
Beauty and the Demon

Charlotte Cornell Weasley was the youngest princess of her parents. Though she was born and brought up between the werewolves in the White Moon Pack, she was a human just like her father, Oliver Weasley. She was too innocent for the outside world, who used to use her for their own benefits just because she was the daughter of the werewolf queen. She didn’t mind at all until the moment her innocence and kindness were taken as her weakness. And on the top, being human was not helping her at all. That’s why she wanted to take sweet revenge on everyone who hurt her BUT without taking her parent’s help in her personal war. In search of help and opportunity, she summoned a demon and asked for his help which he once promised to do when she had saved his life. But little did she know he was helping her more than she asked for, and a demon does nothing for free!!

Prachi_Singh_3913 · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Samael's POV


"Glad to see you back, Samael.", I heard Mother's voice.


How come I didn't realize her presence!

"Mirror, stop showing this picture.", I ordered before greeting my mother, Lilith. "Hello, Mother. I wish I could say that I'm back because of your husband. But unfortunately, he did nothing."

"Ahh! About that, his hands were tight. And not to forget, we had spoiled you so much that you were a pain in the ass. I wish you could be like your other brothers! Like Azazel (Demon of Air), Azael (Demon of Water), and Mahazael (Demon of the earth)."

"Sorry to break the bubble, but I'm not them. Unlike my situation, they don't end up turning the people or things into ashes, whoever they love."

"Samael.." Mother raised her hand to touch me, but her hand didn't touch my skin because she knew that I loved her and that she would end up getting herself hurt. "I know the fire in you wants to destroy everything and anything, but don't let your power control you. If you will use it in a better way, then fire can be used for warming others as well."

"Warming others?" I scoffed. "What am I? An angel"

"You can find someone who can help you in neutralizing your power. You know that you can choose your better half on your own."

"And then see her dying if things don't go as per the plan?" I asked, raising my brow. "Thank you, but no, thank you. I love to hurt others. I'm not planning to torture myself by following this plan. Moreover, Mother, I don't think this will help because everyone wants to be with me because of what I'm. In fact, they sleep with me because they want a pinch of my power, and another reason behind it is that I'm so good in SEX."

"Even the girl whom you were staring at when I walked it."

"I was just searching for some information, and about that girl, I'm sure she will be ready to spread her legs, seeing my handsome face. All the girls these days are the same.", After finishing this, I started leaving the magical mirror room.

"Where are you going now? It will be better if you are not going to meet any of your mistresses."

"I'm going to meet Uncle Loki.", I responded.

"When will you understand that he is spoiling your mind than it already is?"


"So, you are planning to use that human to take revenge for things that her grandpa did to you?" Uncle Loki asked with an amused expression.

I scowled at him; I didn't like the idea of involving myself with a human. That could be the last thing I wanted to have in my mind. That too, when I had such a strong effect of her violet eyes, her blonde hair, her soft and milky skin...wait! Wait!

I didn't want to go there!

I still couldn't believe that she had helped me. The fact that she wanted to help me caught me off guard when she asked me to hide inside the washroom!

What was she thinking in her mind while doing so? Wasn't she scared of me?

Truth be told, I wanted to break her neck to make her hunter's parents mourn in pain. The more I saw people in pain and hurt, the happier I felt. I knew I was too cruel to be true, but my powers had always destroyed all the things. And on the top, my anger was not helping at all because it didn't let my fire keep it in control.

"Thinking about her again?"










"Caught you!" Uncle Loki grinned like he had won some price.

"I'm now regretting sharing anything with you.", I muttered, standing on my feet. The moment I walked out of his room, my breath stuck in my throat again, seeing her near the door in just her red lingerie. She was talking to someone, trying her best not to let that person come inside the room. I clenched my fist, trying my best not to touch her smooth, creamy skin that my hand wanted to touch. I walked toward her and stood right behind her. I observed how her body froze, and the hair on her body stood up, sensing me. She turned to look at me. While I couldn't control myself from staring at her from top to bottom

I kept staring at her red panties, wondering whether she was innocent. I wanted to travel my finger inside her panties and check it on my own.

If she was, then I wanted to take that from her. Because one of the sources of my power was having human innocence. But my chain of thought was broken when she held my chin, making me look into her eyes.

"You should leave before anyone finds you here."

Wait a minute!

Why did I feel like this had already happened before? I fumed in anger, realizing that I was being tricked.

"Not before screwing you, Uncle Loki.", Immediately, her eyes widened, and all the area nearby started burning in the fire! The girl, Charlotte, I remembered her name, turned into Uncle Loki and started to panic seeing his palace in the fire!

"Samael...", He said and tried to run here and there, wondering how to control the fire. "You can't do this to my palace.", He accused.

'What? You should have to think about it before playing a trick on me.", I retorted, walking out of there. I knew he wouldn't die because he was smart enough to run away before dying.

I was fuming in anger. I didn't know the reason behind it.

Was it because of the trick that Uncle Loki played on me?

Or the way I was reacting toward a human? I would be lying if I said that because though it was a trick, it was enough to harden my dick. It started throbbing painfully in my pants.

Feeling anything for a human that too who was related to the deity I hated the most was not helping my situation.

All I could wish was to never see her face ever again in my life but then...I had promised to help her once if she would call for my name thrice.

Now the question was whether she would ever call my name?
