
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt. TW{Dead dove}

Mctunado · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Light banter

'But what if this prick of a chicken becomes violent once again?'The girl spacing out looked peaceful in Feng Huang's eyes, he knew little about the female in his care, and now that she regained her composure and reasoning he had no idea of what was crossing her mind, so he felt a strange sense of satisfaction thinking that the female was only playing in the river under his protection without worries, focusing on choosing only pretty rocks.

Proud of providing the experience she spoke of, a thought crossed his mind 

'She will enjoy it if I play with her.'

But he didn't know how.

Should he gather all the rocks for her? Or use his wings to splash her.

At the waterfall feet, a flattened rock big enough for them to use as a seat caught Feng Huang's attention. It was near the waterfall, and some of the droplets that flew after the impact splashed the rock surface.

'Would the female like it?'

The water covered parts of her body as she crouched, hugging her knees. It passed over her buttocks and shins, soaking her skirt and the tips of her hair with a peaceful demeanor.

The female has long straight hair as he does, ivory skin, and clear eyes much the same as his kind, the soft profile but mystic eyes which are characteristic of phoenixes influenced the orc to briefily entertain the thought that she is one of his kind.

Although a female phoenix is known as impossible, during his years he heard of the birth of one even though it was a stillborn.

"Are you cold?' 

"Not at all."

'If that were to be true, she would've died yesterday.'

Standing behind the female, Feng Huang bent his knees to scoop water in his hands and gently poured it on Liss's back. The alien trembled as the cold water made contact with her skin, causing her entire body to shiver.

Liss turned her head around pretending to pout.


Feng Huang's half-lidded gaze and calm expression reassured Liss's subconscious giving her courage to do the same. With her hands clasped together, leaving a small gap at the top, she submerged her hand into the water and clapped, creating a sudden gush of water that surged upwards toward Feng Huang.

Liss burst into laughter seeing the proud best flinch with that straight face of his.

"Hahahaha. Oh heavens."

Feng Huang was shocked after the surprise.

"How can you manipulate water?"

Liss's fast reasoning understood his question, in that world, they relied on strength so the development of tools remained during the Stone Age. 

'God's mercy on humans is hands with thumbs.'

If they were humans, they would understand the potential of hands, but brute force alone resolves their problems. So, how could they understand the potential of it?

"It's my special power."

Liss teased, a playful grin and mischief splattered over her face. Liss did it again and splashed him.

"You little sorceress."

He cooed amused reaching for the female hands. Seeing Liss do it again he understood that she was merely playing with her hands and she had no soul-beast ability whatsoever.

Her laughter filled the ambient gleefully, changing the mood between them.

"Sly little fox."

"Did I surprise you?"

"You did. How can you do this?"

"Look, if I do this with my hands and compress the water quickly, I can splash water."

Liss simplified the explanation showing how to do it to Feng Huang step by step.

Feng Huang, still bent forward and softly touching Liss's forearm, received a sudden gush of water right in the middle of his face.


The orc flinched, and the alien laughed heartily.

"Oh dear, sorry."

Liss felt comfortable and was having fun with the lighthearted banter with Feng Huang. She stood up and wiped his face with her hand laughing. Then she gently held both his cheeks in her palms and brushed her thumbs on his cheeks and eyes in a tender display of care.

"So funny." Liss giggled, releasing his face. "I just won against the strongest predator of the food chain."

Taking advantage of the proximity of their bodies, Feng Huang scooped

Liss out of the ground holding her with both arms in a princess carry.


"Your mischief is too much."

Fenghuang played along, turning and walking towards the stone he had spotted earlier. The orc was delighted that the female enjoyed playing with him.

"Aw, did I hurt your pride?"

He chuckled at her words. Impertinent as they may be, he allowed Liss to taunt him, finding her brattish behavior as cute. Sitting on the edge of the rock he placed Liss on his lap. 

"So brave. Are you teasing me now, little one?"

He spoke while fixing her hair, passing the back of his hand through its length, with a small smile.

The alien initially felt shy. She is always quick to adapt. Because of her upbringing and connection with the elite Liss's ability to catch people's intentions, changes in behavior, and mood changes always allowed her to stay in people's good graces.

Feng Huang's inconstancy never failed to catch Liss off guard.

"I'm just playing."

"I know."

The girl sat still on his lap obediently because she couldn't foresee his reaction if she voiced her desire to get up. The constant droplets splashing against her felt like small needles piercing her warm torso, and the wind on her back left her shivering with cold.


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