
Chapter 10: Shadows Looming

Aveny's heart raced as the shadowy figure emerged from the darkness of her office. She instinctively reached for the phone, ready to call for help, but a chill ran down her spine as she realized that the intruder had already cut the line.

With her heart pounding in her chest, Aveny scanned the room for a means of escape. But the figure moved with a predatory grace, blocking her path with ease.

"Well, well, well, Aveny," the intruder said, their voice dripping with malice. "It seems you've stumbled upon something you shouldn't have."

Aveny's mind raced as she tried to make sense of the situation. Who was this person, and what did they want with her? And more importantly, how had they managed to infiltrate Verma Enterprises undetected?

But before she could formulate a response, the intruder lunged forward, their movements swift and precise. Aveny barely had time to react as they grabbed her by the arm, their grip like a vice around her wrist.

Panic surged through Aveny's veins as she struggled to break free, but the intruder held fast, their strength seemingly inexhaustible. With each passing moment, Aveny felt the walls closing in around her, the air thick with the scent of danger.

Just as she was about to lose hope, a voice echoed in her mind—a voice she recognized as Mentor's. "Trust in yourself, Aveny," it said, calm and reassuring. "You are stronger than you realize."

Drawing on reserves of strength she didn't know she possessed, Aveny fought back with all her might. With a sudden burst of energy, she wrenched herself free from the intruder's grasp, stumbling backwards as she struggled to regain her footing.

But the intruder was relentless, their eyes burning with a fierce intensity as they advanced on her once more. With nowhere left to run, Aveny braced herself for the inevitable confrontation, steeling herself for whatever fate awaited her.

Little did she know, the shadows looming over her were just the beginning of a much larger conspiracy—one that threatened to consume her whole. But with the strength of her will and the fire in her heart, Aveny Verma was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the intruder closed in, their intentions still shrouded in mystery, Aveny squared her shoulders and prepared to meet her fate head-on. For she knew that no matter what trials awaited her, she would emerge stronger on the other side.