

At the end of the line was Fleet Admiral John Stone his second in command Harry Phillips and Clone trooper Commander Ink of the 5th Fleet Security (look up 5th fleet security commander and pick your favorite and imagine).

Sabe led the group down the path the clones made, once they were in front of them, Admiral Stone, Philips and Commander Ink bowed while sabe and the other tilted their heads slightly in return, Stone" Welcome Queen of Naboo it is a honor to be in your presence", Sabe smiled " Thank you Admiral Stone for your help and generosity", " No thanks needed it was just a happy coincidence, Oh by the way this is my second in command Harry Philips and our Security team Commander Ink" Stone said as Philips and Ink stepped Forward, Sabe smiled at them and turned her attention back on Stone" I have never heard of Alterea i'm guessing your not part of the republic", Stone shook his head" No But i'm not the right person to Answer the Questions you properly, Our King is more Suited to, if you want i could have Philips and Commander Ink Escort you to him" Sabe glanced at Padme for conformation to which Padme nodded, Sabe " Please we would also like to give our Gratitude to him as well", Philips stepped forward and gestured towards the door"Please".

They are currently walking down the corridors escorted by Philips,Commander Ink and 8 of his men (Four in the front four in the back), Qui-Gon" Where's is your King", Philips" He is Currently in the mess hall having dinner",Qui-Gon" What is your king like", Philip Lifts up chest proudly" He is the Greatest King kind and strong there isn't anybody i would rather serve, isn't that right boys" The Clones and Commander Ink shout" THAT'S RIGHT", this shook them by how loyal they are and they started to imagine what he looks like, after walking the corridors for five more minutes walking pass multiple doors, officers and clones troopers until they Arrived at the mess hall.

Once the doors open all the could see was thousands of empty tables and benches but in the far corner you could see a lone figure, they walked towards that figure until they could see him clearly, he has silver hair and currently has his head down focusing on eating, Philips and the clones bowed and shouted " YOUR MAJESTY ", Adam looked at them while chewing his food, he finally swallow his food and speaks" Thank you Lieutenant Philips Commander Ink you can go back to your work" they bowed Again and were on their way, Commander Ink left two of his men standing behind Adam and two at the mess door, Adam looks at his guest and gestures them to sit down in front of him.

Once they sat Adam starts to speak" First lets start with introduction i am Adam Calrissian King of Alterea", Qui-Gon " I am Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn and this is my padawan Obi-wan Kenobi", Sabe" I am Queen Amidala of Naboo", Adam" I know Quite a bit about you and your padawan Jedi master jinn" He looks at sabe and says" but you aren't Queen Amidala" he looks at padme" Isn't that right Padme Amidala Queen of Naboo" Padme had a shocked face along with everybody else, she sighs and speaks" How did you know", Adam smirks takes a sip form his glass of wine and speaks" I know a lot of things Queen Amidala", Qui-Gon interjects" Please forgive King Calrissian but i have never heard of Alterea do mind telling me about it", " sure Alterea is like any other place filled with mountains,grass clear seas our people are hardworking kind and loyal as their king i am very proud of them", Padme speaks" is it not war torn" Adam squints his eyes and says" why would you think that", Padme" well you have an impressive fleet of ships and fully armored men", Adam takes a bite from his food,once he swallows his food he looks at Padme with his lightning blue eyes and speaks" Well this is for our protection from people who have malice intent especially governments with corrupt officials, this small fleet isn't close to our true power" Padme felt like she was getting small shocks when she looked into Adam eyes they were memorizing, Qui-Gon spoke" Have you ever considered Joining the Republic".

Adam looks at Qui-Gon jinn with a dumbfounded face " Jedi master Qui-Gon jinn you are one of the few Jedi i have respect for so i will answer your Question seriously with out laughing, The republic is one of the reasons for this army my Ancestors and me believe we have to protect our people from the greedy and evil big shots in the galaxy, if we have to go to war with the galaxy so be it because we will come out on top" Qui-gon " there is the Jedi council you can believe in and lean on", Adam gives this remark a little chuckle" Jedi master how am i suppose to believe in the Jedi if you one of their high ranking members doesn't believe in them like you use to, please do not treat me like an idiot, i am not like the queen here who still believes that peace and harmony will give you everything you want"

Padme's guards and handmaidens stand up and give Adam a hateful look, Captain Panaka speaks" What do mean by that do you realize you are speaking to the Queen of Naboo show some resp" before he could finish Padme puts up her hand to stop him and says" yes you're right peace isn't as easy as people hope but is it so wrong to wish for it"

Adam sighs" No its not a bad thing to wish for but you must remember that not all people are good and will take advantage of you and your ideal because you show weakness, you lost your planet because of your weakness the peace you believe in is why your planet was so easy to take you don't have a any protection except your security force which are no better than children captain panaka is the only decent soldier you have, to put it bluntly your are extremely weak and naive" Padme was extremely upset by his words while her entourage was fuming by the way he was speaking to their queen, Adam called one of his men towards him and spoke in his ear the clone nodded his head and went away, Adam then turned to his guest and spoke" i guess its time to take you to your destiny" they were confused by his words, Adam stands up and starts walking towards the exit" follow me" they get up and follow Adam form the looks of it they are going back to the hanger.

Once they Arrive they see a X-70B Phantom and a few soldiers, there was four Stealth clone pilots and 8 shadow clone troopers and one shadow clone trooper commander.

Honestly I am not happy with this chapter at all at night i tried to imajine it but all i could see was how take back naboo and what clone troopers i'll use how the fights will be all that but i couldn't picture this chapter at all for the couple of days so just to let you know i know its bad ok.

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