Woman in sent to Harry Potter 1971 as a improved werewolf
Opening her eyes she was welcomed to the sight of a table with a man. "Hello?" The girl couldn't seem to remember her name or any of the details in her life. What she remembered most vividly was every book she'd read, movie and tv show she'd watched.
The man looked up and gave a kind smile. "Ahh hello darling. You must be wondering why you're here. It's because your dead and you need to decide what you're going to do." He said Patiently.
"Oh. I'm dead? Huh. Well what can a dead person do then?" She asked disturbingly calm.
The man seem to expect this reaction as he droned on. "Well you can move onto the afterlife or you can be sent to a world of fiction"
"World of fiction" she replied instantly. Afterlife sounded rather boring to her.
The man raised an eyebrow at her decisiveness. "That was quick. Anything in particular? I must warn you that you will receive a perk from us, but it will be limited to the power scale of the world you choose." He reminded in a relaxed manner.
She raises an eyebrow at this. "Harry Potter. As for the perk, I want to be a Werewolf. Not the normal type, a much larger and more ferocious beast thats stronger, faster, has better senses as well as a better healing factor. I would be capable of controlling my transformation at will and so would anybody I turn. This species of werewolf would be split into two categories, Alphas and Betas, with the same differences as in teen wolf." The man seem to ponder on these choices for a few moments before nodding his head in acceptance.
"Your kind will have a very strong resistance to magic, especially Alphas. I can grant this perk, but on the full moon controlling yourself will be considerably difficult. On any other night you'll be fine."He spoke.
After a few seconds of quiet the girl spoke "My name. What is it?" She asked curiously.
He put on a mysterious voice and spoke. "Whatever you want it to be"
"Victoria" She muttered after some thought.
The man smiled and with a wave of his hand she was gone.
When Victoria appeared again it was in knockturn Alley, she was sitting on a crate at a deserted corner. It was dark out and she was wearing a red cloak. Before she could think on this subject any longer she felt a pain in her chest.
Her body started to give off cracking sounds as she began to change. Her eyes turned a blood red and fur grew on every part of her body. Her muscles size increased drastically whilst she gained claws and fangs. Once the transformation stopped there was a terrifying 7 foot bipedal Werewolf.
Looking into the sky Victory gave of a frightening roar that shook the hearts of every magical nearby. She sprinted on all fours at ridiculous speeds.
It wasn't long before she came across someone. It was late, but not so late that nobody would be out.
When the man saw the full moon influenced Victoria he screamed in fear and ran in the other direction. Victoria chased after her prey, easily catching up. Regaining some semblances of common sense the wizard reached for his wand.
"STUPEFY!" He shouted, dread laced into his voice. A flash of light hit Victoria's hide and disbursed, like a raindrop hitting the ground.
With a wave of her claw the wizard was torn in half. Blood splattered everywhere. Victoria left the scene and looked for others.
Eventually she came across a busy street with around 100 people, not including those locked in their shops. It was dark and her black fur blended well. Diving into a crowd she instantly killed 3 witches. Continuing on her rampage some had the brains to apparate, whilst others too caught up on their fright ran. A few even try to fight.
It took thirty seconds before the street was empty. Dead bodies and blood covered the silent ally.
Aurors didn't take long to arrive as the cracks of Apparition filled the air. After all the killing the wolf inside was appeased and Victoria had gained some semblance of thought. She knew who these people were and decided on a tactical retreat. Victoria could kill them, but that would accomplish nothing, as more and more people would come until she tired out.
Will a massive leap into the air she clutched on to the side of a building and climbed to the top. Victoria began sprinting on rooftop, Wizards and witches chased after with magic brooms. Their spells did nothing so they could only use magic to change the environment they were in.
A witch fired of a Spell, destroying the roof that Victoria was running on. She fell through the roof and landed on the first floor painlessly. Getting up she saw the witch flying around the interior of the large building observing her keenly. Victoria was completely in control now the moon wasn't at its peak, she could transform back whenever she wanted.
Turning around she broke through a wall and continued retreating, slowly pulling away. The aurors lost more and more morale every time their spell proved ineffective. Their previous confidence had turned into fear at the unstoppable tank ahead of them.
When far enough Victoria abruptly turned and smashed through the building next to her. Immediately the massive beast turned into a naked dirt covered woman. She ran upstairs and jumped out of the back window. Looking around she noticed that she was at the corner where she had first transformed. Spotting her red cloak she grabbed it and covered her entire body.
Pulling up the hood Victoria ran at inhuman speeds and escaped silently. It was easy when what authority's were looking for was a 7 foot werewolf.
Dear Readers,
Last night at the questionable Knockturn Alley a Monster appeared. Yes that's right a hulking 7 foot tall beast. It attacked over 100 people and killed 56. Witnesses say it was nothing like they'd ever seen whilst those familiar with muggle myths claim that it shares features with the muggle werewolf. That's right readers, this beast could very well be a werewolf, let's not forget last night was a full moon. Not only that, but the Aurors Lost it. That massive beast disappeared into thin air and vanished, does this mean it can control its transformation?
With this possibly new breed of werewolf none of us are safe. Reports say that all spells were completely ineffective and did no harm. The ministry is calling in all registered werewolves for a check up to find the perpetrator. Wizards and Witches of Britain we are not safe. The monster is among us, it could friend, family, or god forbid Foe. I urge readers to stay home and lock your doors on full moons...
Whilst the British Wizarding world was in a frenzy Victoria was sitting at a table in the leaky cauldron going through a bag that had appeared in front of her. Inside was an identity for Victoria Wolfrik, as well as a wand and gringotts bank key.
'Apparently I'm a witch, I don't know any magic so this wand is useless' she thought putting the everything back into the bag and making her way to gringotts. She was entirely naked except for the red cloak, though she didn't mind. Her body temperature was ridiculously high and any rocks on the ground wouldn't hurt much.
Walking into gringotts she made her way to the front. "Hello Sir Goblin. Miss Victoria Wolfrik would like to make a withdrawal."
The goblin turned to her, clearly uninterested. "Key." He replied dispassionately.
Taking hold of the key the goblin beckoned forth a co-worker who took Victoria to visit her Vault.
It was a few minutes later that they arrived. Opening up the vault inside she saw gold. Gold for days. The amount of galleons in here were more than what Harry Potter had. It was frightening thought when you compared to the literal one galleon that was in the Weasleys vault.
"Do you have any bottomless pouches I can buy off you. I know this is a bank and not a shop, but I'll pay extra" Victoria said politely.
The goblin thought for a second. "Wait here" he ordered, leaving the room.
It was a minute later he returned with a bottomless pouch just like the one Hermoine had. Paying him a outrageous sum of 50 galleons, Victoria grabbed the pouch and filled it with as many gold coins as she could.
"Thanks you" She said. The goblin nodded his head and escorted her out of gringotts.
Making her way through Diagonal Alley Victoria stopped at 'Madam Malkin's Robes for all occasions'. Whilst she was rather fond of her red cloak she needed actual clothes.
Stepping in she was welcomed to the sight of countless different robes. "Hello Miss. Is there anything your looking for in particular" A voice sounded from beside her.
Victoria turned to face the noise and saw an old woman. "Hello ma'am. My name is Victoria, who might you be?" She asked politely
"Is it that you've never been here before? Haha this is a first. I usually meet most people when their young and looking to by some robes for Hogwarts. I'm the owner of this place Madam Malkin" She said with a kind smile.
Victoria was rather surprised by this admission. She thought Madam Malkin would be older. Or dead. "If you don't mind me asking ma'am, what year is it. I seem to be a little hungover." Victoria asked in the least suspicious way possible.
"Oh that's quite alright darling, it's 1971. Staying up late were you? Might want to change that." Madam Malkin whispered the last part quietly.
Victoria raises an eyebrow. "Oh. And why's that ma'am?"
"Because of the beast obviously. It killed 56 people yesterday. There are story's going around. Apparently It has fur so black it practically invisible in the dark, other than its red eyes it's impossible to spot at night. There's a photo that was taken, it's in the paper. People are saying it can turn into a human, if that's true staying out late may not be the best idea." She whispered. Malkin was had been rather shaken by the news.
Elizabeth was surprised that she'd become famous in one night. She didn't kill those people intentionally, but she definitely enjoyed it. It was the wolf in her, she found pleasure in hunting and killing others.
"Well Madam, I'm here for something casual and loose fitting to where under my red cloak."
"That shouldn't be problem"
It took a while, but she eventually found something fitting to wear. It was loose and easy to run in.
Thinking back to the date Victoria was slightly bewildered. '1971? Canon was still a few years away. In fact Lily and James Potter should only be in first year. Whats there to do in 1971?' She was at a loss on what to spend the next few years doing.
Victoria didn't hate the idea of continuing her little escapades into night for slaughter sprees. It was very fun killing people after all, but continuously doing so would bring more trouble than she could handle.
Leaving the shop she continued down Diagon Alley. Eventually arriving at where she needed to be, a public fire place connected to the floo network. Pulling out a sickle she handed it the attendant before stepping up and grabbing some floo powder. "Ministry of Magic" she spoke clearly before dropping the powder.
At the ministry of magic it looked just like it did in the movies. Victoria was rather uncomfortable being surrounded by so many people, her wolf was screaming to tear them apart. Fortunately it wasn't a full moon, so she would always be in control, but that didn't mean the urge wasn't there.
Manoeuvring through the hurried magical's she saw countless signs. She kept searching until she found the department of housing, making her way there she saw it was rather full, but fortunately there were many desks available.
Victoria made her way to the nearest available person and sat down. "Good day sir. I'm obviously here to buy a home"
Victoria wanted to buy a place on Diagon Ally, but unfortunately none were for sale as most of them had successful business. Instead of settling for something else she told him to send an owl to the leaky cauldron if something opened up and left the ministry.
It was a few hours later and night had come. Victoria stood behind Diagon Alleys junk shop. It wasn't a very important shop and nobody would miss it. She was wearing a wolf mask that had been for sale in some shady place in knockturn alley, so if she was seen chances are nothing would happen.
Diagon Alley had barely any crime since it was always choc full of people. Apparating in and out of buildings to steal wasn't possible since the ministry kept tabs on apparation. And with things like security charms, intruder charms and room sealing spells it wasn't a simple task.
Fortunately for her these things were only done when shop had actually closed, not when it was about to close.
Victoria took one massive leap several feet into the air and managed to latch onto the edge of the window. Pulling herself up slightly she used her superior strength to force open the windows despite it being completely shut.
Jumping through the window and landing silently. Victoria's enhanced senses picked up the owner escorting out his last customers.
Moving half way down the stairs she watched as a few strangers left and the owner closed the door behind them. "Busy day today. Gonna need some extra sleep." He muttered to himself as he shut the curtains.
Grabbing his wand to put up the protective enchantments he turned around only to see bright red eyes staring at him. Before he could react the cloaked individual rushed at him, turning into a blur.
Victoria's claws extended and she slashed his throat to stop him from screaming or casting any spells. This murder would be impossible to track since no magic was used and she was completely covered up. The one witness was dead.
She had asked around before she chose this man. He had no family and barely any friends. Chances were that the ministry would seize the property and put it up for sale.
This is something I wrote for fun during some free time. If enough people like it I'll post some more.