
Battle of the Third Reich

Synopsis: A Chinese student died in Europe due to a strange flying accident, and because of that accident, he took up a strange task. Resurrecting back in time, he became involved in the smoke of World War II. This describes his journey as he survives in this world of chaos while maintaining his ideals. **************************************************************** This novel is translated non-professionally, using the free version of Grammarly and the DeepL translator, and edited to the best of my abilities, so the quality is dubious. If any typos, grammar mistakes, and other bullshit pops up, tell me where so I can fix it. V1CH1-V4CH14 can be found here: https://deltatranslations.wordpress.com/battle-of-the-third-reich/ I will be translating the rest as I have not seen anyone else do it. Updates are erratic, so don't expect daily or even weekly uploads. Disclaimer: MC is a part of the Nazi party but does not agree with its practices, saying that, I do not support the ideologies portrayed in this novel, so don't call me a Nazi. As you can expect from a Chinese novel, the MC hates the Japanese. Both the novel's cover and synopsis have been ripped from the novel's novelupdates page word for word. ****************************************************************

Karminica · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs

V4CH27: Resurrection of the Battle in the Third Reich

"Shoot! Shoot! Suppress their firepower! Damned Germans! Keep firing!"

  Laquent's angry roar echoed in her ears, and Sharon felt she had had enough of that horrible voice of the irascible partisan leader. Looking down the hill at the black uniforms of the German soldiers and the bullets that kept swishing past the bushes where he was concealed and at his comrades rolling on the ground in pain from the bullets behind him, a very ominous feeling surfaced in the young Polish partisan's heart.

  It seemed that he and his companions had really kicked the bucket this time, and that what they were fighting now was definitely not the ordinary supply convoy that Laquente was talking about. The neat uniforms, the fine equipment, the lightning speed of reaction, the fierce and furious firepower, the precise shooting, all this proves that those Germans below are a well-trained regular fighting force. This is not a joke, guerrillas are guerrillas, and charging the regular army head-on is to seek death, not to mention that those below are not ordinary regular army.

  "Captain! I think we should retreat now!"

  Sharon shouted desperately to Laquent, who was wielding a Luger pistol and hissing madly beside her, as she opened the bolt and withdrew the cartridges: "Our intelligence seems to be wrong, these Germans are not carrying supplies to Sulensthal, they are combat troops! They're Waffen SS!"

  "What did you say!"

  Laquent clearly didn't hear Sharon's shout. Sharon fired one more shot at the most conspicuous heavy truck in the convoy, then rolled over toward Laquent, clutching her long anti-tank rifle.

  "What are you talking about?" Laquent asked aloud as he dragged Sharon into the tree pit he had concealed as he continued firing at the convoy on the road.

  "I said those Germans are different from what we've encountered before, they're regular fighting troops, and I think we should retreat!" Sharon re-set up her anti-tank rifle at the edge of the tree pit.

  "Retreat! What are you talking about, do we have to run with our tails between our legs just because those are regular troops? It's not like we haven't fought the Germans before, we outnumber them now, and they're still pinned down on the road and the terrain is in our favor. Just hold on for a little while longer and we'll have them completely overwhelmed. Look at that convoy, there must be a lot of good stuff on there. The village is still waiting for those supplies to save their lives. We've already lost five men, are we just going to go back like this? I absolutely cannot let these Germans off lightly. You should be ashamed of what you said in front of you, and your brother will blush for you in heaven!"

  Laquent roared angrily at Sharon, then he raised his head and shouted to the partisans around him who were still firing hard, "Keep attacking and finish off all these Germans! Victory is ours, long live Poland!"

  "Long live Poland!"

  The partisans shouted feverishly, they poured more bullets into the German convoy on the road, now they didn't care about saving ammunition, the convoy below looked full of supplies, otherwise, how could they have such a strong escort, the partisans were thinking the same thing as Laquent, they all thought they had caught a big fish this time.

  "Watch out, aim and shoot! Don't let them set up the machine guns, for God's sake! Who taught you to shoot! Your grandmother? Three men to the flank, take out that machine gun with a grenade! Who's got grenades? Machine guns, keep the Germans on the side of that car pinned down.

Don't let them get near that ditch!"

  Laquent roared, issuing order after order to his men. Sharon, who was beside him, did not listen to a word, her mind now echoing over and over again Laquent's words, "Your brother would blush for you in heaven!".

  "What would my brother do if he were here." Sharon couldn't help but tighten her grip on the butt of her grown-up anti-tank rifle, the only thing her brother had left her.

  "Help me."

  Sharon put her finger gently on the trigger, then slowly leaned her cheek against the butt of the rifle as she looked through the point of aim at the German soldiers on the road who were firing wildly.

  "Give me the answer, tell me I'm right."

  Sharon said softly into her anti-tank gun, "Give me an answer!"

  "Bang!" With a dull gunshot, a thick smell of smoke surrounded Sharon, the strong recoil of the anti-tank rifle was partially offset by the two stands but it still brought an unavoidable bruise to the young girl's tender shoulder.

  "At the limit?" Sharon slowly opened the bolt and withdrew the last round. Through the smoke, Sharon clearly saw that she had still missed the target with this shot.

  "The first shot was ready to shoot the cab but hit the fender, the second shot hit the trunk, the third shot hit the dirt, and the fourth shot after such careful aiming still didn't hit the target. The rifling on this gun was completely damaged on the second shot, and it appears that the gun will no longer function properly until a replacement barrel is found."

  Sharon sighed as she put the long anti-tank rifle back and placed it against the edge of the tree pit, then picked up Laquent's Mosin Nagant and aimed it at the armored truck. She wanted to know exactly who was sitting in that vehicle, and Sharon was very interested in the passenger who had shown super luck with her own anti-tank gun.

  She now had a clear idea that it was not an ordinary transport truck, from the layer of armor covering it and the performance of those German soldiers who were trying to get close to that truck, this vehicle might be the German armored command vehicle that her brother had once said, and the one sitting inside must be the top commander of the convoy. Sharon believes that as long as that guy dares to come out of the car, she has a ten percent certainty to be able to kill him.

  Her brother once said that in a battle as long as you can kill the opponent's commander, then the battle is almost over. As Sharon is thinking about these times, the door on the side of the truck compartment was violently pushed open. Sharon squinted her eyes and aimed carefully at the open door, and suddenly a German officer jumped down quickly.

  "Yes! It's a lieutenant!" Sharon held her aim dead center on the lieutenant's head, but just as she was about to fire another German officer darted off the car, his silver wire twisted shoulder patch glinting in the sunlight. "It's a colonel, almost let the big fish getaway." Sharon hurriedly aimed her gun at the colonel, but what happened below made Sharon look dumbfounded. It was like a magic trick that a steady stream of senior German officers jumped out of the truck, and in just a few seconds a squad of senior German officers jumped out of the truck, and they quickly closed in on the German soldiers in their vehicles, and then took weapons from the soldiers and started firing wildly at the slopes occupied by the partisans.

  "This.... What's going on here?!" Sharon was really shocked by this situation and she shouted at Laquent].

  "Laquent, there's a whole bunch of senior German officers in that convoy, and at least half of them are colonels! A German high command we attacked."

  "What!" Laquent was also taken aback by Sharon's words, he also saw some people jumping off the truck, but his attention was drawn to the two German machine guns on the front, and didn't pay attention to what those people were.

  "Did you get a good look? Sharon!"

  "Of course very clear, what should we do now, now things are very clear, so many officers plus so strong guards all these indicate that this is not transport but a German high command, if we continue to tangle with them, they may invite countless reinforcements, possibly reinforcements are now on the way, then we just want to withdraw are difficult We should retreat now. We should retreat now, the Germans will not rest on this attack, and our camp seems to have to be moved." Sharon anxiously shouted to Laquent.

  After hearing Sharon's words, Laquent also felt that the situation was serious. He began to consider whether he should follow Sharon's suggestion to retreat immediately, but when he saw the corpses of the partisans who had died in battle around him, his eyes lit up with anger again.

  "No!" He cut to the chase Sharon said: "We must not retreat now, we have to wipe out this German command completely. This is the best opportunity to combat the arrogance of the Germans, even if it costs lives for this I think it is worth it. I want to show these Germans that we Poles have a backbone! It is possible that this is the last thing we can do for our country, and we will fight to the end, even if we are the last man left."

  Then he looked at Sharon tenderly and said, "Sharon, you are still young, there is still a long road ahead, you should withdraw first. Tell others about this battle we are fighting, don't let us die in obscurity. You have to let all the Polish people know that we are not defeated yet, that we can still fight. For the sake of the fatherland, millions of people are still fighting against the Germans in all corners, tell everyone how we are slaughtering these Germans, don't let our blood be spilled in vain, let everyone know. There are still hot-blooded warriors among the Poles, and people who are not willing to be enslaved."

  "No!" Sharon shook her head desperately.

  "I won't go, how can I run away alone if you guys don't go. I want to fight with you guys!"

  "No! I order you, your brother entrusted you to me before he died, I did not let you live a stable life but also put you on this bloody road, I have wronged Tosfal, you have to live, this is an order!" Laquent growled and yelled at Sharon, "Go, we are going to launch a charge, no matter what the outcome is, we will fight until the end because we are men. And you're different, you're a girl. I don't want you to be paraded by the Germans with dead bodies too. Go, take your brother's gun and go!"

  "No, this path is my own choice, I can't go alone, I have to fight with you. Otherwise my brother won't forgive me in heaven." Sharon shook her head stubbornly, she picked up her Mosin Nagant and fired at the German soldiers on the road, a German soldier who was trying to climb into the cab of the truck fell to the ground with a sound.

  "What a no-go! Same as your brother. Well, in that case." Laquent looked up and shouted out to the partisans around him, "My fighters. We are now facing a German high command and not transport. They may have called in reinforcements. I have decided to destroy them completely before their reinforcements arrive. Those willing to launch a charge with me, stay, and those who want to retreat can leave now immediately."

  "Captain, I'm staying. I haven't killed enough Germans yet."

  "It's the command? Great, I can avenge our entire village!"

  "Finish them off! Whoever is afraid to die can get out now. I'll kill a few German officers even if I die to avenge those fallen comrades!"

  "Captain, Zarensky is dead, Thor is dead, my best friend is dead here, do you think I'll leave them alone like a wild dog and run away?"

  Those partisans answered loudly while firing hard, and through the fierce gunfire, those answers were clear and loud.

  "Captain, look!" Sharon suddenly shouted out loud.

  "What!" Laquent hurriedly leaned over to Sharon's side and looked in the direction of Sharon's finger.

  "My God, you are merciful! That's a German general!" Laquent couldn't help but exclaim in joy.

  "Not only that, but two more ran behind the car two seconds ago."

  "You mean to tell me that three German generals fell into our hands." Laquent couldn't believe it was true.

  "No, there may be bigger ones, they carried a wounded man off the car in front of them, seems to be a general too, but he was carried by two other generals, seems to be a great big man." Sharon gritted her teeth and said.

  "Then why didn't you shoot." Laquent could not believe that Sharon would let this opportunity pass.

  "Just ran out of bullets." Sharon tossed the rifle to Laquent with a resigned look on her face.

  "What a pity, but it's okay, we'll launch a charge now, you cover us from behind, if those generals show their heads, I'm sure you'll give them a surprise." Laquent smiled and comforted Sharon while taking out a clip of rifle bullets from his pocket and skillfully pressing them into the magazine.

  "This is the last bullets I have on me, I thought I could capture a lot of ammunition this time, forget it, if we can take out four German generals this time, it will be worth it even if we lose all our troops." Said Laquent handed the rifle to Sharon, then he jumped out of the tree pit waving his Luger pistol yelled. "Partisans, there are still a few generals behind those Germans! The time has come to die for the Fatherland! We must not let these Germans, whose hands are stained with the blood of our compatriots, leave here alive. All of you, follow me!"

  Then he took the lead and charged toward the convoy on the road. The partisans also rushed out from their hiding places and followed their captain with their weapons toward the Germans at the bottom of the hill.

  The German stormtroopers obviously did not expect the ambushers to charge, and their formation was clearly confused for a moment, but only for a moment. Then the strict training they had undergone came through, and the soldiers, led by their officers, quickly calmed down and then began to coldly and effectively massacre the enemy who was roaring at them. Those soldiers precisely shot down those enemies who had exposed themselves one by one to the ground. Some of the veterans even threw the grenades thrown by the enemy back at the rushing crowd, and in an instant, those guerrillas suffered heavy losses, and in that short distance of 100 meters down the hill they inflicted dozens of casualties on the guerrillas, and for a while, the bodies of the guerrillas almost covered that small hill.

  But the partisans did not hesitate to step on the bodies of their comrades, and after paying a heavy price they finally broke through the circle of German soldiers, and the front row of partisans cheered and lunged with bayonets at the Stormtroopers who had not had time to change their magazines and reload.

  But before the partisans could rejoice for two seconds, the advantage of the well-trained German troops began to emerge, as the German commandos threw their weapons aside and drew their pistols from their belts and fired with their hands, while the commandos with their rifles loaded their bayonets in a flash and stabbed the nearest partisan in the chest without hesitation, while others drew their infantry shovels and waved them.

The soldiers also drew their shovels and waved them at the heads of the guerrillas.

  Most of the guerrillas were just ordinary villagers and civilians before joining the group, and only a small number were trained soldiers. In previous attacks, as soon as they entered the defensive circle of those transports, the German soldiers would meekly put up their hands and let them take what they wanted, but of course, they never showed their sympathy to the surrendered Germans, and usually just found a place where no one would see them kill them. They had never encountered such fierce resistance as they did now, and they had never seen such a bloody and murderous enemy.

  Before the partisans could react, a dozen of them had already died at the hands of the German soldiers. Looking at the heads of the infantry rolling on the ground, the partisans were full of blood, they knew they would die, but never thought they would die so easily, all the partisans who saw this scene were filled with fear. But those German soldiers quickly and bloodily attacked the enemy in their hands after not giving those flabbergasted partisans the opportunity to react, they wielded the murder weapon in their hands and began to fight a counter-charge, a time the scene is a bloody rain.

  At this time from the other side the reinforcements, a team of stormtroopers, also joined the battle, but they are using heavy weapons, although they kill the same way, at least they look much more beautiful. Laquent looked at the scene in front of his heart and could not help but feel a sharp twinge of pain, this guerrilla group is finished, from the moment he gave the order to charge, they were finished, he overestimated the ability of his own men, and he wanted to let these villagers just learned to shoot to fight these trained killing machines to the death, he was faint. Seeing the quality of those German soldiers even if they were leading those regular Polish soldiers now, they would not escape the fate of annihilation.

  A tall German soldier with a bayonet lunged at Laquent, who hastily fired the last two rounds from his pistol at the soldier. Laquent struggled to control his hand, which was trembling violently, to put a new magazine in his pistol, when suddenly a bullet grazed his cheek and he felt a hot liquid spraying violently into the back of his head.

  Laquent turned around in a hurry, only to see a German soldier was standing behind him with an infantry spade, but now a bullet hole appeared in the soldier's forehead right in the middle, the soldier's eyes slowly darkened, and then fell to the ground on his back.

  "Thank you, Sharon!" Laquent turned around and waved his hand toward the hillside, and just then he felt a numbness in his back, followed by a bit of shiny bayonet tip appearing violently on his chest. Laquent looked down at the short bayonet point with incredulous eyes, then his whole body went limp and fell to the ground, right next to the German soldier. The commando who had succeeded in killing the partisan leader didn't even bother to notice who he had killed; he pulled the bayonet from the corpse and immediately rushed toward his next prey.


  Watching Laquent fall in her field of vision, Sharon was going crazy, in the short two seconds it took her to pull the bolt and reload her gun she had lost another person in her life, someone who had been taking care of her like a brother was killed right in front of her, a blow that was indescribably huge for a girl of only twenty-three.

  "No!" Sarah screamed. She shuddered and dried her tears, picked up the rifle and began to search the crowd for the German soldier who had killed Laquent, but to her eyes every German soldier looked the same, every one of them looked like the murderer and none of them looked quite like it. Sharon cried and swept her rifle back and forth over the group of soldiers who were on a killing spree. Suddenly a hard object was pressed against the back of her head.

  "Don't move, one move and you're dead!"

  A cold voice ordered in hard Polish. Sharon slowly turned her head back to four tall German soldiers standing in front of her.

  As the butt of one of the soldiers' guns moved, Sharon felt herself fall violently into darkness, and then she could not feel anything.

(TL: and so ends the tale of Poland's bravest sons and daughters... Pretty wack yo!)

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