How surprising is one sided love, I rowed his boat through the deadliest storms, only to find myself drowning deep into the sea. - sin do rella
"Is home a place where I can seek refugee ?"
SWAN'S SPACE mansion is a house made with marbles that are whiter than any white you can find in this world. It is one of the most luxurious house in the whole country. Architects from across globe came together and spent almost 4 years of their life to make a design which is almost an unbelievable heaven to common people. This mansion has 7 rooms, 6 servant rooms, swimming pool, gym, movie theatre and almost everything that you want to have in your dream house.
The largest and most spacious room in the entire mansion, is my room. Well if you think I am flaunting about it, then trust me I am not because that room is the store room.
Well, this is the place because of which the mansion looks flawless. You must be thinking how, right?
This is because all the things that we think are old, unnecessary and are waste but not useless enough to be thrown away are kept in the store room, the place where all the flaws are hidden, to make a house look as flawless as possible. The most low maintenance room, and packed room of the entire mansion.
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