
Behind your Mask is a Beautiful Smile

The warmth of the sunlight that was shining through the window landed on the girl's flawless face. Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly as her hands clenched onto her blanket tightly. She chanted, "No! No! Don't.. please.. I beg you stop! Ahh!!" She gasped for breath as she wiped the layer of cold sweat off her forehead. She looked at her phone and laid in bed after realizing that she was in her apartment. 'I'm safe.. it's alright.. safe..' After calming down, she took a quick shower and looked into the mirror. "Yang Ya Nuo! you got this! New day, new beginning!" She got dressed in a male school uniform and applied her makeup and wig. Within the next 15 minutes, her beautiful jade like face transformed into a handsome young man's face. "Aha! That should do it! Handsome like always. Breakfast time~" Since young, Ya Nuo learned how to change her voice to sound like a male's voice in case she needed it one day. Unlike girls at her age who liked to hang out with friends and go shopping, she only loves one thing, food! She works three part time jobs and is attending a famous school on a scholarship that covers full tuition. She cheerfully walked to the kitchen to see what's there to make for breakfast. When she opened the fridge, she saw nothing, but a piece of sausage inside. Sigh.. "I paid for rent and ran out of money to restock for grocery." Ding Dong "Who is it?" she said in a grumpy tone. "Yo!" Xu Huan Hei greeted her with a hand wave. "Is it time already? There's still half an hour before the usual time you come to get me for school." "Nope! But I do have something I want to discuss with you." he smiled dazzlingly. He was the school's second most popular guy that every female wished to date. The number one ranked male student was Ya Nuo. These two met each other at a young age, but due to some reason Huan Hei never found out about her female gender. "I'm hungry. Let's talk food first." "Here~ i already prepared a bag of groceries and two bacon, egg, and sausage for you" he winked. Ya Nuo smirked, "Oh? Seems like it's something important hmm? Alright, let me enjoy my breakfast as we discuss your 'favor.'" In the middle of enjoying her bacon, egg, and sausage, she suddenly spit out the mouthful of food onto Huan Hei. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked confidently. "Are you crazy?? I'm a guy! 100% male!" "But you are so pretty, even girls say you have feminine features. I'm sure with a little makeup you'll look very cute!" "... what's your reason?" "A girl keeps pestering me and chasing after me to get into a relationship with her. I told her for the past two years that I'm not interested in any relationships, but she refused to listen. I accidentally slipped out and said I actually have a girlfriend... so she asked to meet her.. and I didn't have anyone that is trustworthy enough for this job." "No." "Pretty please" "No!" "Come on~ I'll buy you lunch~" "I'm not that cheap." "Fine, 3 months worth of lunch and groceries!" "Deal." In the meantime, at a luxurious restaurant, a man with gray hair sipped his wine, "Did you guys find her yet?" "No.. sir" "Then why are you here? Go! Find her and bring her here! Don't come back and report bullshit to me!" "Yes!" *THERE IS NO RAPE OR ANY SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THIS NOVEL. BUT WARNING OF 18+ CONTENT* The book cover is not mine, credits go to the original author. This novel is an original written by me, so please don’t post it anywhere else.

Sweetflowlips · Urbain
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227 Chs

Chapter 87- He's Awake

After reaching the top of the spiral staircase and getting out of the underground hell space, Ya Nuo searched the guest room for clothes that Hen Qing's mother, Hen Mei Ching, could wear. Fortunately, the guest room always prepared a set of pajamas for their guests so it didn't long to find it in one of the closets.

While Mei Ching was changing, Ya Nuo took a piece of paper and fountain pen from the desk and started drawing a map on it. It took her five minutes to complete the map and she explained to Nana in detail what their next steps are. Mei Ching tried to speak but Ya Nuo stopped her and told her to stay quiet when they are still in the house because it'll easily give them out if anything goes wrong. Mei Ching nodded and covered her mouth expressing that she understood what to do. This is also because Mei Ching can't speak so her voice would be a disadvantage if she makes extra sounds.

Just in case Mei Ching wanted to communicate, Ya Nuo took extra pieces of paper and the fountain pen along with them. Everything was going smoothly and they turned a few corners without bumping into anyone in the house. When they were about to turn the next corner, Ya Nuo heard distant voices getting closer to where they're at.

They rushed back to the other end where they just came from and realized that they're stuck in the middle because there are two parties walking towards them from either side of the hall. Suddenly, Mei Ching tapped Ya Nuo's shoulder and got her attention. Mei Ching pointed at the hallway painting, moved it a bit to the left, and pushed the hidden button behind the painting that opened another hidden pathway for them.

The three of them quickly walked in and closed the entrance. While waiting for the maids to pass, Ya Nuo's eyes never left Mei Ching's face. Ya Nuo was watching her every little facial expression and tiny movements. After the maids passed, Mei Ching scribbled on the paper, "I was Chen Ying Ying's personal maid so I knew where her and her husband's secret hideouts are. When this house was built, these passages were also designed within walls and most maids don't know about this."

Ya Nuo: "If you knew about these paths, then you should know clearer than I do about the fastest and most efficient route to get out of this place."

Mei Ching wrote, "I only know some, not all. The route you drew on the map is the fastest route that I know. If I know a faster route, I would be the first to make the suggestion wouldn't I?"

Ya Nuo nodded, "Makes sense when you put it that way. What do we do now? Does this route lead to anywhere else?"

Mei Ching shook her head, "This is just a closet where Yang Qiu Rei usually keeps his limited edition or rare collections. We should continue with what you planned."

Ya Nuo: "Nana, are you ready to start walking again? How are you feeling? You didn't get to sleep much earlier and you were dizzy hours ago."

Nana: " I can continue."

After making sure that nobody else was coming their way, they proceeded with their plan and cautiously walked towards the living room. In order for them to sneak out without anyone noticing, they need to get past the living room to the attic where Ya Nuo used to sleep in. Ya Nuo used to sneak out all the time by taking out some loose bricks and crawling out from there. The only problem now is that Yang Qiu Rei is asleep on the couch and he is a light sleeper.

Nana whispered softly, "Is there any other way to get to the attic?"

Ya Nuo shook her head, "I wish there was, but there isn't. We need to crawl across the living room using the fastest pace and making the least sound. Are you guys ready?"

They nodded and followed Ya Nuo's instructions. Ya Nuo made them go first because if anything happens, she can help them stall time and figure out a way to escape. The most important thing is to get Mei Ching out of this household and Nana to the hospital. Nana crawled first, then Mei Ching, followed by Ya Nuo behind them. Nana successfully crawled to the opposite side of the room, but Mei Ching was a slow crawler since it's been a long time since she used her limbs. When Mei Ching was struggling half way through the living room floor, Yang Qiu Rei started mumbling some words making her pause at her spot. She became distracted and her focus was now on the sleeping man on the couch.

Ya Nuo thought that she was taking a small break, but then noticed something was amiss. Mei Ching was staring at Yang Qiu Rei, who was mumbling in his sleep with such loneliness in her eyes. This look in her eyes isn't as simple as a maid's feelings towards their master. Her eyes didn't show the slightest anger either. It was weird, but there was no time for hesitation and suspicion. Ya Nuo quickly tapped her to remind her to continue crawling before he wakes up and sees them, but it was too late.

By the time Ya Nuo looked towards the couch, the sleeping man was already awake with his eyes staring sharply at their direction making eye contact. She quickly helped Mei Ching up and pushed her to Nana telling them to leave first and she'll follow. Luckily the attic was literally right by the living room, so as long as Nana finds the loose bricks area, they will be able to escape safely. When Ya Nuo turned around, Qiu Rei already had his whip in his hand.

She got in her fighting position and stared deeply and intently into his eyes. She knew that her chance in escaping is close to zero the moment he woke up so now, she can only help them stall time for their escape.

He waited for her to make a move, but she remained still for the next few minutes. His patience ran out and his voice broke the silence in the room, "You think you stand a chance against me?"

The corner of her lips curved to a cold smirk, "At this point, of course I don't because this was never a fair game. There are no fair rules either. But today, I definitely won't let you get past me, unless you beat me to death."