

They say death comes unexpectedly and all it takes can never be gotten back, but death gave me everything and more. I'm Susan Carrie Jane and I was the average person. Engulfed by the urge for revenge, I made a deal with the good guy, but little did I know...I was in for a ride.

st3phanne10000 · Fantaisie
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You look like my grand daughter

susan's Point of view

'Why does everything have to always be about you?! Always you!' A male voice yelled. 'Because I'm awesome.' A female voice countered. 'Talk about ego.' I stated. 'Thank you!' He said turning around, looking frightened. Getting up from the bed I laid on, I could see that it was the guy with the terrible movie line. 'Oh, look who It is.' I said looking at him with such disgust. Turning to the right, I saw the girl who put me to sleep with a spell. 'Hi,' I said waving them. At this point, I realized that the fact I took this teenager's body made me act like her; I had her personality, her usual thoughts, her memories, everything, she was dope- that wasn't me. 'So… what happens now? I don't understand anything that's going on here. I was kind of in the middle of something back there. 'Yeah, I saw. Séance.' The guy said. 'Why on earth are you checking my search, it's my search, not yours!' I yelled. 'It is my phone!' He rebuked. 'Shut up! Both of you.' The girl said. She had long brown curly hair that complimented her light brown eyes. Her lips were the color of a cherry that revealed the beauty of her face. 'I told you that you were just like my granddaughter.' The old man grinned. 'I knew there was something off about you, old hag!' I blurted, quickly covering my mouth. 'It wasn't me, I...' 'Are you sure this is the girl?' The girl asked turning to her granddad. 'Precisely dear,' he replied. 'Ok, I'm Anna and I'm 18. I'm a devasic, like basically a special brand of magicians' 'Magician? Like spells and brooms?' I inquired. 'Yeah but not brooms,' she scoffed. 'Oh, merlin?' I questioned. 'Exactly.' She cleared it out. 'And you?' I asked turning to the guy. 'None of your business.' He dismissed. 'Caleb!' his granddad cautioned. 'He's Caleb, James, anyone you wannna call him.' She said. 'Jaleb then.' I smiled. 'He's a sepolin, meaning he's invisible to the human eye; only seen by supernatural creatures, he's super smart, which I don't really agree with cause he's a dumbass. He has a photographic memory. He doesn't sleep, super-fast. Shape shifter and basically that.' She finished. 'Oh, so like the shadow hunters but with some amplifications?' I asked. 'What?' He asked. 'Never mind.' I replied. 'If you're not gonna finish your sentences, don't start them.' He warned. 'What a guy.' I murmured. 'So, I don't mean to be rude or anything but… what does it all have to do with me?' I asked. 'Well, the whole supernatural world has been Informed of your marriage.' Anna said. 'Marriage?' I inquired calmly; I was too stunned to exclaim. 'To the good guy.' She reminded. 'That wasn't… isn't…. I'm not getting married to him. He just said he wanted my soul or something like that; I don't get it.' I tried to understand. 'Well, he's never asked that of anyone but you. You might just be the downfall of us all.' She spoke. 'That's crazy! All I want is revenge and that alone. I couldn't care less about the world.' I told them. 'Well, you can see us, you can disappear, jump bodies, that's not normal.' She reminded. 'It was the good guy that gave me these abilities not me.' I explained. 'I can feel his surge around you.' She stated. 'How can you feel his surge?' I asked. 'You ask too many questions.' She avoided. 'Well, whether you like it or not; every single creature out there is looking for you because you and the good guy have some sort of bond. This meaning that you are stuck with us for as long as possible until we find out what really his plans are for you.' She stated. 'No, I'm not.' I refused. 'Look, people are out there that want to kill you because they believe that you're the evil queen that's here to ruin supernatural life on earth, others want you to protect their kind from predators, some want you so they can conjure the good guy to earth so he can ruin things on earth, while people like us want to protect you.' She informed. 'Why? What's in it for you?' I asked. 'Again, with the questions.' Jaleb scoffed. 'It's my life!' I yelled. 'Let her go if she wants to, she'll be back.' Their granddad urged. 'Thank you.' I said leaving.

I ran home, my abilities were wonky because of the fear that ran up and down my spine. Closing the door and kneeling next to the couch where Loan lay. 'Hey,' The good guy said. 'Hi, can you fix him?' I asked. 'Sure.' He replied looking into my eyes. At this point I was torn between falling in love with this beautiful masterpiece and fear, I didn't know what he was doing, or what he felt towards me, I was conflicted; did he want to kill me or did he really love me like they said? In the end it was all nonsense. 'Why are you afraid of me?' he asked. 'Afraid?' I asked. 'You're shivering.' He stated. 'Yeah, I know.' I replied. 'They said you… love me.' I confessed. 'I'm aware.' He replied. 'Why?' I asked. 'I never said I did.' He replied. 'Time to go back.' He continued. 'I don't understand any of this. One day, I was this scientist, now I'm this crazy super villain and I don't get it.' I burst into tears. 'I'll explain, as long as you shut up.' He scoffed as he held my cheeks cleaning my tears away. 'Yes, I will.' I assured. 'I'm not from earth, I'm like a bridge, a person… meant to guard the gate between earth and other dimensions. I was your father's friend's son, so before your father; the king died, he gave me the bridge to watch over as his son-in-law. This being that…' 'You are…' I interrupted. 'I said not to interrupt.' He concluded as I saw myself back at my house and Loan was gone, probably to his mom. For at least 10 seconds all I could do was stare until I broke out in tears. Crying seemed like my hobby but in truth; I hated it. I cried more than ever this time, and the worst part was; I didn't even know why I was crying. Soon after; I slept off.

I woke up with a terrible headache, picking myself from the floor, feeling as miserable as possible as I made my way to the fridge taking out something I thought was edible. So, it wasn't just killing Gio and the others now, it was being a princess and wife of the good guy; amazing, I thought. Well, I didn't care about anything. I was going to continue my life like nothing changed because nothing did change only my knowledge of the balance of the world. I needed a break from revenge, supernatural stuff, just a big break. I walked down to the basement to give my prisoner some food, but to my astonishment; she had bitten her tongue out and bled to death. 'Great, I have to get rid of the body now.' I said to myself. I went to backyard as I put her on the ground in a hole as I chanted for the corpse to go up in flames as her corpse went up in flames and I watched the young girl in the old lady's burn to ashes. I went up and down the street as though a crazy person thinking of how I could spend the day without thinking of anything supernatural or vengeful. 'Hi,' A familiar voice arose from behind me. 'Oh, hi.' I said so glad to see him again. It was the graveyard boy; louis. 'Hey,' I smiled. 'How are you doing?' I asked. 'Cool and you?' he asked. 'Had better days,' I smiled. 'Ah, I see, tell me about it.' He insisted. 'If I do, I may have to kill you.' I laughed. 'I'm ready to die for it.' He smiled. 'Ok, do you believe in fate?' I asked. 'I don't get. Yeah, I do. I mean, I'm Christian. So yes, I believe in fate. I believe in destiny. And you?' he asked. 'Well… my mom was Christian, my dad was scattered… my grandma was Buddhist and my grandpa was Muslim. So... I guess I'm like my dad… scattered.' I scoffed. 'Hmm… but what brought up the topic?' He asked. 'I don't know…' I lied. 'Wow, you don't know what's got you thinking? Well, you don't have to talk about it, we could just go somewhere if you want.' He brought up. 'Like…' I tried to continue. 'Yeah.' He certified. 'To the graveyard?' I asked. 'Nah,' he scoffed as we walked down to wherever he was taking me.

'Where are we going?' I asked. 'You'll see,' he said as I saw things that looked like lanterns on the floor, we're gonna circle back and come here at night, that's if you got all day?' he asked. 'I might have all year.' I spoke. 'Pretty bad huh?' he asked. 'Terrible.' I replied. 'OK, do you like sports?' he quetioned. 'What a drastic change of conversation. Yeah, soccer.' 'You?' I inquired. 'Yeah, Barcelona,' he smiled. 'What?! No! We are arch-enemies, you cannot like Barcelona, Real is like the best club ever.' I stated. 'Barca has raised the greatest player of all time; Messi.' He argued. 'Come on, Messi has only ever been in one club; Barca, but if Messi were to go to another club, would he be that good?' I questioned. 'Duh,' he certified. 'Yeah, probably.' I laughed. Just as I was turning to the left scoffing; I looked across the road seeing the guy who held me the day before swearing not to let go. His eyes turned silver as he twisted his neck to the right and the left just preparing to get me. '[Latin; vade in domum tuam et obliviscere omnia-go home and forget everything.]' I chanted to louis as he immediately turned around going home as though something were controlling him. The scary guy growled at me as his teeth grew as though he were an animal. He was a starion. Finally, all those fictional stories started to pay off. He crossed over to my side of the street, grabbing my wrist. 'I wouldn't do that again if I were you.' I spoke. 'Shh… I don't want to hurt you.' He expressed. 'Aww,' I smiled as I held him by the head taking him to a corner of the street as he began to convulse. 'So, what games do you wanna play?' I questioned. 'Scrabble?' I asked as I bent my body into a Chinese bending crawling towards him, I knew the darkness was the one speaking, but I liked its voice. I pulled us into a void of darkness where we stood on a chessboard as he looked at me petrified pertaining the creature he was witnessing. 'Do I scare you?' I questioned walking slowly round the corners of the chessboard. This was my vortex and I loved it. I was just learning to control my abilities and it was thrilling. I knew what I wanted right that second; I wanted power. I gave Kayla the ability to view whatever the petrified little thing saw in the vortex for as long as I tormented him. I disappeared from the vortex as he heard a maniac laughter as he felt tiny little creatures creep from his feet making their way to the top of his body. 'Boo.' I said at his back as I grabbed his eye balls pulling them out of his head as I kissed his cheek softly. 'Sleep well babe.' I advised as he fell to the ground. 'Nah, you sleep well,' Anna said behind he. 'Slomir.' She chanted as I lost consciousness.

'You've got to stop doing that.' I yelled getting up from the bed that they lay me on like the last time they abducted me. 'You've got to stop running around causing trouble.' Jaleb protested. 'I...' I stammered full of rage. 'I wasn't causing trouble!' I yelled at the top of my voice. 'All supernatural creatures are feeling the surge of the source,' He enlightened. 'What's that?' I asked. 'You,' he scoffed. 'Please,' I dismissed, ignoring all possibilities of me actually being the subject. 'Your problem.' I replied trying to walk away from them. 'Slomir.' The old man said as I fell unconscious. 'Why do you keep running away?' The good guy asked. 'Oh, I know, you don't wanna feel important because all your life you've felt pain and hurt because you think no one cares about you!' he scoffed. 'Say it,' He urged. 'I don't believe I'm important enough. I think nobody cares for me. There.' I began to sob. 'I care for you, you're important to me.' he looked deep into my eyes. Could he really love me? 'So, these other dimensions, they're… I don't get them.' I said to him. 'You don't have to.' He replied, as he continued. 'Your birth dad gave me the gateway before he died and betrothed you to me.' he said. 'That's not that bad.' I countered. We both scoffed. 'So, I keep the gateway now and prevent anyone from hurting you; that's why I hid you in that dimension.' He explained. 'But you look my age…' I wondered. 'Yes, I don't age. Well, in the other dimension we don't age.' He explained. 'Oh, I get it. But is that why you let me go back to earth? Because the other dimension isn't safe for me?' I asked. 'Yes, and your ex is a shitbag.' He said as we chuckled. 'So, you're not a villain? And I'm a princess?' I asked. 'Queen, well, when the time is right.' He spoke. 'I just wanna stay here, I don't know why.' I smiled. 'It's peaceful, I know. Wait till you see our kingdom. Hearing him say "our" made my heart feel heavy but I wiped it all away. Revenge first before anything. As I blinked, I saw myself in earth again, waking up with a terrible headache. I tried to stretch my arms forward, trying to get up from the bed. I was full of burning anger, as began to scream like an animal, trying to set myself free. Looking back, I acted a lot like Mr. Rochester's first wife who was mad but I still felt a lot like Jane, but one thing I lacked of that little firecracker of a character was her balance in sanity. After all the screaming and crying, I went still as a log. "Dimittis me"-Release me.' I said, trying to set myself free. But it didn't work; maybe because I was drained. 'You done?' Anna asked. 'Yeah, can you let me out now?' I inquired. 'As long as you stay here and do nothing. Promise?' Anna asked. 'Pinky.' I spoke. 'OK. deladimiterrier' Anna said as the buckles that tied me were let down. 'Hey.' I said as I waved. 'Look, I know you're angry and tired, probably wondering where from here but you've got to relax… because everything will be alright.' Anna said as though her words meant anything. At that very moment, I so badly wanted to rip her head off, I was angry because I could hear her thoughts loud and clear, she knew everything wasn't going to be okay, in all truth, she thought I wasn't going to last a week. The only thing I wanted more badly than revenge on my killers was to prove Anna wrong. 'So, what's the plan?' I asked as we all took a good look at each other.


The dark clouds soared in the skies as I stood by the window staring into the oblivion as though I was waiting for something. 'Father?' Vera called. 'Yes child.' I answered stretching my arms out for her to hold them. 'Something's wrong father. Something's terribly wrong.' She informed me with a horrified look in her eyes as she fainted falling into my arms. 'Don't worry my child, you'll be okay.' I informed her as I lay her on her bed in a compartment of the cathedral where she stayed. She twisted, swaying from side to side as she began to cry in her unconsciousness. 'Who are you?' She asked still in her unconsciousness. 'Child?' I called, afraid for the poor little creature's life. Her state was critical and it was getting worse every single day. Being abandoned by her parents for the supernatural abilities she had, I had to take the little child in. She was too young to bear such large burdens. 'Father.' She awoke bursting into tears. 'What did you see child?' I demanded she tell me. 'It was a lady, a very scary lady. She looked angry and full of pain.' The child explained. 'She… she was… something else father.' The child began shiver in fear. I knew there was little I could do to help her but I was determined.


'Well, it's okay not to matter to some people,

It's okay to cry yourself to sleep,

It's okay to feel worthless,

Or engulfed by unhappiness,

It's all part of life,'

I screamed. 'Where'd you get that one from?' Jonathan said standing behind me. Jonathan had black curly hair that went perfectly with his brown ivory skin. His eyes were that of gold with some sprinkles of sand, it was beautiful. They sparkled as though he kept some mines in there. His black eyebrows that almost looked as though he had some make up on were outstanding, they were evidently full and perfectly carved which brought out his eyelashes that looked like that of a female. Indeed, it was adorable. His black lips that no one could keep their eyes off when he started talking. Or maybe it was his teeth, his teeth that would at least move a chuckle to your cheeks when he would smile. Maybe Jonathan wasn't the most beautiful guy in the world but he was truly gorgeous. Jonathan was Anna's best friend. Anna thought that he could help me control my abilities more because he was pretty patient. Very pretty and patient. 'Oh, it's just something someone used to… sing to me and I can't really sing so...' I said feeling embarrassed by the way I screamed not knowing there was someone watching me. 'Can I hear it?' He asked. 'I… I don't usually like sharing my poetry, well, it's not really mine, it's my… someone… but… I guess so...' I agreed.

'Well, it's okay not to matter to some people,

It's okay to cry yourself to sleep,

It's okay to feel worthless,

Or engulfed by unhappiness,

It's all part of life

It's okay to hurt with every bone in your system,

It's okay you were betrayed by those you called you sisters,

It's okay that sometimes family can disappoint too,

It's okay that not everybody cares for you,

It's all part of life,

It's okay that they hate you, they curse you,

But darling that shouldn't change you

It's okay that someone promised you the world

But gave you half their heart,

It's okay that sometimes things fall apart,

It's okay that not everyone has got your back

And the world rates in white and black

It's all part of life

It's okay that they break you and torment you with their words,

Because the only words that should matter comes from God,

It's okay that friends don't turn out to be who they claimed to be

Because no matter what happens, you've always got me,

It's okay to be cheated,

For something you cannot control,

Your color, your gender,

But don't feel half of whole,

It's all parts of life,

It's okay to hurt,

Mama does too sometimes,

But not over someone who don't got your time,

It's okay to cry,

But don't waste your tears on people that don't matter,

It's okay to scream and yell,

We all need that sometimes,

And remember this; it's all part of life.'

I recited. I didn't notice how I was yelling at the top of my voice. I was happy for the first time in forever. 'So, who's it for?' He asked so unmoved by how I poured out my heart. 'None of your business.' I replied angrily... I wasted my saliva for nothing. 'I see we've got a lot of work to do.' He smiled. 'ARGHH!!!!!' I screamed at the top of my voice as I began to suffocate. 'Are you okay?' Jonathan asked stupidly. Did I look okay to him? 'You're burning up.' He stated. I felt like I was being boiled or fried, even more terribly it was from my insides. I felt like someone held my throat and began to squeeze all atoms of oxygen present. I started to see flashes of people who all wore red cloaks, that covered their whole body; head to toe as their hoodies covered their faces. They were walking around a fire as though performing some sort of ritual. It was clear they were doing something to me and most sadly; I could do nothing to stop it. '[amembayu].' They all chorused. 'It's okay my little violets,' a voice arose beside me. It was my mom, my adoptive mom. She stretched out her arms towards me. 'Come on, let's go.' She urged. 'qubso waiz korsi nyud koacho.' Anna chanted. Soon enough, I was free from the torment of the people. I sat on the floor with a couple of burning candles round me looking helpless. I felt something screaming in me and it wasn't the pain from the internal burns neither was it the suffocation that gripped my throat; it was fear. 'Are you okay?' Anna asked looking at me with pitiful eyes. 'I'm fine.' I replied giving them a little smile. 'You need to stay in the circle until I find a suitable spell to keep you secure from all the supernatural creatures that are coming for you. Of course, the building's got its own forcefield protecting it but you need yours.' She stated the obvious. 'How about you just use the forcefield you used for the building for her?' Jonathan asked. 'Doesn't work that way.' Anna replied. And still no word from me. I sat just thinking of how I went from a scientist to this but at least I always knew I was never normal. I sat in the circle just numb, I didn't know how to react to anything at that point in time. I decided to check in on my targets. 'So, the funeral is tomorrow. What are you going to wear?' Laura asked. 'Laura, it's a funeral not a party, you say it like something great happened. Jonny's gone.' Laren replied as Kayla eavesdropped on their conversation. 'As much as it's Jonny's funeral, it's your promotion day. We all needed that bottle of liquor out of this office.' Laura defended herself. 'I hate to agree with you.' Laren nodded as they both giggled. Kayla just sat there looking miserable, I was glad. 'You know, it really hit her hard.' One of the workers said to another as they both walked to their destination not knowing or caring who was listening to them.

I looked at the ceiling wandering through a million thoughts all at once: what next, what should I do and the last; why me? I had asked this question a lot. I had never gotten the answer. I didn't understand why life treated me so unfairly. Suddenly it hit me; I was black and abnormal. One would say normal is boring but the world loved it. The world scorned at what didn't seem normal to it. I was one of the abnormal things and this far in life; I was okay with it. I believed we fought over things that didn't matter, things that weren't worth all the calamity and wreckage. Things like colour, money, power and fame. I liked money of course but was I willing to kill innocent people for it? All I wanted so badly at this point was freedom. 'Hey,' Jaleb said. 'So, you're gonna be nice to me now?' I asked. 'Nice to you? I just came to see how the princess was doing.' He replied. 'I know you will never actually care, right now you just pity me.' I realized. 'You are absolutely right, I don't care.' He confessed as though those words were supposed to make me feel better. 'Wow, so amazing at pep talks.' I remarked sarcastically as he lay on the floor beside the candles around me. 'Do you ever feel useless?' I inquired awaiting an honest answer from him. 'Well, a wise man once said

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

In other words, the fact that you can't be who people want you to be and can't do the things they want you to do… doesn't make you useless because everybody is useful. They've got that purpose or thing they're great at and the fact they can't do something someone expects them to do doesn't mean they're useless. You know, the problem with this world is; Humanity writes people off, even before the person's story begins. A wise man once said

"The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream."

So don't you for one second think less of yourself because people think nothing of you, your story is being written by every action you take, make it interesting.' He advised. 'Besides, you're very useful to us.' He completed. 'I reckon.' I replied as Anna came in. 'Grand dad is requesting for our presence in the Apta.' Anna informed. 'What's the apta?' I asked standing up. 'Why don't you wait and see?' Jaleb said to me as I was about to set a foot out of the candle circle. 'No! Not you; the warriors and the servalon.' Anna told me. 'Servalon? Warriors? Okay… I'm gonna pretend I know what that is. Now that I think of it, I haven't been given a tour of this whole place.' I reminded. 'That will take place when we get back.' Jaleb remarked. 'Sure, well then… hurry.' I urged. 'OK.' Anna replied as they both turned to leave. 'Well, sad, ain't it?' Jaleb whispered sarcastically to Anna as they walked away. Sitting back on the floors, I could finally think, I could scurry off into my imaginations as I pleased. Suddenly, I could feel something crawling up my body like a deranged insect. I watched it creep all the way from my other leg to my big toe. My legs were lay on top of each other while I was seated. It made its way past my ankle about to enter my trousers as I held its little hand as it swung in the air; wiggling to get itself free. 'To have lived, one must first die.' I said crushing his head with my right hand. [LATIN; Be my eyes.]. I whispered to it dropping it on the floor as he rose up as though possessed walking in a straight ward direction. I hadn't seen this kind of creature but it had great sight.

I saw people who stood in a circle, some dressed in black attire. 'Oh, don't tell me I missed it.' I murmured to myself. 'He's coming.' One said to another. The old man arrived as all that were in the room took a bow. The possessed creature most probably felt compelled to take a bow as well. The recent findings of the supernatural girl have led all activities of the corvex to a halt all the way to Delaxor. If some of you are not informed this girl is the lost princess of Ephsagron.' The old man said as whispers, side talks and murmurs emerged from all corners of the room. 'Silence.' The old man commanded as all that could be heard was nothing. The old man then stepped back as Jaleb stepped forward. 'This meaning she bought to be your utmost priority. She should be treated with the utmost care and respect. She must not in the slightest bit feel despised or angered by any of your actions. She is the most important thing to us. Next week, she will be taken to Father Barry for a screening and we must protect her and prepare ourselves for whatever or whoever may come our way. I'll need all of you on your feet working to the best of your abilities to protect her. And if for any reason whatsoever you have to choose between your life and hers, you choose hers. I believe I have made myself clear?' He asked. 'Yes sir.' They replied as they all dispersed. 'What a prick!' A girl said. She had short red hair. Her eyes looked as though the grass and sea connived. Her ears were that of an elf with three holes in each where ear rings were placed; on the top, middle and bottom. Her eye brows were full and brown as they went up and down when she spoke. Her eye lashes were short but full as though she had fixed an extra pair for each eye. She was average heighted ; about 5'5. Her legs were the opposite of that of a model's, but they were beautiful. Her skin glowed like burnished brass, as though whatever lay on it would slide off, she was indeed gorgeous. 'I heard that.' Jaleb smiled as she gave up a little chuckle. Okay… that was weird' I thought out loud. 'Here, take this.' Anna said throwing me a ring. 'What's this?' I asked. 'It's a toothbrush.' She replied sarcastically. 'Well, of course I know it's a ring. What I'm asking is what it's for?' I inquired. 'It's a power dampener and a supernatural cloak. It cloaks your energy from being noticed and protects you from attacks just like this circle. 'I thought you didn't know how to make it?' I inquired. 'The elders made it. The building's cloak hides you right now but it can't protect you from harm. So, you have got to wear this ring at all times; inside and outside.' She instructed. 'Sure. Wait, why is it green?' I waited for her reply wearing the ring as I stepped out of the circle. 'Why… Why do you ask so many questions?' She inquired filled with much annoyance.

I walked through the ash halls as the cold chills started to creep in. The halls were beautiful. I never knew grey could look so good. The walls were parted by golden symbols and sigils lined up; they went all the way to the end of the halls. The floor looked crystal-like green; like a faded version of my ring. The roof had symbols and drawings scattered round it. It was all a large art work and I was impressed. The chandelier hung up above me as I began to see a whole other beautiful world. Suddenly, my admiration for the halls was soon distracted by the horrifying stares I got. Some looked scared, some looked in doubt if I was actually the person the stories referred to, others looked glad, for what? I had no idea. 'So, you want a tour of the whole place?' Jaleb asked. 'Why not?' I asked. As he showed me around. Every room was eye catching but what caught my eyes the most was the Xezoc; "the main room" they called it; Its marbled walls glinted as it held the sun's rays. The stones…a mosaic of humble rocks, each of them so beautifully carved and placed complimenting each other's grace, the crown and the guardian of ancient people. The bronze gargoyles threatening to tear up whoever would come close. Magnificent, nothing short of. 'Thanks for the tour,' I smiled. 'Izzy will be here shortly.' He informed. 'Who's Izzy? Oh… this is Izzy.' I grinned seeing the red-haired girl. 'Hi.' I smiled as she smiled back. Something about her made me feel alright even in the midst of the problems. Was it her warm smile or was it her inviting spirit? I didn't know, I just liked her. She took me to a room which looked indeed beautiful like other rooms of the corvex. It was either that or I was way too tired to care the condition it was in. The most outstanding thing about the room was it was all white; the bed was white, the curtains were white, the floors were white, everything was white. It was too bright for me. I would have preferred purple or blue but then again who was I to talk, my mom always said I had no taste because my favorite color was grey. 'This is your room. This will be your room for as long as we know. You can make yourself comfortable. Should I get you some glow stickers or glitter?' She questioned. 'Just because I'm in a teenager's body doesn't mean I'm one. In reality I'm 26.' I informed. 'You sure act like one and talk like on.' She spoke. 'That's because I'm starting to have her personality because I'm inhabiting her body.' I argued. 'That's just what you want to believe. You can have her feelings, usual thoughts, memories but never her personality. Personality stays the same.' She tried to convince. 'And you know this how?' I asked. 'The corvex library.' She replied. Look who reads.' I mocked. Soon someone came strolling into the room like it was theirs; it was Jaleb. 'So, how are you doing?' Jaleb asked leaning on the door looking our way. 'I'm good, thanks for asking.' I replied. 'I was talking to Izzy, sorry.' He said. 'I'm okay. Thanks for asking.' She replied. 'Ok. Hope our guest is being treated nice?' He asked as though he cared. 'Yeah, she is wonderful.' she replied.' Alright, I will leave you to it.' he smiled walking off. Did they like each other or were my ears playing tricks on me? I wondered, I guess everyone really has that special someone even Jaleb. 'So, here are your clothes.' She said handing me some clothes folded in her palms. 'Whose wardrobe is this?' I asked putting the clothes on the bed as I looked through them look one by one. 'You look disgusted.' Izzy stated. 'Oh, that's just my natural look. What's the full form of Izzy?' I inquired. 'Israel.' She answered. 'Cool name.' I smiled. 'Thank you.' She replied softly as she saw herself out. Finally, I could lay on my bed and sleep for as long as I wanted to. But first I needed a long shower. I went in to take a shower. Coming out with a towel tied to my chest, I saw Anna lying on my bed with a book in her hand. 'I see you've made yourself comfortable.' I remarked picking up some clothes that I put on the bed and putting them into the drawer which was next to the bed and leaving a plain white shirt and a baggy black short. 'So, what brings you here?' I inquired as she tapped the side of the bed next to her as I lay there. 'I was wondering if you wanted to...' She tried to speak but I soon interrupted. 'What's up with Izzy and Jaleb?' I inquired. 'What isn't wrong with them. They've been in this phase for months after…' She paused. 'After?' I urged her to speak. 'So, I wanted to see if you would like me to read you the story and prophecy about you?' She asked. 'Jaleb likes Izzy, Izzy likes Jaleb. Who do you like?' I asked. 'Episagron: The myth of the other dimension.' She ignored. 'Okay… I see what's happening here and I don't care… I just want to go to bed. Maybe for the first time in a long time I won't cry myself to sleep or get knocked out by you. So, if you're gonna be like this… then I don't want to talk or hear anything or story of yours. I'm not a child, I don't need bedtime stories.' I reminded, standing up from the bed.' You think I like talking to you? This is not a bedtime story. It is the story of your life. Your kingdom, your heritage and the prophecy.' she argued. 'Well, I don't have any time for this right now.' I informed her. 'You have to know it, it's your origin story.' She explained. 'I don't need to do anything right now but sleep. I can read it all in the library, some other day. You may leave now. Thank you.' I replied as she got up to leave. 'You…' She tried to speak as she stood in front of the door holding the handle. 'Good night.' I replied dismissing anything she had to say.

'Well, you can cry all day,

And listen to the blues,

You can wail you're not okay,

But you know that's not true,

You're the one that hurts you,

You can blame it on the tides,

The skies, the sea,

And say that all is gone,

And hope is yet too bleak,

But who are you fooling?

You're the one that's hurting you,'

I cried as I lay on the bed thinking. The reason why I was hated by people was because I wanted to be. I loved pain. I wanted to feel hurt by people and the little things they did. Wallowing in sadness; I slept off.

'Hey, look who's up.' Jonathan smiled sitting on the chair next to my bed. 'What the hell is wrong with you people? Were you just watching me sleep? How long have you been there?' I asked sitting up as I gave up a little sneeze. 'Urgh! Cover your nose.' He screamed turning away from me as though if I were infected with a contagious disease and the fact, he turned away from me would protect him from contracting it. 'A "bless you" would do too.' I said with a strongly sarcastic expression. 'Yeah. Well, Jaleb said to tell you that you're needed downstairs right now.' He informed as I went to take a shower talking to him from the bathroom. 'And who is he to order me around. I'm the lost princess of Epagram.' I said. 'Episagron.' He corrected. 'Whatever. Besides, you're acting like Jay's lap dog or something. I mean, it's kinda weird cause I thought of you a rule breaker and you know…' I spoke. 'You know, 90 percent of what you say doesn't make sense.' He replied. 'I know… and I don't care.' I smiled. 'Anyway... I bid you farewell. I have business to attend to.' I skipped. 'Look who's in a good mood today.' He smirked. 'Mhm…' I continued as I approached the door. 'Hey Princess...' He called as I took a halt. 'People don't listen to rulers with tears in their eyes and shaky feet. They listen to people who can tell them what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Be that girl.' He advised. 'I don't plan on being less.' I replied as I walked out and into the halls of the corvex. I met Jay down in the dining hall. 'Good morning.' He smiled. 'Morning.' I smiled. 'You have training today and tutoring tomorrow.' He said. 'What's the difference?' I asked. 'Plus, you have an appointment with Elder Sharon and Father Barry next week. Elder Sharon on Monday and Father Barry on Wednesday.' He informed me. 'Ok. I have to attend my best friend's funeral today so... how about we shift everything to tomorrow?' I asked not waiting for a reply. 'Thanks!' I smiled turning to leave the corvex. 'You're not going anywhere.' A young boy, not older than Jay frowned holding me by the hand. 'Let go.' I said as my eyes turned orange. Everyone looked at me in terror as the boy instantly let go of me. 'Who the hell are you?' I asked angrily. 'Leave her alone Curtis.' Jay said to him. 'Tell Granddaddy I'll be back soon. Plus, I need someone to get me some myrrh before I get back.' I ordered, leaving the corvex.

I walked down to the cemetery where Jonny's funeral was taking place. I was late. Everyone was there; Kayla, Keenly, Matthew, Lowan and even Gio. He sat there fighting with his seat like he did five years ago. I watched him look through the whole place with an expression that read: "Well, this is gonna be boring." He then started looking through his phone. I smiled at this. To him, this was going to be boring but to me it was going to amazing and one of the happiest funerals I had ever been to. I sat with my black hoodie at the back of the place. It was starting. 'Jonny was the most…' Kayla began. Looking around I saw a figure in the trees- which was situated beside the cemetery. 'The figure soon identified itself as a man in a black hoodie like mine as it walked towards me. it then took a seat right beside me. I finally saw who it was. It was Anna. 'What are you doing here?' I asked. 'What are YOU doing here?' She countered. 'You have no right to follow me.' I said ignoring all possibilities of my voice being loud. 'You are screaming!' she yelled. 'Yes, I'm screaming.' I yelled. 'You are too! Why won't you just leave me alone?' I asked as I turned to the aggrieved people who came for the funeral. 'That's her!' Kayla screamed. 'Wait! Mrs. Finnchester's daughter?' Gio wondered. 'I'm telling you G, that's her.' Kayla screamed as one of the guests turned into a devil- like creature. 'Look, I need to get you out of here. Granddad said to keep you safe. So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm sorry you don't like that but I have to. Stay behind me.' She said as the devil- like creature jumped over all the people, running on its hands as it stood on our left about to attack as it finally jumped to us as Anna said a spell and it broke all its bones turning to dust. Turning to the right, away from the creature that turned to dust, another creature with vampire teeth and a very long red tail and elf ears with a lizard-like body pierced her in the side as she fell to the ground and I began to grow in anger and sadness. I began to sob putting my ring in my pocket as the rain started to fall, it looked like a storm was running our way. ;'ARGGHHH!' I screamed as I held Anna and lay her softly on the floor. I knew the creature wasn't going to kill me, I could read its crooked mind. 'Be gone.' I said as something that looked like the chills from an ice-cold substance escaped my mouth as every person who stood there except I and Anna turned to dust.