The driver herd off toward my mansion .

Can you take my laundry to the dry cleaner? I asked

"Yes ma'am

I told the driver,"Good! Getting the laundry wouldn't be a problem, I already kept it in the trunk of the car."

Ok ma'am, he answered

I struggled to get my ass of the car, I succeeded tho but mehn, hard work. Landed on my bed with a big relief that I am home. Few minutes later, i felt a rush in my head... flashbacks of the days event, the sad news about college. I hate college, why would they even write such nonsense in a contract, and i signed that shit... I need to text my jasper, he is the best lawyer after all, he will knoe what to do.

Sent him a deep texy about how i didnt want college and asked if he could solve the matter,

His reply was so funny, he said I actually need my B.sc if i want to keep my company in the future, i felt that was crap so i ended the conversation with the NO SIGNAL TRICK. Took a long bath and went to sleep like a baby.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote, so i can know hownto improve on my next book. Thanks alot for taking your time to read my book

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