


Different movements of both opponents couldn't be picked and neither followed.

Zin had to dodge multiple blows from an overpowered Demon, not only that, he had to also stop another Demon from devouring some hostages at the corner.

It was two against one.

"Why don't you give up? Why stress yourself for something really useless? They will die at the end won't they?" The overpowered Demon, by the name Aragon asked Zin as he threw a blow, hard enough to destroy an entire building.

Leaping out of the point of attack, Zin lifted up his sword, slashing through the Demon's head.

"Please, you need to do better than that! Don't limit your strength! Fight me with all you got" Aragon spat out as he dodged the incoming beheading attack, and used his claws to strike through Zin's chest, ripping his uniform out.

A close call to death.

"You should better shut up your mouth, the more you speak, the more I feel annoyed" he said, lifting his sword high up. "If I'm to kill you, I'll do it with all my strength!"

"That's more than like it" The demon smiled ready to strike his neck but soon stopped as soon as the scarf surrounding Zin's neck fell off.

"That m-m-mark! y-you y-you-...." Aragon paused as a visible fear shot all over his body.

"That's right, I'll kill you…. Demon!."

Zin landed his final blow, slicing through the Demon's neck, beheading him in the process. "I won't allow anyone to be killed by demons again, not again."

Gripping tight on his sword, Zin rushed towards the other top demon whose smile brought chills down his spine.

"Don't think I'll be easy to kill, not even that mark would render me useless just like the others!."


Three years ago, something happened, one which changed my life forever.

An incident which cannot be explained, but one that could be seen as logical, one I'll never want to experience again.

Now, a story begins. A story on how we try to save humanity. To save humans from demons.

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