
berpindah kedunia MCU dengan kekuatan Saitama

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What is berpindah kedunia MCU dengan kekuatan Saitama

Lisez le roman berpindah kedunia MCU dengan kekuatan Saitama écrit par l'auteur ANOMALY_EXE publié sur WebNovel. bocah kena bom eh masuk ke mcu/marvel tapi dikasihani oleh entitas kematian jadi dapat kekuatan saitama...


bocah kena bom eh masuk ke mcu/marvel tapi dikasihani oleh entitas kematian jadi dapat kekuatan saitama

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My version, Lucia [Hunter x Hunter]

Aku adalah seorang gadis biasa yang berumur 29 tahun dan namaku adalah Airine. Hidupku bisa dibilang sangatlah biasa dan membosankan. Aku ini termasuk otaku, sangat menyukai anime. Untungnya masih belum akut. Pada suatu hari, saat aku terbangun dari tidurku dan membuka mataku, aku terkejut dan bingung. Kenapa? Ya karena aku bukan berada di dalam kamarku sendiri. Sepertinya aku sudah berada di dunia yang bukan dari duniaku. Aku melihat sekelilingku, tidak ada jendela, hanya ada satu pintu besi yang terkunci, dan ada banyak boneka dan mainan di ruangan ini. Kenapa aku terkurung di tempat ini? Entah kenapa aku merasa tempat ini tidak asing, dan aku sering melihat hal-hal seperti ini. Tapi dimana ya? Aku sangat yakin, kalau aku berada di dunia anime. Tunggu itu berarti... Apa aku mati?! Atau bereinkanasi? Bertransmigrasi? Tunggu! Kenapa tidak ada Dewa atau Dewi atau Tuhan yang akan memberikanku system atau apa pun itu yang biasanya muncul seperti yang aku baca di novel-novel pada umumnya? Silva, ayahku memberiku tugas dan aku keluar meninggalkan rumah. Aku mengikuti ujian Hunter. Bisakah aku menjadi seorang Hunter profesional bersama Gon dan teman-temannya? -------------------------------------------------------------- Sebelum membaca lebih lanjut, saya memohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya, jika ada kata-kata yang menyinggung atau tidak berkenan dihati. Cerita ini hanya untuk kesenangan saya sendiri atau hanya untuk menghibur semata. Cerita ini hanyalah fiksi penggemar dan di ambil dari cerita HxH (Hunter x Hunter). Semoga kalian suka ya. Selamat membaca :D

Rybee · Anime et bandes dessinées
145 Chs


Reagan is a boy who is looking for his father-Edden, who mysteriously disappeared after a huge explosion of light in the sky around his plantation. This was witnessed by local residents and even the entire city, but no one knew the origin of the explosion. What they do know for sure is that Mad Edden disappeared without a trace. Not even found until Reagan grew up. After the incident that took his father, Reagan only lived with his mother–Alena, on the plantation. A crazy and strange nickname was passed down for generations to Reagan because he was considered to act like his father, who was not like humans in general. During his life, Reagan's father did not want to interact with humans at all, for fear that his power would hurt the people around him. No one knows if the explosion that occurred at that time was Edden's sacrifice to protect them from the Orcus attack. It was Edden's particles that repelled the ferocious Threon troops. Even for an instant, they were able to burn the earth, but unfortunately, the particles gradually began to thin out, while Threon began to strategize. Reagan, who is not yet fully aware of the power in his body, always has recurring dreams of Eden calling to save him. The urge grew so strong that Reagan was determined to learn the research and codes that his father had left for his studies. In the end, Reagan made all the efforts of Edden during his life. After Reagent's power is awakened, he is fully aware that Planet Earth is in danger due to the threat from the Planet Orcus Residents, in order for the Dark Stone Power to gain glory. The various ways Reagen does this include affiliating with the Orion residents, who have light stone power. Reagan and Varro unite to gather strength against Threon, the leader of Orcus. For them, Planet Earth is the last hope, Planet 7 which is the last target of Threon's invasion. If the earth falls into Orcus' hands, darkness will cover the universe.

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Volume 1


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