
Become a Legendary Mage

In an ordinary world, lives are extraordinary. This is a world of magic and swords! The path of cultivation has no end; it requires great perseverance and wisdom. It's a world of grandeur, filled with novelty and mystery! In this world, the protagonist is destined to stand at the pinnacle. Let's see how the protagonist gradually strides towards this admired peak.

Jyrtsunoeso · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

The Tomb of the Great Emperor

Though Billy had already shared quite a bit, there were still many mysteries lingering in Moransiu's mind, but it seemed Billy wasn't prepared to speak any further at the moment.

Moransiu sighed softly as he gazed at the white magical energy barrier before him.

The tomb of Emperor Sisan, the ruler of the Empire of Light five thousand years ago, was right in front of him? It was all so unexpected. Before this moment, Moransiu had never imagined any connection between himself and this great emperor. Yet here he was, about to venture into the emperor's tomb.

According to Billy, for the past five thousand years, no one had been able to enter the tomb. Only magic users capable of autonomously manipulating magical techniques had the potential to enter. And it seemed Moransiu was the first in these five thousand years.

Even Billy felt uneasy at this moment. Despite the message passed down from the first guardian, no one had ever tested who exactly could enter the tomb. Who knew what kind of person was qualified to enter? But he knew for sure regular magicians couldn't. A legendary mage had once attempted to enter, only to find himself unable to pass through that magical energy barrier. It was like a magical gate discerning on its own.

"Should I go in now?" Moransiu felt a tinge of panic. After all, nobody knew what lay inside this tomb.

After thousands of years, what if there was a powerful magical beast inside? Would he be risking his life by entering?

"Yes, Moransiu, go ahead," Billy nodded heavily. He had attempted to enter the tomb himself before, but like that legendary mage, only his two arms could pass through the magical barrier. His whole body couldn't penetrate it in the slightest.

Moransiu adjusted himself once more, reassuring himself that the great emperor wouldn't set a trap to harm someone like him thousands of years later. With that thought, Moransiu felt a lot calmer.

Finally, Moransiu's body made contact with the white magical energy.

Simultaneously, both Moransiu and Billy's hearts raced. This moment was truly breathtaking. What secrets lay hidden within this tomb? As a guardian, Billy knew only so much. He knew his life's mission was to watch over the tomb, awaiting someone like Moransiu. Anything beyond that was a mystery, after all, it was all thousands of years ago.

A few seconds later, Moransiu's entire body disappeared behind the white magical energy.

All Billy could see was the slowly flowing magical energy. Moransiu was gone.

"Has he gone in?" It felt like a longing that had been hiding in the depths of Billy's heart for a thousand years had suddenly surged forth.

Silence. Utter silence!

Moransiu passed through the magical energy barrier and saw a long staircase leading downward. It was a narrow passage adorned with many glowing gems. Looking down the steps, he couldn't see the end. There was no sound around, suggesting that there would be no magical beasts here. Moransiu felt relieved and began to examine the surrounding stone walls.

"We're deep within the mountain now, aren't we? Building such a massive structure must have required a significant amount of manpower and resources," Moransiu pondered.

At the same time, he began descending the stairs. Though the passage wasn't wide, both sides and the steps were smooth, almost as if they had been carved by an exceptionally sharp weapon.

After walking for nearly an hour, Moransiu finally saw the end of the staircase.

It seemed they had reached the bottom of the mountain. Moransiu calculated the height he had descended and compared it to the height he would have climbed outside. It seemed he was now lower than where he had started outside, indicating they were likely at the mountain's base.

Truly fitting for Emperor Sisan, to have a tomb built in such a grand manner.

Reaching the bottom, Moransiu's vision cleared. He saw a massive stone chamber adorned with at least a hundred glowing gems. The value of just these gems alone was staggering.

However, Moransiu, though not wealthy, wasn't particularly obsessed with money. To him, money was only useful if it could be spent. Moreover, in such an environment, disturbing those gems might trigger a collapse of the entire mountain, dooming him to eternal rest alongside Emperor Sisan.

The reason Moransiu entered this tomb was another mystery weighing heavily on his mind. Why could he unleash magic without using magic stones? And why were only people like him able to pass through that white magical barrier? These were all perplexing questions. Furthermore, Moransiu had many other questions.

Why did the once prosperous Empire of Light fall? Did the gods not wish to see humanity prosper? Or were there other secrets involved?

As he continued to ponder, Moransiu made his way toward the center of the chamber.

Upon reaching the vast chamber's center, he could see the entire structure.

Moransiu was astonished. Apart from a central table and a chair, there was nothing else in the chamber. In other words, there was no coffin. So where was Emperor Sisan's body laid? And wouldn't it be too desolate for a buried emperor?

Everything was laid bare in the spacious chamber, with only that one table and chair.

For the next hour, Moransiu inspected every inch of the chamber's walls, finding no mechanisms or hidden compartments. Indeed, there was only a table and a chair in the chamber.

Finally, Moransiu had no choice but to return to the table.

Suddenly, he noticed something on the table. There were two books placed there, their colors almost identical to the table, making them easy to miss.

Now, he saw them.

Books placed where Emperor Sisan lay. What could they be?

Moransiu picked up the books, finding no words on their covers.

Opening one of them, Moransiu was stunned. It was a book on potion-making. Starting from the first page, it detailed the art of potion-making.

Potion-making on the Sacred Spirit Continent was extremely challenging, requiring various magical ingredients and the sufficient magical power and ability of the brewer. Only magicians reaching the realm of Grand Magic had the potential to become potion-makers. However, this possibility was exceedingly rare.

Potion-making couldn't rely on external elemental forces; it depended solely on the brewer's own magic power. Thus, the magician's stored magic power had to be of the same attribute as the external elements. This requirement meant that the vast majority of magicians couldn't become potion-makers. Most magicians could only absorb one type of element, whereas there were three elemental types in the outside world.

Finding a book on potion-making was rare enough; the complexity of potion-making far exceeded ordinary imagination. To become a potion-maker required extraordinary perseverance and talent. Behind any potion-maker on the Sacred Spirit Continent were countless powerhouses supporting them.

Even powerful magicians or swordsmen had to humble themselves before potion-makers. And the formulas required for potion-making became one of the rarest and most precious things on the continent. The few potion-makers treated their invented or known formulas as treasures, unwilling to record them on paper but preferring to keep them stored in their minds.