

During the years 2020 and 2030 a great war has been declared yet again 75 years after the last, it showed humanity's hypocrisy it always spewed shit about peace and prosperity when this damn war started over a newly discovered resource, they called it Tramnium like titanium it was very sturdy, not radioactive but still produced a new type of energy no-one understood.

They called it Quartz because the newly discovered metal was found in a crystal quartz like shape.

It's main property it could bend spacetime around itself with the energy inside it, making it highly valuable.

This war only started because of the greed of stepping ahead of the competition, The United Stated of America, and Russia along with most superpowers went to war and there was no sides, brother stabbed brother, son shot father, just for this energy, first The U.S drops sub-nuclear bombs as a threat to its neighbors thinking they wouldn't attack back. They were proved wrong when Canada and Mexico declared war and launched their own bombs but not as a threat.

There were no alliances in this war, this war was fought alone against the world, they called this the loneliest war or The Lone War, a world round free for all winner takes all, loser dies and stays dead.

It was hell on earth this kept going for a decade.

We almost went extinct, humans were almost just history, but we survived, the last of the survivors, a measly 10,000 people survived, and with no competitors for this resource we flourished, humanity reached a new age in 10 years, 7.5 billions of humans died and 10 billions sprung up again, those that died were forgotten in the time of war, culture started anew, society changed its ways of war to competition, you see humanity discovered that this energy wasn't just found in Tramnium, the human body could learn to produce this energy so humans learn to use the energy to strengthen and enhanced the human body, so arenas were very common place.

It took many attempts and sacrifices.

Such as my very own life my name is Adonis Ruby. I was one of the guards of the experiments that were compared in secrecy to the Manhattan Project, I was considered an elite soldier, I learned to feel around and harvest this energy but an accident during one of the major experiments in the moons of Saturn, Titan a mighty namenot that it matters, an explosion happened...wait no, more like a tear happened the energy de-stabilized and imploded causing a rift to tear through spacetime, and I just happened to be caught up in it.

And here I am hurling through space or where ever the hell I am, probably another dimension since I went through a de-stabilized rift, I believe I read sometime in my past that if we somehow left our universe that it would be a different dimension all together.

Before the war I was nothing but a kid too, I don't recall ever telling my brothers I love them I'm pretty sure I told my mother though so no regrets there, I wondered how much could have been different if they survived, I feel as if I'm going through a mid-life crisis probably my unwillingness to die like this.

When I was a boy I remember watching cartoons or waiting for saturday night for Dragon Ball, Naruto and One Piece they were the only anime I watched since it was more action than anything else, wish I could see those shows once more, too bad they were destroyed in the war.I believe I reached my time limit, I've been using Quartz to keep my bodily functions going for a few days now, but it won't last long now.


This is embarrassing, me a hardened war vet died in an experiment and was sent hurling through space. Fucking! Ridiculous!

Ima keep what the experiment was until later I got things planned out for it.(no I don't)

adoncreators' thoughts