
Chapter 002

Blaster bolts sizzled past as Han and Chewie provided covering fire for Luke, Ben, and the droids to rush up the Falcon's ramp. Just as the last of them scrambled aboard, a squad of stormtroopers came charging around the corner toward the ship.

Blaster fire erupted from the platoon of stormtroopers charging toward the Falcon. Han flung up a hand, focusing his will like squeezing an invisible throat. The leading trooper clutched at his neck, levitating a foot off the ground. His comrades hesitated in confusion.

With a savage gesture, Han hurled the helpless soldier crashing into three others. They tumbled in a tangled heap. Han swiftly targeted two more, sending them slamming together with bone-breaking force.

The remaining troopers unleashed a barrage toward this darkly powerful smuggler. But bolts slowed to hover inches from Han's outstretched palm, captured in a sizzling orb of Force energy. With narrowed eyes, Han thrust his hand forward. The orb shot back like a meteor, exploding amidst the troopers and hurling them away in a heap of armor and limbs.

Han strode up the ramp, brushing smoking flecks from his vest. He met Ben's hooded gaze, seeing a new wariness in the old Jedi's eyes.

Now listen, Frank was an old man at heart. He'd lived 65 stressful years. He's pretty much seen it all, death, destruction, and depression. But, he simply can't let go of his childish excitement and delight of existing in the Star Wars universe.

Like dude.....

Holy crap, I've met him already, but actually it's freaking Obi-Wan Kenobi himself! Not just Alec Guinness but the actual legendary general... He used the Force to con Stormtroopers' minds back on Tatooine. Frank had worn out his VHS copy of the original trilogy watching those scenes.

And that glowing lightsaber... what he wouldn't have given as a starry-eyed kid to handle one! I'm very good at playing the part, but I'm still in shock. Who'd have thought he'd be smuggling the old wizard and young Luke himself through a raging space battle as Han fucking Solo?

"You're full of surprises, Captain," Ben remarked.

Han gave a casual shrug, inwardly thrilled. "Here and there, when inspiration strikes," he answered lightly before heading to the cockpit.





The Millennium Falcon rumbled to life and lifted smoothly off the dusty spaceport. Leaving the atmosphere, It was time to leave this shithole system for good. As Star Destroyers approached in pursuit firing beams at the falcon, Frank (Han) made the calculations to enter hyperspeed. "Shit, they're gaining!" Han snapped, glancing at the Star Destroyers looming closer in the rear display. He threw the Falcon into evasive banks, but the big cruisers matched them move for move.

"Can't this rig go any faster?!" Luke shouted over the straining engine noise.

"Hey, watch your mouth kid!" Han shot back. "She may not look like much, but the Falcon's got surprises left in her!"

"Incoming barrage!" Luke yelled as turbo laser blasts exploded space around them. "We'll be shredded out here!"

But Han kept his cool, attuning himself to the Force's whispered cues. He was new to this force thing, but as a lifelong fan back on Earth, why not give it a try? Now returned to his seat along with Luke, Ben sat silently with his eyes closed, a small smirk formed on his face. He was trusting fully in the captain's skill. It was worth it.....

Stars streaked to hyperspace as Han gripped the controls, heart pounding with excitement. He was Han-freaking-Solo flying the Millennium Falcon into adventure! Sure beat driving cabs around NYC...

Obi-Wan (POV):

I settled onto a passenger bench, calming my thoughts into tranquil observation mode - a Jedi technique for concealing emotions. My many years on Tatooine had honed my patience, though hot blood still simmered beneath this elderly facade.

As we broke the atmosphere, Chewbacca barked inquisitively at Solo.

"She'll hold together Chewie," the captain assured, patting the Wookiee affectionately on his hairy shoulder. Their unlikely camaraderie intrigued me as much as it seemed to perplex young Skywalker judging by his bemused glances.

"So Captain," I began conversationally once we were cruising through hyperspace. "Have you flown in the friendly skies of Tatooine before?"

Solo threw me a sardonic look over his shoulder. "Hardly friendly skies anywhere these days old man. But to answer your question - I go wherever the creds are hottest. Used to do plenty of jobs in the Core Systems before the Empire made things tricky."

I smiled engagingly, subtly encouraging the proud young pilot. A clever charade to hide the depth I sensed within him. Perhaps a glimpse of his past might reveal more...

"You must have seen your share of adventures," I mused. "Dangerous work operating so, shall we say, adjacent to Imperial regulations?"

Solo straightened almost imperceptibly as Luke perked with curiosity beside me. Our cagey captain enjoyed the limelight.

"Yeah, got into a few scrapes," Solo shrugged exaggeratedly. "Did a stint training Rebel commandos...taught those bookworm officers real dirty guerilla warfare. Even ran glitterstim for the Huttese when cash got tight. Been through wild rides kid, but old Han always keeps flying!"

I hid a sigh. Smug braggart he remained on the surface - an almost parodic mirror to my memory of another gifted maverick sworn to Jedi service long ago...Had the Clone Wars and Order 66 truly faded into distant legend among the younger generation?

Skywalker appeared enthralled though, hanging onto the swashbuckling rogue's every word. I supposed Solo presented the youth's first glimpse of daring bravado among shadier galactic rogues. In my experience, however, half of such tales stretched truth to outright fabrication. Unless...had he truly encountered other fringe Force adepts during such travels?

I resolved to subtly investigate further. The Force hummed promise around this one despite lingering darkness. Perhaps lending Solo a patient Jedi ear might shift the scales ahead...



General (POV)

"What's the matter, Ben? Are you alright?" Luke asked, Ben's behavior shifted at an unsettling rate. Anyone would be worried.

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force...as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror.. and were suddenly silenced," Ben stated with sadness. "I fear something terrible has happened." Regardless, Ben spoke with urgency and stated, "You'd better get on with your exercises."

Luke reactivates his lightsaber and gives his full attention to the training droid floating in front of him. Meanwhile, Han finally enters the main room from the cockpit to sit in his chair to the right of the seasoned Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Well guys, they're off our tails. That was fun." Han stated with a smirk, never in his 65 years of life did he think he'd be capable of flying and directing a spaceship. Even entering Hyperspace is one hell of an experience. Unforgettable, that's for sure.

Obi-Wan turned to the newly arrived Han Solo and said "Impressive Captain, evading patrols through such hot and intense sectors. Have you ever had, shall we say, unusual moments of intuition about dangers to your ship?" he posed casually.

Solo's hazel eyes twinkled. "Hot and intense, slow your roll, Mr. Jedi. My strategies aren't exactly textbook. I get vibes on occasion yeah - like luck's flowing hot or cold for a job. Saved my hide plenty of times reacting fast in scrapes that should have vaporized the Falcon. Call it gritty experience."

"It seems you know of us, what gave it away?" Obi-Wan asked, intrigued. Han chuckles and responds, "Hmm, I wonder who wields a lightsaber that's blue, with such elegance regardless of the user projecting the image of a sweet old man." Obi-Wan didn't respond directly to this observation. He nodded thoughtfully as Chewbacca, who was sitting at the booth with C3P0 and R2D2, rumbled the vocal equivalent of a snort.

'Even the laconic Wookiee seemingly recognized something uncanny about his partner. Perhaps simply an oblivious channeler of the living Force. Although his subconscious manipulation suggested methodical tutelage...' Obi-Wan thought internally.

"Your successes betray skill exceeding worldly limits," Obi-Wan ventured. "Have you considered what such gifts might signify about personal destiny?"

"Are you flirting with me? I don't swing that way brother, but the Force has a destiny for everyone huh? Yes, I know about it. I just have a...different perspective. Guess I figure my gifts are meant for getting filthy rich and laid by hot alien chicks, it's a win-win. I don't gotta play nice with tinpot dictators or prissy bureaucrats." He threw me a roguish wink.

Obi-Wan sighed quietly in frustration. 'So certain paths led towards the ethical, others to rogue libertarianism. Had I been so arrogantly stubborn myself once? No matter - Qui-Gon's maverick defiance had taught me patience as a Master...'

Now beside me, R2 suddenly whistled sharply. I glanced down in surprise to see the perspicacious droid studying Solo intently. Even constructed minds perceived something exceptional here. 

"Coming up on Alderaan soon, lucky passengers!" Solo announced. "Time for old Ben to pay up those 15 thousand!"

Obi-Wan smiled tightly, letting the matter rest for now. Meanwhile, in the training area, Luke with his activated lightsaber, was preparing to deflect the beam from the training droid. Obi-Wan reminded him that a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through them. Luke was about to ask a follow-up question, but Han interjected, a confident smirk playing on his lips.

"Swords, kid? Really?" Han chuckled, his eyes flickering between the glowing weapon in Luke's hand and the remote hovering nearby. "I'm a fan of lightsabers, I really am. But a blaster beam to the skull gets the job done."

Luke looked momentarily puzzled, but then smiled. "Well, this is a bit more advanced than a laser pointer."

Han stood up, stretched his arms and back, then leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Jedi stuff. But let me tell you, in the real world, it's not about waving a fancy glow stick. It's about quick thinking, resourcefulness, and a bit of luck. Take it from a guy who's been around the block. The glow stick won't save you from fire, haha."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Han's unconventional take on force-wielding weapons. Luke, on the other hand, seemed curious. "Luck? You believe in luck?"

Han grinned. "Kid, luck's my middle name. Well, not really, but you get the point. Sometimes you've got to trust your instincts and go with the flow. The Force, luck, call it whatever you want, but it's there when you need it."

Obi-Wan couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at Han's irreverent approach. It was a stark contrast to the solemnity of Jedi training. Yet, there was a strange wisdom in Han's words, a pragmatic understanding of the unpredictable nature of the galaxy.

Hello there!

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