
Supreme realm

In a realm beyond mortal comprehension, where reality itself is a shimmering of supreme unified energy, there exists a grandeur unparalleled by anything in this world or the future.

The skies above pulsate with iridescent hues, swirling with ethereal lights that streak across the heavens like celestial ballet dancers.

The ground beneath one's feet radiates with a vibrant energy, pulsating with life and vitality that courses through every blade of grass, tree, and crystalline structure that adorns the landscape.

The flora and fauna of this realm are unlike anything ever seen – a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes that defy the laws of nature, each species a testament to boundless creativity.

A gentle breeze carries whispers of ancient prophecies and arcane knowledge, hinting at the vast depths of wisdom hidden within this mystical realm.

In the distant horizon stands towering spires of crystalline cities, their facets reflecting the ever-changing hues of the sky above. Bridges of light connect these majestic structures, weaving a web of luminescence that dances in the shimmering air.

In the heart of this wondrous realm stands the citadel– a colossal structure of pure energy and divine power that pulses with a rhythm as ancient as time itself.

Contrary to all this splendor and majesty, the very heart of this out worldly citadel is a mass of chaos, a desolate and waste ruins.

Right in front of 10 beaten, sweaty young figures is an elder god looming before them, his supreme powers radiating with unfathomable strength.

Though his roughly dressed appearance spoke of the intense battle he had gone through with these ten youngsters, his state of being is by far better than the ten youngsters who look to have one foot in the grave.

"You are all too naive, all this ruckus means nothing, all your efforts and sacrifice hold no weight before absolute power," his voice vibrating through the air, a display of his unbounded power.

Ethan, Maxwell, Gabriel, Aurora, Xavier, Seraphina, Atlas, Vivienne, and Mordecai dropped to their feet exhausted, perspiration running down their foreheads as they panted heavily, trying to even their breath.

"You might have been lucky enough to take down the other twenty-three because we underestimated you, still it makes no difference.

We are immortals and can't truly die, but you.....you would die the most painful death any being has ever experienced," saying that, he raised his hand, slapping both palms together in a specific pattern of gestures.

"Supreme judgment, universal tribulations, law of obliteration," he roared, his expression serious as his eyes sparked with arrogance, contempt, and anger.

The ten helpless figures struggled to raise their heads towards the sky as the elder god levitated, and they could see huge energy converging together, forming an energy lightning storm.

They tried to exert strength into their bodies, wanting to get away from the attack trajectory but their bodies seemed to ignore them as they slumped back down with the little effort they had put up. Their faces carried the unwillingness and unextinguished desire to hold on, to fight on, keep pushing even though the odds were against them.

All they could do with an unchanged determination is brace themselves for the inevitable.

The elder god unleashed a barrage of energy blasts and reality-warping attacks, causing chaos and destruction on an unimaginable scale as it headed towards them.

The incoming attack could be seen reflecting in their pupils as they watched on with bated breath, clenching their fists in anger and helplessness.

"Hey Ethan," Maxwell called out amidst the odd atmosphere, "seem like that little promise of mine to deal, fight, and die together as brothers finally found its chance to come to pass," chuckling at the end of his speech as he sat down in a relaxed manner, like one who has given up, awaiting his impending demise.

Maxwell words had brought memories flooding back for Ethan, he recalled the first time he met maxwell, the very situation that brought them together, turning them into sworn brothers.

That night brightly light up by the sea of stars, the atmosphere filled with life and vitality as many gather around the abode of the strongest enlightener of the Aisu clan. One of the top clans of divine Paradise realm.

It happens to be his father the clan leader ascension rite, something that had never happen in all of divine Paradise realm for ages now

It was truly a sight no one want to miss, that include little Ethan too who was around the age of five at that time

Beside him is his two big sisters of top beauty's within the Aisu clan. just like their father the Aisu clan leader, they are fierce and pretty strong that not all many dear look at them carelessly

Even now many people were around their compound, not many dear look their way twice

Unlike other ladies their age who should be showing off with fancy clothes, this two wore an easy movement clothes that befit a warrior and clad a great sword in their back

Their expression stotic as they focused their gaze on their father the Aisu clan leader who is sitter crossed leg at the center of it all

Powerful energy radiating from his body, causing static energy to go off around him. His eyes focused as he circulated his energy precisely aiming for his breakthrough.

"Its starting" Ethan mother standing behind him an his two sister said as she fixed her eyes on the cloud gathering above, an heavy air emanating from her as she had a trouble look on her face

"Vera" she called to her oldest daughter, her tone heavy, yet her gaze still on the lightning storm sky. "If anything happens, I want you to protect your brother and younger sister by all means

Make sure you get out of here" finally bring her gaze of the clouds, she landed it on Vera. "Aisu clan is his people and not the place

One Aisu means all Aisu and all Aisu means one Aisu" Vera had the urge to refute her mother's words

She wanted to be positive, to be optimistic but she knew first hand this isn't the time for such at which she nodded her head in understanding

Murmuring and gasp from the onlookers pull the attention of the family group back towards the Aisu clan leader whose body is not envelope in light, levitating mid air while the tumor of the rumbling lightning storm sky increased

Having levitated way up in the air, towering above the clan city, his eyes shot opened, accompanied with a deafing roar that shot the energy surrounding his figure up into the rumbling lightning storm sky

The rumbling and clashing of lightning sparks increased as if the very space wants to break down, while a spatial wormhole began forming at the center of the clouds

From it a figure slowly began to descend, levitating downward at a majestical pace, everyone heart constricted when they saw the figure coming through the wormhole

It was especially so for the family of four at the side and the Aisu clan leader whose grip on his sword tightened and his brow arch together.

When the figure fully emerged, he was no older than Ethan two big sisters, in fact he seem longer but his proud and aloof look was liken unto a god looking down on ants

He gaze scan through the entire clan from a bird view, his expression unpleasant and uninterested. He look at everyone present as if they aren't worth of his sight till his eyes landed on the clan leader levitating mid air a distance below him

His expression took an ugly turn seeing him stand boldly before him, a powerful invisible force erupted from within him, slamming the clan leader hard on the ground the shockwave raised dust while destroying a few building around

"Ignorance is no excuse for arrogance you insolence trash, you are to bow before a god not stand before one

Your worthless piece of trash existence doesn't deserved the heavens. Challenging the heavens is of your league" his displeased infuriated voice boomed through the entire clan

Just at the end of his speech, another round of shockwave raised dust while destroying more building as the clan leader figure shot up into the sky with a furious momentum

Arriving before the figure up in the sky, he slashed his sword diagonally at him all the while screaming his defiance at his words. "I'm a god on my own, and the heavens is just my stepping stone"

Contrary to the force and power he exert on his attack, it was easily caught in between two fingers of the figure who gave him an unimpressed look, "you sure have no idea what absolute power is right" he chuckle even more seeing him struggle to break his sword free from his grip

"I'll show you" saying that, he grabbed the clan leader arm and in a swift turn, haul him back towards the ground, only to appear beside him mid air, sending a crescent kick aimed at his chest which further increased his descend as he crash down creating a mushroom effect of dust and debris.

The battle continued with the clan leader determined to overcome his tribulation and ascend, he refuse to believe what other clan leaders said to be the final verdict

If they are scared, he isn't and will not bow his head to defeat without putting up a good fight. The battleground was a sea of destruction, with rubble and debris scattered everywhere. The once mighty Aisu Clan, known for its splendor and grandeur, was now a shadow of its former self. 

His father stood tall amidst the chaos, his eyes filled with determination as he faced off against the descended god.

The god figure wreathed in divine energy, loomed over the battlefield with a menacing glare. 

His father knew the stakes of this battle – if he lost, not only would he fail to ascend, his life would be decimated. With a heavy heart, he prepared himself for the inevitable battle as he shot back into the sky.

The clash between the two beings was like a clash of titans, each strike sending shockwaves through the air and shattering the earth beneath their feet. 

His father fought with all his might, channeling the energy within him to match the god blow for blow. But as the battle dragged on, he could feel the devastation wrought upon his clan with each passing moment.

He turn to see his family hurde in one spot, debris everywhere, if not for his wife keeping the kids safe, he would have probably lost them

Not just them, others in the clan were in the same situation, some unlucky ones were so fortunate.

Homes has been destroyed, families torn apart, and he could see it all unfolding before him. His heart wrenched with guilt and sadness, knowing that he had led his people into this terrible outcome.

With a heavy heart, he made a decision that would change the course of the battle, he chose to remedy his wrong and atone for his wrong

A war won with everything gone is a war lost from the onset, he can't stomach such an aftermath

As the god launched a final devastating strike, he lowered his defenses and allowed himself to be struck down. The force of the blow sent him crashing to the ground.

"Father!" Adora screamed as she instinctively sprint to her fathers side before Vera and her mother could react to stop her

The two chased after her leaving the young Ethan safe at the side but they were still a tad too slow to stop the inevitable

"Insolence brat, you dare interfere with heavens verdict?" Just like earlier a powerful force descended on Adora, crushing every single bone in her body as her figure twisted in the most unassuming way

Her eyes widened with horror but her determination unwavering as used her last breath to crawl towards her father

"Sentiment is weakness and such those with it aren't worth living in a world of power" at his word another powerful force descended on her, turning her to meat paste.

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