
016 BabyBus Learn Chinese Characters_1

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Éditeur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Prince Lieyang walked into Lin Ge's room and immediately stripped off his armor, revealing a well-built and fit body with distinct lines across his chest and abdomen, where some red scales still remained.

Lin Ge quickly closed the door and took out a set of loose-fitting sportswear for him from the wardrobe.

After slipping into the attire, Prince Lieyang admired himself in the wardrobe mirror from various angles.

"This prince truly looks charming in anything. Even transformed into a human, I'm still so dashing."

Lin Ge couldn't be bothered to mock his bald head and pulled out a roll of cool bamboo mat from under the bed, laying it beside the bed, and took out a spare blanket to place on top of it.

"You'll sleep here tonight."

Prince Lieyang frowned slightly, glancing at the single bed in the room.

"Don't even think about it—that's my bed."

Lin Ge certainly didn't want a strange lizard man sleeping in his bed.

To Lin Ge's surprise, Prince Lieyang did not object. Instead, he sighed deeply and sat down on the bamboo mat on the floor, which made Lin Ge wonder if he'd have to put in more effort to defend his bed.

Prince Lieyang sighed, "I can feel the power within me diminishing continuously. I fear that by tomorrow morning, I will have become a completely ordinary person."

Lin Ge lay down on his own bed, and a lingering fragrance wafted up from the covers.

"Don't worry, once you return to your own world tomorrow, you'll be able to change back."

But Prince Lieyang shook his head, "Those people won't let me off easily. The moment I appear in Castalon, they will certainly find ways to take my life. So, I plan to stay here for a while until they think I've left Castalon. Then, I'll go back."

"What?" Lin Ge was astonished, "How long are you planning to stay here?"

"I'll stay for half a month first. I'm quite interested in your world. Since the gods here have given me a human's body, I'll take this opportunity to properly experience the life of someone from another world. Don't worry, I'll repay you afterward; I won't take advantage of your hospitality for nothing."

Lin Ge was silent for a moment, then asked, "Do you know who is trying to kill you?"

"Of course, I can't think of anyone else but my uncle who covets the throne. He must have planned to kill me while I was away so he could ascend to the throne without dispute. Hmph, the damn old man. When I ascend to the throne, I'll have his bones dismantled to make decorations."

Lin Ge sighed inwardly; it was a royal struggle, kin slaying kin. Being a prince was no easy task.

With that thought, he fell into a deep sleep.

He slept well into the afternoon.

The moment Lin Ge opened his eyes on the bed, he saw a slick, red-skinned man admiring himself in front of the wardrobe mirror.

He quickly became fully awake and demanded, "Why are you naked again?"

Prince Lieyang turned around, saying, "The beautiful scales on my body are completely gone."

Lin Ge looked and, indeed, the scales were nowhere to be found; the man looked completely human now.

"Is there a library or something like that nearby?" Prince Lieyang suddenly asked.

"What do you need it for?"

As he put on his trousers, Prince Lieyang said, "Whenever I visit a new place, I always go to the local library first to understand the culture and history through literature. Now that I'm here, I intend to learn about your world's culture and history to better integrate. You don't want me to cause any trouble, right?"

Lin Ge looked at the prince of the Lizardmen with new respect. Judging by their appearance alone, it was easy to mistake them for an uncivilized species, but this obviously wasn't the case.

"If you want to learn about our world, you don't need to go to the library. I have a much better way."

"Oh? Is there really a better way than a library?"

Prince Lieyang showed a look of interest as Lin Ge took out a thin, smooth object with a silvery exterior from the bedside table. Upon opening it, it revealed two sides.

One side was covered with dozens of raised little squares, bearing characters unfamiliar to him, while the other side was a black plane as smooth as a mirror.

Lin Ge pressed a circular button, and the black plane suddenly lit up, revealing a vibrant display.

"What is this?" Prince Lieyang's curiosity piqued, his gaze fixed on the screen.

"A personal computer. Behind this small screen lies a vast virtual world. The information generated there every day, if converted into text, would overflow any library in the world. Through it, you can quickly learn about our world."

Prince Lieyang's eyes sparkled.

"Is there really such a magical thing?"

Lin Ge laughed, "But first, you have to start with learning to read."

Saying so, he opened a video website focused on early childhood education and began to play a video from the site.

He pressed the space bar, and the childlike voice came through the computer screen.

"Baby Bus learns characters, which Chinese character shall we learn today..."

Prince Lieyang was instantly captivated by the vivid images and moving melodies, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen.

Lin Ge set the computer on the desk, plugged it in, then went to fetch some bread from the fridge in the kitchen and placed it beside the computer.

"Take your time watching, eat some bread if you get hungry. I'm off to work. If you have any questions, you can find me at the bar."

Prince Lieyang nodded, his wild eyes gleaming with a childlike curiosity as he continued to stare at the computer screen intently.

"There is a white dove in the sky, a gray bunny in the grass, a yellow duckling on the water, I am daddy's good son. Son, the 'son' in 'good son.'"

Lin Ge smiled and left the room.

When he walked into the Emerald Bar, it was different from the past few days; today, Nilu had arrived first.

As usual, she was wearing her alluring work uniform, and unlike the lazy Iris, she was seriously wiping the counter when Lin Ge entered.

"Good morning, sister Nilu."

"Morning, Lin Ge."

The other world was now in its morning.

After greeting Nilu, Lin Ge prepared to head to the break room to change his clothes. As Nilu, who was wiping the bar, seemed to remember something and turned her head to remind Lin Ge, he had already pulled open the door to the break room.

A piercing scream erupted from within, and Lin Ge hastily closed the door.

Nilu smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, Iris is changing clothes inside."

In a moment, Iris came out of the break room, clad in her server's attire, her pretty face flushed red as she glared at Lin Ge.

"Actually... I didn't see anything," said Lin Ge, knowing he was at fault and feeling somewhat sheepish.

Nilu also joined in, "Sorry, Iris, it's my fault for not reminding him. You shouldn't worry about it, after all, your human form..."

Nilu didn't continue, but Lin Ge had a thought—hear human form? Could it be that Iris wasn't human?

But it didn't really matter if she wasn't human, after all, this bar led to a fantasy world.

"Remember to knock next time."

Iris huffed, surprisingly letting Lin Ge off the hook.

Lin Ge quickly promised that in the future, when he arrived in the morning, he would remember to knock before entering the break room.

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