
Auror's Work

Auror Davy, An Auror that somehow got involved with worldly matters. "Sigh, This is way above my paygrade".

supremelder · Films
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Spiderman sat there thinking about the pros and cons of registering and up to now all he could think of was the cons.

If he registered, he will be the first of his 'species' and as such he would become a figure of interest to many wizards and witches,

Which is not something he wants, afterall his identity needs to stay a secret.

The pro is that he gets to discover a ehole new world, one filled with magic and creatures only mentioned in the myths,

He could find potions to heal himself in minutes or even seconds and other stuff that could make his hero life easier but he couldn't afford to do that if ot meant his identity wouldn't be a secret anymore.

I am sorry Mr.Davy, I have family and friends to take care of and if people knew my secret identity, their life would be in danger". He said apologetically.

He was thinking more about the possibility that if he registered Peter as a new species maybe the ones hiding would come out as well,

after the war many species had taken a hit in population and went into hiding and after the new government nobody came out of their hiding,

they were scared that due to the new government still being in its infancy, it could be destroyed anytime and if they came out with their minuscule numbers they would face true extinction.

"You are right. i hadn't thought of that my apologies". Davy shook his head embarrassed.

"You know what, don't register him at all, introduce him to the magical world afterall it's not like he has to be registered to see the magical world". said Cho uninterested.

"Is is that possible?". Asked Peter.

"Sure, there many muggles who live in the magical world, my parents are among them so yeah it's possible".

"Well then it's settled, Peter clear your schedule for tomorrow and i'll be your guide to the new world hahaha". Davy laughed.

"Actually, tomorrow i've got school so i can't". Said peter sheepishly.

"And you've got reports lying on your desk that will keep you busy tomorrow so you can't either fool". Interjected Cho.

Davy just laughed it off and suggested another day, They planned it on the day after as it eould be a saturday then and with that peter left to do some more vigilante stuff before going home.

"This world is becoming different by the day, wether it be the magical world or the muggles world". Davy sighed as he stared at the swinging spiderman.

"Yes it is, there is an additional super human to the world now too". Said Cho.

"After those Hulks and those sorcerers and the man in metal i think more is coming, i can feel it". He said.

A few years ago there was a fight between two humongous creatures, the aurors that were present couldn't do anything other than protecting the people around them,

they wouldn't have interfered but the battle took close next to one of Wizard schools in new york and to add more problems to it,

there was an event going on there that resulted in there being more wizards and witches than normal. Every Auror in whole new york was there to take away as many people as they could without rising any suspicion from the two hulking giants fighting each other.

They used mirroring magic to leave behind a projection of the person they would save, at other places they would use the destruction to their advantage and use portkeys to take away a mass of people. That night was ingraved to ever wizard and witch that was present there, for the aurors it was the most tiresome day of their life.

Even after the battle they had to wipe out the memories of themselves from the people they saved without wiping the battle from them as it would arise a big suspicion from the muggle world if many of the people that were present at the battle didn't remember anything.

They would bring themselves out the dark and into the light of the muggles which wasn't something they could deal with since they just came out of a war that had taken many lives and resources, it would set them back in time to when they were hiding in covens, living in fear that they would be discovered today or tomorrow.

Although now they are still in hiding but not for fear of being discovered and killed, as a matter of fact, are they in hiding?. If you looked from a different perspective, you would see that they living in both worlds, a magical one that was much bigger than the muggles world.

The only thing was that wizards and witches have grown up from young thinking that they were in hiding and as such you would get some who think that they could be the 'chosen one'

the one that could lead them out of the shadows and bring them to their rightful place in the hierarchy of the world not knowing that the muggles were the ones living blind, not knowing that just next to them there is a bank run by goblins or that there is a dragon reserve.

Living blind is much more terrifying .