
The Message (Part 2/2)

"The timeline of the past is compressing." Russel stated.

"What?" Stanley was shocked by what he heard.

The timeline of the past and future was depicted to be in a single timeline that's what earlier scientists would say but as the years gone by it was later on discovered that the two were seperated, each having a timeline of their own. Even though they're separated they still affect each other as impulses from the past is the thing that created the future. Every single move in the past could depict the future, that's why alteration of the past could also change the future.

"The timeline of the past is compressing amd we don't know yet the reason but we'll try our best. Is there something strange happened?" Russel stated. He then asked to confirm the strange phenomenon.

"Nothing crazy happened yet except that I occupied my 24 year old body. Check the stability of magnetic impluse." Stanley said.

Russel looked at the monitor and saw the ratings. He immediately showed them to Stanley.

"The impulse is quite stable yet why I'm trapped to this body?" Stanley said out loud.

"I think it's because of this." Russel said and showed the astral division book.

"The astral division book? I've never heard of it." Stanley was confused by the thing mentioned by Russel.

"It says here that any thing that crosses through the heavenly bodies will diminished its form but will be transported to a form that a thing was before. This is called "The Astral Body phenomenon". Russel stated the text on the book.

"Does this mean I will be living in my 24 year old self?" Stanley asked.

He was confused and happy at the same time. Confused because of what the odd phenomenon and happy because he could be with Anna again.

"Momentarily. As the timeline is compressing it means that you need to change something. Something drastically." Russel said.

"The council suggested to create another capsule so that they could monitor what you're doing." Russel added.

"What?! Aren't they gonna be like me? They will transported to their past forms?" Stanley enraged. He doesn't feel good on what the council's plans.

"Not likely they said that the younger ones will be deployed, people who does not exist in the timeline you're in. The phenomenon only affects if the person exist in that exact timeline." Russel explained to him.

"Are they gonna kill me?" Stanley asked Russel while looking at him in his eyes.

"I don't know but I'm scared for you Mr. Wood." Russel was concerned for Stanley's life.

He remembered what the conversation that team had with the council.

"Mr. Wood and the Astral Body Phenomenon?" Ms. Scott said.

Ms. Alexa Scott was the leader of the current New Continental Government. She was disappointed when she heard that news.

"The project could undeniably result catastrophic erradication. Didn't you said that it will be a success?" Mr. Wright said.

Mr. Gregory Wright, one of council's law maker.

Stanley's team was summoned the council as soon as they heard the news.

"We didn't know that the Astral Body phenomenon would possible and--" Vanessa was cut off when Ms. Scott's voice raged with anger emanated the room.

"You imbecile! Because of this, the timeline will start to compress!" Ms. Scott shouted.

"The only way we could get rid of what happened is to get rid of him." Ms. Scott calmly said.

The council was expecting that travelling through was a tough one to study. Alteration between the past scenarios could led to a catastrophic event.

"There's another way!" Russel proclaimed.

"He could change something drastically from the past and in that way the future will take little changes." Russel stated on what he think will be a better idea to save Stanley and the future.

"Are you out of your mind?! Any action from the past could change the future and if we wait for a long time it will create a tear on our timeline." Mr. Wright said and heavily suggested to erradicate Stanley.

Two sides has their point but Russel was confident about his idea.

"He must change his fate. Change it that he would not be able to travel through time again." Russel said.

"There's a 91% chance that the future and past will be restored if he changed his fate." Russel added arguing the decision of the council.

"Well, Mr. Acker right?" Ms. Scott coldly asked.

"Yes your Highness." Russel replied.

"We'll give him time to change his fate. How long before the tear would be visible?" Ms. Scott asked.

"8 months, if the magnetic impulse will be stable for the rest of the time." Vanessa answered.

"And if not?" Mr. Wright asked.

Vanessa looked at Russel waiting for his approval. Russel nod at him.

"More or less 3 months." Vanessa said.

The room began to filled with whispering voices.


"Shall we agree on the other suggestion?"

One of the few thoughts the Council had. Doubts that the humanity will be saved was inevitable. Stanley's team was hoping he can do it before the doom will take place.

"We'll give him 3 months--" Ms. Scott was cut off by Russel's protest.

"It won't be enough for him to change his fate!" Russel protested.

"Give him a couple of time, your Highness." Vanessa added.

Ms. Scott raise her brows when they heard what they said. Anger was seen forming in her face.

"You dare to plead for his life! Aren't you concerned to all of the humanity?! It will be enough for him to change his fate!" Ms. Scott release her anger. She was disappointed of their mindset.

"Or I will be the one to change his fate!" She added.

The tension was felt by everyone as everything will be in the hands of Stanley. Ms. Scott tried to regain her composure in front of everyone and dismissed the gathering.

"Send this as a message for him. Dismissed." Ms. Scott said while maintaining her composure.

Russel shook his head and tried to got back to the conversation with Stanley.

"The thing you could do now is to change your fate Mr. Wood." Russel said to Stanley

"You need to save yourself and change your fate." He added.

Stanley felt nervous on what Russel said to him.

"It's all my fault." Stanley blamed himself on what has been going on.

His desire could end the humanity in any way.

"Don't blame yourself Mr. Wood. It wasn't just your fault, we're in this too." Russel said.

Stanley sat on the couch with his hands on his forehead. He couldn't believe that because of his desire to go back again, everything will be at stake. He thought that he shouldn't have build the time capsule.

"Mr. Wood do it for everyone, do it for yourself and Anna. Just think that you need to save Anna's future as soon as possible." Russel said to him.

He remembered why he wanted to be back at the past and that's because he wanted to be with Anna. He wanted to change his fate and be with Anna again that the reason.

"I wouldn't be able to meet you then, if I change my fate." Stanley said.

"It's alright. This is not for us, it's for the humanity." Russel stated.

They will never met if Stanley would change his fate. He will never get to see how Russel grow. Russel was like a son to him, he saw him grew and took his knowledge from his extremeties.

"I will not let everything be ruined just because of me." Stanley said Russel.

"Please show me your wrist." Russel asked Stanley for his wrist.

Stanley showed his wrist and Russel put a timer in it.

"It will show how much time you will have to change your fate. If you failed--" Russel paused for a minute.

Russel breathe out before he will say what the consequence is.

"If you failed.. Your existence will be banished.. Everyone will forget you once the time runs out.." Russel said.

Even though Russel is confident with Stanley to change his own fate, doubt could be easily seen to his face.

"I accept any consequences as long as Anna will be safe." Stanley calmly said.

He doesn't fear the consequence but he fear that everything would be torn into pieces if he didn't try his best.

"And you will have your future. I assure that." Stanley added.

"You will have only three months to save all humanity's fate and your fate." Russel said to him.

Stanley looked at his wrist and saw how the time started to decrease by seconds but he didn't give it a deeper thought.

"I will be informing you Mr. Wood by messaging you through this watch if there's any information to our progress." Russel said.

"Thank you son." Stanley to Russel.

The message ended and Stanley put on the watch. He then got the blinds off the windows and opened the door. He noticed the watch glow and clicked it again.

"Change your fate Mr. Wood." Russel's miniholograph form said.

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