
Bastard Hero

An accursed existence, a being that only brings disaster—such is the world that can describe that man. Trevor Herscher, a slave trader from the 18th century, looks down on anyone he deems a heretic. For him, torturing is an act of enjoyment, and the scream of terror is the most beautiful music God has given him. But, alas, karma caught him one day. Filled with rage, he seeks to carry out one man's crusade in another world by striking a deal with an unknown being. Armed with the unknown [chaos magic] in the strange world filled with monsters, artifacts, and dungeons, he abandoned his beliefs on Earth. "Only a heretic can kill another heretic effectively", and with such conviction, he is ready to commit any kind of abominable act as the bastard hero. Story update every weekday There will be chapter known as lore weekend every Saturday

Jester_Zains · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 15: Those Who Live In Chaos

"But how? I'm sure she has magic protection around her that has been cast by expert. Damn them, just wait..."

He was grabbing me by the collar and lifting me, essentially he want me to knew that the fire of my life could be extinguished at any moment yet even a kid could understand that he was desperate and only bluffing.

"Don't be so hard on those expert. After all they did a good job just..." "Just what? Answer me you bastard!" He tighten the grip on my neck. ""Just don't be such a hot head after all you should knew the answer well. During my stay here, I was taught about a certain type of magic and how some could be use for defense and offense while how some could be used for support. So I'm sure Astarte, your precious daughter, the sole heir of Fellendules family has been protected by many layer of magic since birth if so then there is one contradiction."

"A contradiction..." Here was the chance I'm looking for! While he was pre occupied with his tangling mind, I force my body upward, launching my foot to his chin. His resilience and magic defense rendered my attack useless but at least it got me off of his grip.

"Just think about it, exactly when Astrate taught me magic, I'm sure you would have noticed by now."

He thought for a while before looking at me with frightened face. "No! You can't be!"

"Ohh but I do. You said it yourself before right that any mental corruption won't work on you, why is that? Is it because of your magic resistance? No that's not right, in the first place mental corruption won't work on you because you have a steel mind that knew no fear. I'm sure being the person you are, you taught Astarte to become the same person as you but the truth is not like that. Behind all the training and cruelty, Astarte is just a normal girl, she is not a genetic freak like you."

"That can't be true. After all Astarte is..." He was in doubt of his conviction.

"That is the truth. You can't run away from it. The reason why my first magic could flung Astarte despite being protected by all manner of physical defense magic was because you never ordered anyone to cast mental defense magic on her! My magic, the chaos magic, is not one that inflict harm nor is it one that bless others. It is a magic that force the target to commit a various way of self harm by controlling the uncertainity. When we first fought, I thought her being flung was strange, now I realized it, my magic did not make her flung, my magic make her flung herself."

"Just like that with little enhancement magic I could do much more. Like turning the mental corruption into solid object essentialy what being referred to as heretical weapon and I could also inflict a curse on the target brain if I have the trigger, hmmm.... curse is not the right word. How about mental destruction? That sounds about right."

"You... How could you. Astarte was so kind at you and this is how You repay her!"

"It's irrelevant, her feeling that is."

"Y-you...!" Veins pop out from Don Westel head yet just like last time he was not able to do anything against me. "Ghhhh! Just tell me how to cure her then I will grant any of your wish. Be it a prestigious position, a magic weapon, or even a way to communicate with god."

"I refuse. None of what you mention is my wish."

"T-then what could I do?"

I pointed at his Armatoli Danascus. "Kill yourself with that sword. Your presence is not needed anymore in the grand scheme of things."

He gulped, looking at the shiny sword. "I-I can't. As much as a sinner I'm, I still can't betray the tennets of religion I have believed to."

"We are going nowhere at this pace. Look I know you want to stall for time until the city council send their magic expert to save Astarte."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't play dumb please, I hate doing this dirty work." I snap my finger and in an instant Astarte's arm turn paler, gradually the white color become brown. And in just a few second it fall off from her body, blood spurting from the hole of where her arm used to be.

"You what do you do!? I've never seen any magic that recreate that phenomenon!"

"The detail is not important. After all your life is secondary right compared to Astarte right? Worry not if you just fulfilled one of my silly whim then I can assure you in the name of my god that your daughter will be save as long as I'm around."

"To make a promise with your god name, how heretical. Still... There is no greater assurance than that. Very well like you said just say your request and be done with it."

"All I want is a simple thing. You see or rather before that I should give you a thanks for the hellish experience in this Colosseum. True I contact a disease, got malnutrition, and to some time period being treated like a trash. But, that experience is nothing as I gain more from that; comrade I could trust, a master who share their knowledge, and a deeper insight into my magic nature."

"You just keep blabbering. Just say what you want and be done with it."

"If you say so. The time I used to talk nonsense just think of it as my kindness after all you are still a person I respect even as an enemy."

The head of noble family looked down, digesting what i said.

"I see so that's how it is..."

"Yes this is my good bye to you. My sworn enemy."

I thought I would enjoy it the sight of my enemy killing himself but somehow something was off. The iron smell of the blood, the sight of a macabre taking place, the scream of agony, I should be enjoying it yet...