

With a devious smile on his face, Vice Head Faiz looked at the young Elder and replied. "I take it that you resist?"

[It's not enough, I need more justification from this dog.]

Exactly, he wanted justification. In Zarion Academy, the division's higher ups can do anything they want as long it is within the boundary of their own division.

Though for the Division Head, getting rid of an Elder is still complicated. He could get rid of him right here and now, but then he had to get rid of the witnesses. Since he can't possibly get rid of all the Elders…

[Oh wait! On second thought, that's not a bad idea.]

Anyway… since he could not get rid of all the Elders, he had to go the other route.

For any Division, the rules were sacred and could not be broken. While these rules were most times considered bullshit. If it fits their agenda, they will uphold it like it was their most precious principle.

Clearly they were no different than corrupt politicians.

Breaking them will result in consequences that will be decided upon by the Division Head. Coincidentally, the very first rule is, 'The Division Head's command is absolute'. So the young Elder was already screwed.

"Of course I resist! Who are you to relinquish my position! I'm an Elder!" Never once had someone talk down to him after he became an Elder. Instead most people would try to curry favours.

The Syamil Smile on Vice Head Faiz's face was getting wider and wider.


"Since you resist, by my power as the Vice Head of the Refining Division, I hereby declare you guilty of breaking rule one of the Refining Division!" He turned to face Division Head Syamil.

"What will the punishment be?"

"The punishment?" He smiled. "Well DEATH of course!"

Only now did the young Elder know what he was in for. He may not be that smart, but he is, or was, after all an Elder. He at least needed enough brain cells to understand that he messed up.

"No.. I… I didn't…" He tried to defend himself but words won't come out.

Vice Head Faiz after receiving confirmation, released his aura. "It's been a while since I last stretched."

His aura was fierce and suffocating to even the Elders. Only Division Head Syamil was not the least bit affected.

Within a blink of an eye, he disappeared from view, and arrived in front of the young Elder.

"N-N-No PLEASE!" Before he could mutter another word, he was captured by Vice Head Faiz by the throat.

In another blink, both of them disappeared.

Silence filled the room.

The younger Elders had no idea what just happened, while the older ones' faces darkened. They only had 4 exact words in their head, "Level. 9. Martial. Practitioner!"

Their minds froze. If they were not mistaken, 60 years ago, the Vice Head was still Level 6! How did he improve so quickly? If he reached Level 7 or 8, it was within the bounds of reason, but Level 9 Martial Practitioner?

Even the City Mayor did not reach this level at that age.

It seems the tides will be changing soon.

They need to be wise about this. If they stand on the wrong side, they will undoubtedly die. The best choice right now was to obediently follow the Division Head.

A few moments later, Vice Head Faiz returned. Now, no one dared look at him in the eye. In fact, they couldn't even look to his direction.

Division Head Syamil saw this and was pleased.

[Hmph! To round up dogs, you just need to kill one. Spineless. But still useful.]

"Now I assume none of you have any objections?"

All Elders shook their heads uniformly, "None. None whatsoever."

"Good. Since we're all on the same page, make sure your disciples don't step out of bounds."

"Absolutely! Please excuse us." They left in a hurry. They could not stand to wait another second inside that office.

If the Division Head had enormous influence before, he now was untouchable. They needed to make sure their disciples don't do anything stupid and offend the new Successive Disciple.

"So that was your plan." Inside the now empty office, only Vice Head Faiz and Division Head Syamil was present.

"Not exactly. I thought you would just continue sleeping."

"Hmph! So I was your lapdog." He was not pleased.

Division Head Syamil did not reply, but stared at his Vice Head, "You think I made the right choice?"

They stared at each other for a while, before finally replying, "Who knows? Since you made it, just stick through." He yawned for a final time before walking back into his room.

"Keep your promise. Don't bother me for a while."

Just when Division Head Syamil was about to relax, a knock came. "Division Head. Pardon me for bothering." It was one of the previous Elders.

"What's the matter?"

"Medical Division's Division Head has requested a meeting." He spoke slowly. This was an important news after all.

The Syamil Smile appeared again, and Division Head Syamil replied, "I'll meet her now." Vice Head Faiz had his entertainment, now it was time for his.


While this was going on, our protagonist had long left the Refining Division's Headquarters. He was walking outside with Asyraaf accompanying him.

Both of them had not talked at all, and it was getting quite awkward. Asyraaf couldn't bear the awkward silence, but he did not know what to say.

He was the one who got Zhang Wei trapped into this mess. He wasn't mad at all that Zhang Wei was named the Successive Disciple, instead if Zhang Wei accepted, he would be glad.

Since he was not that interested in the position.

But he knew, Zhang Wei was trying to keep a low profile.

Zhang Wei was a top expert, so the position of Successive Disciple was not even slightly attractive. In fact, Asyraaf was scared that Zhang Wei would feel offended and was angry at him.

I have to apologize.

"S-Sir Zhang. I…"

"There! There he is! There's Roland!"

Asyraaf couldn't apologize in time. A loud shout interrupted him, so he was annoyed.

"Who the fuck is it!" He growled.


UnKnown1998creators' thoughts
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